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Client 14.2.2 (126868): Right Click on mail and Move To


I don't know exactly since when (I think since SP2), but now the right click on an item and selecting the "move to folder"-option is not as intelligent as before. I always was surprised, that GW shows me the correct folders to move the item in and it was a quick way to organize my mails. But this functionality is not working any more.
Anyone seeing this behavior as well? Can I reset the folder-entries of this contextmenu anywhere? Maybe something is confusing the client. Registry?



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    Am 29.05.2017 um 10:34 schrieb verkehrsverbund:
    > Hello,
    > I don't know exactly since when (I think since SP2), but now the right
    > click on an item and selecting the "move to folder"-option is not as
    > intelligent as before. I always was surprised, that GW shows me the
    > correct folders to move the item in and it was a quick way to organize
    > my mails. But this functionality is not working any more.
    > Anyone seeing this behavior as well? Can I reset the folder-entries of
    > this contextmenu anywhere? Maybe something is confusing the client.
    > Registry?

    Admittedly, I never paid much attention to this, but here on my
    2014R2SP2 client it seems to always suggest some folders based on the
    frequency they are/were used recently. Is that not what you see and expect?

    Massimo Rosen
    Micro Focus Knowledge Partner
    No emails please!
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    Hi Massimo,

    a part of the list is/was depending on the frequency (or last used?), another part was the "intelligent" part. If I had collected mails from one adress in a special folder and I made a rightclick on a new mail, this folder was shown in the upper list. This worked for domain-names as well. I never caught the logic behind that, but it worked most of the time and was a great feature. I'm missing that behavior now.

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    Hi Philipp

    There were some issues with this feature in build 126868. If you open a Service Request you can get a newer build which addresses this.

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    Hi Laura,

    thank you, I opened a SR.

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    OK, it was a bug and not a feature... :)

    Thanks for help