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File Reporter Integration Tab missing

Micro Focus Storage Manager Version:
File Reporter Web Application and Engine
Both installed on the same Windows 2016 server.

The Micro Focus Storage Manager 5.0 for eDirectory Administration Guide, section 9.1.2, has a Note: "File Reporter reports on Storage Manager policies through a plug-in installed in SMAdmin. The plug-in allows administrators to create Storage Manager detailed, policy- based storage reports by reporting on the target paths associated with Storage Manager policies."

Again from the same documentation "If you have Micro Focus File Reporter installed in your network, you can click the File Reporter Integration tab to view the status of the integration between Storage Manager and File Reporter."

I do not see a "File Reporter Integration tab".

Where is this plug-in?
Is it installed and I need to activate it somehow?

File Reporter Configuration, File Management has the status: "Successfully connected to the File Management Engine"

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