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Support Tip: Upgrade or Migrate?


When "upgrading" a Data Protector (DP) cell, the supported procedure differs depending on the version to "upgrade" from.

  • Direct upgrade
  • Migration + Upgrade
  • Upgrade + Upgrade

A migration means a new cell manager is installed and the data from the old cell is migrated to the new cell. This migration is a manual process as opposed to what is known from the "classical" upgrade. A classical upgrade means running an installation on the existing cell which will detect the existing IDB and take care of the upgrade automatically.

Currently there are 2 important DP versions to keep in mind when deciding on the "upgrade" process.

  • DP 10.70 came with a new PostgreSQL (IDB) version. An upgrade from versions prior to 10.70 is giving challenges and is not supported anymore.
  • DP 11.01 is the officially tested version for migration.

The 11.01 documentation is specifying the migration process from earlier versions to 11.01: Migrate Cell Manager.

So, the different options to upgrade/migrate are:

  • DP version currently under committed support: A direct upgrade to a later version is supported
  • DP 10.60 and earlier (including 9.x): A migration to 11.01 is required before upgrading from 11.01 to a later version
  • DP version not under committed support 10.70 and later: An upgrade to LTS version 11.01 or 23.4 is required before upgrading to a later version

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