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iPrint Appliance 5.x SSL Cert renewal issue

I am attempting to renew the SSL certificates for my iPrint Appliance. When I generate the CSR and upload it to my CA to generate the certificate needed the iPrint appliance will error stating 
"A chain of trust cannot be formed with the uploaded certificates. Upload valid certificates."

I followed this link to create the certificates for the server: Certificate Installation on iPrint Appliance - iPrint Tips & Information - OpenText iPrint (
I am using as my Wildcard Certificate but am lost at to what I am doing wrong that the server doesn't like the uploaded certificate. 

Is there a new way this is supposed to be done?



  • 0

    Have you resolve your certificat ?
    Could you tell us why you use Wildcard Certificate ?

  • 0 in reply to 

    I was able to resolve this after having an SR opened and the support tech reviewing what was going on. I use the Wildcard cert to have multiple services with SSL certs and saving money in the process.
    The support tech ended up creating a p12 file using the files downloaded from via the Apache download link for that cert.

  • 0 in reply to 

    I was able to resolve this after having an SR opened and the support tech reviewing what was going on. I use the Wildcard cert to have multiple services with SSL certs and saving money in the process.
    The support tech ended up creating a p12 file using the files downloaded from via the Apache download link for that cert.

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