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Connect StoreOnce to different CM ?

I tried to migrate our Cell manager to a new server but after 3 weeks I gave it up. There are many errors in database and always something didn't work, etc.

I installed new Cell Manager(latest relase) and I want to connect with existing StoreOnce and import backups to a new CM.

Before I start I want to ask if it`s possible ? I found this post where are some scripts how to import in command line

How is process ? Import client of StoreOnce server in new CM, create Device in Devices & Media, use scripts for importing ?

Thank you

  • Suggested Answer



    I don't think it is crucial to import the same client, but you can do that of course. And yes, the next step would be to create the device and have it point to the existing store. You can select the store in the GUI after entering the correct hostname or IP for the StoreOnce device. That should give you access to the store, but the problem left is the store objects are not known on the DP side yet. For that you need to find a way to create slots based on the store object list and import those slots. You can try the scripts from the "old" post. Or if you're elevating a support case, support can help with a perl script too.


  • Suggested Answer



    I don't think it is crucial to import the same client, but you can do that of course. And yes, the next step would be to create the device and have it point to the existing store. You can select the store in the GUI after entering the correct hostname or IP for the StoreOnce device. That should give you access to the store, but the problem left is the store objects are not known on the DP side yet. For that you need to find a way to create slots based on the store object list and import those slots. You can try the scripts from the "old" post. Or if you're elevating a support case, support can help with a perl script too.


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    Thanks. I imported most of slots from StoreOnce but many of them ended with error. I suppose that in my StoreOnce is plenty of files where is no relation to database. Is there some way how to clean up StoreOnce from unused files ?

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    I just found this thread after having a very similar problem: "Migrating" a File Jukebox and a StoreOnce instance to a new CM.

    For the Jukebox, I simply added the files to the repository, then first scanned the slots, then imported them. Took some time with hight CPU load, but succeeded without a problem. Only disadvantage was that the media pool assignments got lost, and the media names did not match (it seems the name given when formatting is written to the media, but when changing the name later (specifically when having mass-formatted media) the name is only in the local database). So some extra work to do.

    For StoreOnce I created the device and reused the Store, but I see no repository and no slots, so I found no way to "Scan" the media present.

    Seems kind of pointless to be able to re-use a store when the media inside aren't found. I could understand if StoreOnce were the first release of a new product, but that's no longer the case.

    See also