DVA Cannot display attachment

Dear All,

I need some help on this : In Groupwise Web is not possible to view documents ( pdf / doc / xls )  : Cannot display attachment

Webaccess 24.1.0  docker image on a separate vm, Groupwise 

Images can be viewed, just no documents

DVA console reports :

 Worker 2 returned successfully Converted File

So conversion should be working. Howver it is not.


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    there is a newer build for gw24.1 build 145357 for client and server. Open a case on your support portal and ask for this new build.
    Then you can try is this trouble is solved. When not open a case for your trouble, so that this can be solved in gw24.2 coming soon this month
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    Is the DVA setup for SSL as this is required for GW web to be able to use it, you can use this TID to create a certificate 

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    Thanks  yes it was setup for ssl, and if I look in the GDVA log it shows :

    04-09-24 09:27:47 HTTP: Establish SSL connection with ::ffff: on socket 6

    So setup for ssl, and working. It also converts, but does not show in the gwweb.

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    So I hope is your web client server, isn't it?

    Do you use "-e GWSOAP_SSL_VERIFY=off " in your web client startup script?

    What do you see if you run docker logs gwweb and try to render?

    Use "Verified Answers" if your problem/issue has been solved!

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    Docker logs gwweb shows :

    [error] 779#779: *519 upstream SSL certificate does not match "localhost.com" while SSL handshaking to upstream, client:, server: groupwise.***.nl, request: "POST /dva HTTP/1.1", upstream: "">", host: "groupwise.****.nl", referrer: "">groupwise.****.nl/.../default" - - [10/Apr/2024:22:36:32 +0000] "POST /dva HTTP/1.1" 502 150 "" "">groupwise.*****.nl/.../default" "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:124.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/124.0" "**7.**2.**2.**2"

    So groupwise server is, gwweb is running on, and the is the Nginx in front.

    - So as I see it the SSL forward on nginx is not working the way it should be, am I correct ?

    - Any tips on this ?

  • Suggested Answer

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    This indicates the SubjectAlternativeName in the certificate is not matching the hostname so please go over the TID as I mentioned in the previous post and use the correct hostname etc when creating the certificate used by the DVA. The current certificate seems to have localhost.com which is not the same as hostname -f returns on the server the DVA runs

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    Followed your TID

    - yes now it has an Subject Alternative Name:

    - no it still does not work

    Same error. But my guts are on the nginx server, since it mentions connecting upstream and the ip adress of the nginx server.

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    The SAN is there but the point was the name in the SAN is not correct, the error indicates this as well. If this is the same error still like you reported "upstream SSL certificate does not match "localhost.com" 

    All certificates DVA and POA must have the SAN on a valid hostname so it must match the hostname -f and this must be a FQDN i assume looking at the original error non of the servers have (or should have ) the name localhost.com as this is not  FQDN 

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    Yes still the upstream error. And I can open all mails and attachments, only not view the documents inline.
    I think this is because of the NGINX server I have put in front of my servers, this is proxy-ing the traffic.
    But somewhere this messes up the DVA stream.

    Update ; took the Nginx server out of the equation, but even when I connect directly to the docker image, and try to render an attachment, it still throughs this error. So it is not the NGINX.
    Any clues where to check for this "localhost.com" ?

    Or shall I re-do the config of the docker gwweb image ?

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    Try to run a 'docker logs gwweb' (I assume your container uses this name Innocent).

    Use "Verified Answers" if your problem/issue has been solved!