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OpenText StarTeam
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StarTeam Tips
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StarTeam Knowledge Base
'CONVERT_DATE' must be declared when running a StarTeam purge
'DealerFeedJobTests.groovy' has encountered a problem
'move'ing artifacts inside the StarTeam repository, across projects, views or folders
'share'ing a StarTeam artifact across projects, views or folders
'stcmd' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file
'trace'ing a link/relationship between starteam artifact instances
'You are about to start a configuration having no license keys.' when starting StarTeam Server configuration even though a valid BLS license is installed
"An evaluation license already exists. Please delete it before proceeding"
"Conversion failed when converting the nvarchar value '.50.' to data type int."
"Internal view error: Cached share information is missing." when performing VCM operation
"Msg = Cannot find either column "dbo" or the user-defined function or aggregate "dbo.ConvertSTTimestamp", or the name is ambiguous." in server log
"Msg = Conversion failed when converting the nvarchar value .50. to data type int"
"No registered owner has been found for the given object" error when opening a view.
"StSDKLoader.dll" is not an executable file and no registration helper is registered for this file type.
"The reference view is not longer available. Its root folder has been deleted from the parent view"
"The selected configuration is not valid for the current view." message when using CruiseControl
"There are items needing fixup" warning message when starting StarTeam server
"Unable to connect to server: 10060, Connection timed out".
"Unable to load Java Virtual Machine" when launching the 14.0 Server Administration Console
(0x00000004) Msg = No such file or directory -> [FileName]=S:\Attachments\Changes_Attachments\000203F9
(View) Label Based Snapshots
01. User Service
02. Group Service
03. Type Service.
04. Property Service
05. Filter Service
06. Query Service
07. Project Service
08. View Service
09. Label Service
10. View Member Service
11. Work Records
12. Content Services
12.5 Client HF 1 is now available
12.5 Client HF 2 is now available
13.0 StarTeam Eclipse Client is now available
13.0 Update 1 HF1 server patch is now available
2005 R2 CPC fails to open the file when I double click on the file
2006 LDAP QuickStart Manager does not install SDK to an alternate directory
5.2 Additions to stcmd Command Line.
64-bit support for StarTeam Eclipse plugin
A Generic Micro Focus Hub REST Service
A rationale for the com.starteam SDK namespace
A user changed a filename in a project on StarTeam. How can I find out who changed it and to what name?
A Word on Forward and Backward Compatibility
Access Rights for View Compare Merge (VCM)
Access violation when trying to wrap VSS files
Accessibility and functionality issues with the Starteam Web Server Administration page
Active Directory password expiry policy
Active Users error message when editing Workflow or Edit types
ActiveX Clients and TrackRecord User Licenses
ActiveX error, can't create object
Add an additional step into an existing workflow
Add Detailed Stories to the Backlog
Add Quick Stories to the Backlog
add/remove users (resources) from tasks or requirements
Adding a New Project (Administrator)
Adding additional fields within the Layout Designer
Adding additional values to an enumerated custom field
Adding an attachment to a Change Request causes the Cross-Platform Client to hang
Adding an image into a StarTeam report
Adding an out-of-view folder throws error
Adding and Editing Project Story Tags
Adding and Editing Server Tags (Administrator)
Adding Custom (Pre-)Triggers for Check-in,Check-out, Add and Remove Labels
Adding or removing component access right hangs. What should I do?
Adding Server Tags
Adding Stories to the Backlog
Adding Tasks to a Story
Adding Users to StarTeam Agile
Additional options recommended for Message Broker
Addressing Error 91 in the TrackRecord web client
Addressing Orphaned Users
Administering folder level access rights
Administering Users with the manage-user command
Administrator Guide
After changing the Display Name for a custom field, why does the old Display Name still show in Custom Fields dialog?
After checking-in a file which has $log[x]$ keyword, it is no longer updating the last X revision comments
After converting my 5.0.2 TrackRecord database to 6.0.0, an Apply a Tag dialo
After installing Patch#11 for StarTeam 2005, why do the logfiles report the version as Patch#10 ?
After installing StarTeam Datamart 2005, errors occurred when tried to run the Datamart Extractor
After installing the CPC an error pops up saying that the "StarTeam SDK runtime is unable to modify your PATH environment variable"?
After installing the Linux Cross Platform Client (CPC), the locale is not correct
After migrating a VSS project to StarTeam why is there a one hour time difference on all labels between the two sources?
