How do I export my GW Calendar?
I'm trying to import it into my personal Goggle calendar so I can at least see when I have work events scheduled. I don't need specifics, I just need to see time blocks.
DevOps Cloud
IT Operations Cloud
How do I export my GW Calendar?
I'm trying to import it into my personal Goggle calendar so I can at least see when I have work events scheduled. I don't need specifics, I just need to see time blocks.
Exporting calendars is not enough I assume. Export is static information. You need dynamic information because your appointments will change.
Therefore you have to continue with Calendar Publishing Host (part of GroupWise but application has to be installed by an administrator). Afterwards you will have the ability to publish your calendar.
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Thank you. I've reached out to our IT department.
IT says no go due to security concerns.
None the less, thanks for the answer.
I know it is not easy to discuss. But access can be limited to single users ...
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I know it is not easy to discuss. But access can be limited to single users ...
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