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Network Broadcast


Network BroadCast is a program that we adapted from the same program provided from the ActiveX Controls for Novell Services. This version is different in that it enables the user to send a broadcast to all users currently logged onto the selected server(s).

The user can edit the "MsgDat.Data" ascii text file to customize the "Custom" messages available within the program. Currently, the file contains several examples that can be adapted for use or deleted.

The enclosed "Network Broadcast Program - Cool Tools.doc" word document provides instructions on how to use the program. If necessary, the user may have to register the "NWSrvA.ocx" or "NWDir.ocx" files using the regsvr32 program. Specifically, the user would select "Start - Run" and enter the following:

      regsvr32 C:\winnt\system32\nwsrva.ocx

9-26-02: Fixes problem with no servers being found.

Originally submitted by Chris Premo; Updated by Vance Fryer.


Chris Premo

Vance Fryer



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