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GroupWise REST API

Good morning,
Customer is attempting to use REST to move a GW Resource, the Resource has a "/" symbol in it, for example: my/resource~ when they attempt to perform the move there is an error, which we are assuming is the issue with the "/" is there a way to encapsulate that Resource name such as in single quotes 'my/resource' or double quotes "my/resource"
Thank you for any assistance that can be offered


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    Hi Daniel

    To move a resource:


    curl -k --user admin:novell -H "Content-Type:application/json" -X POST --data '{"sources":[{"id":"RESOURCE.dom1.po1.testmove","resourceOwnerId":"USER.dom2.po2.user1"}],"postOfficeId":"POST_OFFICE.dom2.po2"}'


    admin = GW Admin User
    novell = password
    change IP to that of the correct server
    "testmove" is the name of the resource being moved.
    ResourceOwnerID is the NEW resource owner
    postOfficeID is the post office the resource is being moved to.



