• Business Value Dashboard examples

    Hi everyone, I am trying to develop a dashboard using BVD 2020.10 Containerized. Documentation at Containerized Operations Bridge 2020.10 UseBVD is a little too concise and while I was able to use some simple widget (Label, Status etc) and send data to…
  • CentOS end of life

    How does MF respond to https://blog.centos.org/2020/12/future-is-centos-stream/ since CDF is supported on CentOS ? Maybe time to consider SUSE as supported platform for CDF ? Regs Mare
  • HA_VIRTUAL_IP change

    Hello guys, As I knew, the parameter HA_VIRTUAL_IP is mandatory if you want to install multiple master nodes. It is specified and configured in the install.properties file before running the CDF installation. However, I would like to re-configured it…
  • Failed to install ETCD from 2019.08.0030

    HI, I have tried to install CDF 2019.08 on RHEL 7.2, but encounter below issue: 2019-07-15T17:55:39 03:00 INFO : Configure and start the ETCD database ................................ [ FAILED ] 2019-07-15T17:57:55 03:00 FATAL : Failed to start ETCD database…
  • Error opening Certificate /opt/arcsight/kubernetes/ssl/client.crt

    I am running into an error installing CDF 2019.05. The install completed with no errors but then when I do a kube-status.sh, I see the error below. I am running this on CentOS 7.6. I have attached logs and output. Error opening Certificate /opt/arcsight…
  • Issue deploying CDF 2019.05

    Hi all, Trying to install SMAX 2019.05, using the Walkthrough: Set up an on-premises demo environment guide. The error I'm having is still while deploying CDF. All the pre-requisites seem to be in place, however I'm getting the following error: 2019-06…
  • admin user password change

    After CentOS 7.6 updates, am not able to login to management portal. Seems like admin user password got corrupted. Is there a way to change the admin user password from CLI? Its a NOM Express 2019.02 deployment(demo) on CentOS 7.6 before the linux software…
  • Configuration Items are not getting displayed in OO Central. After click Microfocus OO 20108.05

    Hi Team we upgraded the OO from 10.22 to 2018.05, after that we are facing an issue with configuration items. when we click on the configuration items , its loading but not displaying. its taking so much with 0 result. Please help us with the resolution…