DevOps Cloud
IT Operations Cloud
StarTeam integration with Ant
Does StarTeam support Ant?
The ant documentation is referring to an older version of StarTeam, for a more up to date set of instruction you may wish to look at the following article:,1963,32234,00.html>
You will need to install the correct version of the SDK for your StarTeam release, then assuming you are running ant directly with the ?java? command, make sure that your classpath includes the StarTeam SDK runtime jar.
The jar file required by ant will be called starteam.jar where is the version number of the StarTeam release installed.
For example:
"starteam60.jar" for StarTeam 6
"starteam70.jar" for StarTeam 2005 release 1
"starteam80.jar" for StarTeam 2005 release 2