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I am using the ITAM web service, but WAS crashes for no reason.

Hello guys, I'm Jiwook.

I am using the ITAM web service, but WAS crashes for no reason.

Looking at the WAS log, there is no situation that could be a particular issue.

If anyone has seen this situation, please let me know the solution.

<ITAM Server>
- OS : Windows 2012 R2 Std
- CPU : 8core
- Memory : 32GB
- HARD : C:\ 100GB, D:\ 200GB
- Asset Manager Version 9.62
<ITAM WAS Server>
- OS: RHEL 6.9
- CPU : 8 Core
- Memory : 16GB
- Filesystem : 200GB
- Using Weblogic
<ITAM WEB Server>
- OS: RHEL 6.9
- CPU : 4 Core
- Memory : 8GB
- Filesystem : 200GB
- Using Apache
  • 0  


    First need to say that if your version is AM 9.62, i suggest you consider an upgrade as soon as possible. Else you may not be able to get full support if open a ticket.

    The information is very less. Maybe if you could share some logs from the crash? The reasons for a sporadic crash may be a lot. Like network disruption, high load on AM web, performing actions with thousands of records, like mass delete/import/update through the AM web. Java memory, etc..