Response: 554 Network connection failed while processing QUIT command

Since the 1/17/2024 we are receiving a new failure message to .mac and .me domains.


Transcript of session follows: Command: Data... Response: 554 Network connection failed while processing QUIT command

How should i proceed with diagnosing and fixing the error.

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    The destination domains do not accept mail from the source SMTP server is the reason for a 554. This can be many things, in rctp to a wrong addressee up to the issue that e.g. the destination system can not determine the A-record of the source or this is wrong.

    Off the top of my head: Is the sender IP or sender domain on a blacklist? check your own mail server here


    “You can't teach a person anything, you can only help them to discover it within themselves.” Galileo Galilei

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    to follow-up on this: mxtoolbox shows passing for all tests today. Error still exists.
    No Blacklist. DKIM, DMARC and SPF all passing.

    Just to confirm: no others using SMG are having issues sending mail to, and/or domains where the gwia is using SMG as the outbound relay?

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