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NNM9i - custom poller - specific bgppeerstate

I want to be able to check every 15 minutes on the bgppeerstate of an connection ipaddr and if the state is not 6 generate an Incident. I do not want to check all nodes in a node group and all instances on them if possible.

This was a simple task in nnm7 with data collection - but I am just not getting to grips with it in nnm9.

Can someone give me an helping hand?

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    We are running NNMi 8.13 but I'm sure custom poller has to be very similar concept. Here is what you can try:

    First, setup a custom poller collection with: MIB Poll Variable = bgpPeerState OID
    MIB Filter Variable = you might have to double check but I think you want the bgpPeerLocalAddr OID

    Then, set up a comparison map like this:
    Order 1; polled value = 6; state mapping = Normal
    Order 2; polled value != 6; state mapping = Critical

    Now you can save your collection and set up a policy for it:
    Map your policy to the collection you just created and specify the node group where your node belongs (or create a new node group with just this node in it). Then, in the MIB Filter, you should put your or whatever value corresponds to your bgpPeerLocalAddr MIB Filter entry.

    I have done something very similar and it works great! Only difference is we filter based on bgpPeerAdminStatus = 2 which I don't think is your goal.

    Hope this helps.
  • 0

    We are running NNMi 8.13 but I'm sure custom poller has to be very similar concept. Here is what you can try:

    First, setup a custom poller collection with: MIB Poll Variable = bgpPeerState OID
    MIB Filter Variable = you might have to double check but I think you want the bgpPeerLocalAddr OID

    Then, set up a comparison map like this:
    Order 1; polled value = 6; state mapping = Normal
    Order 2; polled value != 6; state mapping = Critical

    Now you can save your collection and set up a policy for it:
    Map your policy to the collection you just created and specify the node group where your node belongs (or create a new node group with just this node in it). Then, in the MIB Filter, you should put your or whatever value corresponds to your bgpPeerLocalAddr MIB Filter entry.

    I have done something very similar and it works great! Only difference is we filter based on bgpPeerAdminStatus = 2 which I don't think is your goal.

    Hope this helps.
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