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Zenworks deploy linux agent issue

Hi all,

I have a zenworks version 2020 installed. i tried to deploy agent to a linux server but it freezes on the installing part

I installed it manually on the linux server and still not appeared in zenworks portal as a server added 

both firewalls are disabled on zenworks and on the linux server, and no problem with the relative ports, all are opened 

so any idea or any hint how to troubleshoot or how to fix this issue?

Thank you

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    have you tried to manually register the device to the zone after the agent is installed using "zac reg"?

    It's possible for some reason the agent package does not have the proper details on how to automatically register the device to the zone.


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    thank you for your reply 

    my question is why if i use the deployment from zenworks it freezes on installing do i have to do any pre steps or i have first to install manually the agent on a linux server then make it as a proxy server in an other linux agent deployment ?

    cuz for windows we must have a proxy server first. it is the same for linux servers?

    thank you 

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    See -

    Along with SSH there is this....

    IMPORTANT:For Linux devices ensure that you copy the ZENworks11-gpg-pubkey.asc key on to the device and execute the import rpm --import ZENworks11-gpg-pubkey.asc command to avoid errors. The ZENworks11-gpg-pubkey.asc is key is available in the ZENworks 2020 iso.

    I'm not sure what issue would happen if that was not done.

    Note: The file name is still ZENworks11....., even for ZCM2020.

    However, in your example I'm not even sure if your remote deployment is failing.  It may simply be failing to register to the zone which would impact the success details.  

    Since even a manual install fails to register to the zone, I would get that working first so you are not troubleshooting multiple issues at the same time.


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    Hi Craig,

    Thank you again for your reply it was helpful.

    I want to ask you one more question since its my first time using linux server with zenworks, my question is why the DAU is all time pending and no patches info came from the linux server i cannot see any not patched info. Do i have to do any step before the DAU ?

    Thank you 

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    I presume the Discover Applicable Updates (DAU) are running fine on your Windows Devices and they are seeing patches?  Just trying to confirm this is not a general issue with DAUs but is specific to your environment.

    What OS are your Linux Boxes?  Are they listed

    Also see -

    It appears that rpm-python is required to be installed.

    Note: ZPM will not patch OES Servers.  However, there are some items built into ZCM itself that will allow ZCM to patch your OES Servers.


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    Hi Craig,

    I am trying to install patches on a test linux server redhat 7.8, i am using zenworks 2020 the deploy agent from zenworks was succeeded and i am doing a DAU test by server refresh  the patches in zenworks appeared but the DAU still pending not succeeded so do you think that i have to install the rpm-python on the test server. from where i can get it?

    Thank you  

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    #1 - I'm not a Linux Guru nor RedHat Expert...So take the following is simply based upon some quick Internet Searches not personnel expertise on the subject.

    The link I gave has some download links for Python, but I would query the Red Hat forums/support folks for the details on installing it.

    It appears RH7 has Python 2.7 built-in and is heavily dependent upon it.  Python 2.7 was EOL in 2015 but that was extended to 2020.

    Python 3.x was released in 2008 and is the current version of Python and is what is included with RH8 and later.

    However, it appears possible but not easy to get a current version of Python on RH7's best to ask in the RH Forums about getting Python 3 installed.  You may even want to test first on a test RH VM to make sure all is good.


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    Note: A co-worker does not believe you have Python issues.  Also if the RH Patches are now showing in ZPM, then that would indicate DAU ran and discovered those patches.

    Maybe it's more about the deployment.  Keep in mind DAU does not install any discovers needed patches.


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    HI Craig,

    when i go to security-->patches no not patched are detected and still now the DAU is pending i refreshed the servers manually and still no changes 

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    The DAU analyze scripts do use python but it shouldn't need to be updated.   And the patch agent bundle (which is launched by the DAU) includes an install python-rpm install action if you didn't have it installed already.

    failure to scan based on python missing wouldn't cause the pending status, it would show as success but all patches marked as not applicable.

    I had no problem running DAU on a RHEL 7.8 device using the python installed by the base install.  you mention that you are refreshing the rhel server.  is DAU set to run on refresh?  

    it would be good to separate out the issues of bundle in pending status (not running on schedule) vs. running and reporting not patched results.

    I would recommend that you put the RHEL server into full debug mode, do a zac bv or bln to explicilty launch the Discover Applicable updates bundle and get a zac zeninfo.