After moving a file to a different folder in the working directory and modified it, how can I check the file in to StarTeam using stcmd?
After promoting a file, it is not moved to the location where it was moved in the child view
After rebasing parent view to child view successful, why promoting to the parent from the child shows unresolved situations?
After restoring TrackRecord database, an error message states that the database may be damaged
After running a custom script which modifies Change Requests (CR), the CR numbers have increased.
After selecting labeled configuration, folder names are truncated to "..." unnecessarily.
After server migration, receiving errors "Invalid object name "dbo.ConvertSTTimestamp".
After upgrading from Starteam 2005 R2 to 2006, the following views are invalid due to missing tables. How can I resolve this?
After upgrading from StarTeam 6.0 to 2005, an error
After Upgrading my Starteam Client, why are the file Status" not updating correctly?
After upgrading QC 9.0 to QC 9.2, my test plans are no longer under version control.
After upgrading Server to 2008/2008 R2, Change Requests are opening in read-only mode.
After upgrading the StarTeam Client, file status are Unknown or will change from Current to Missing
After upgrading the StarTeam Client, the CPC will hang when loading custom tools
After upgrading to 2008 R2, we are witnessing very high MPX traffic at server startup.
After upgrading to StarTeam 2008 for Visual Studio 2005 intergation Microsoft BizTalk projects no longer function correctly in Visual Studio
After upgrading to StarTeam 2008 R2 the error "No such table or view "syn_ObjectSecurityLog"" is reported, and the Configuration fails to start.
Agile Planning and Tracking
Alternate form layout is lost when connection to server is lost.
Alternate Setup for Multi-User Environment
Alternate working directory folder structure
Alternate working directory not being used for child folders
Alternative to using Import Export Manager to duplicate a folder in a separate project
Alternative to using Import Export Manager to duplicate a folder in the same project
Alternative to using Import Export Manager to duplicate a View under a different Project
Alternative way of changing Starteam locale
An error occurred while processing file xxxxx in folder xxxxxx of the Target view. Unable to perform checkin. Invalid update command parameters.
An Integrated Web Application Domain Object Model
An internal error has occurred in /cgi-win/itemview.dll
An introduction to MPX
An introduction to StarTeam Change Packages
An introduction to StarTeam MPX
An introduction to StarTeam VCM tool
An issue with Default login credential.
An overview of the StarTeam access rights
An Overview Of The View Compare Merge Utility
An unexpected internal error occurred in: Content.writeToVault()
An unexpected internal error occurred in: ItemListSortCollection.createColumn(), prop.Type=14. Please contact Borland technical support
An unexpected internal error occurred in: MergeData.isMoved(), ascendant=null
Appendix for View Manager Command Line Syntax
Applying StarTeam Extension patch
Archiving databases
Are there any compatibility issues between current JRE and JRE the StarTeam client installs?
Are there any guidelines for SQL Server Data File and Transaction Log Size when setting up a StarTeam configuration?
Are there any known security vulnerabilities with StarTeam 2008 Server?
Are there any recommended steps for upgrading StarTeam?
Are there any StarTeam plugins for Microsoft Office?
Are there any tools for the Microsoft SQL Server Desktop Engine (MSDE)?
Are there any tools to help test that MPX is running correctly?
Are there priority rights and access rights assigned at the field level?
ASCII text files show up as binary files
Assign a Change Request to a future build label
Attach labels using the apply-label command
attach/detach file content from/to StarTeam artifacts using the attachment command
Attempting to run the script set-owner-to-dbo.sql leads to an "Invalid Column" error
Audit Log records two entries - Created and Added
Authenticating user logins against multiple Active Directory servers
AutoAlert not working in TrackRecord 6.0.0
Avoiding timeout errors when rebuilding a database
Avoiding Together files being changed when opening a diagram
Backlog Filters
Backlog Hierarchical View
Backlog Ranking View
BCO fails when used with UNC paths
BCO Utility no longer available in the StarTeam 12.0
BCO"s -exclude option and multi-level paths
Belise license error “License server does not recognize your StarTeam username”
Best practice for code reviews in StarTeam
Best Practices for managing externally supplied artifacts in StarTeam projects?
Best Practices for Tagging Your Backlog
Best way to perform database maintenance in TrackRecord
Blank error message when starting StarTeam CPC
BMS TeamInspector Supported Versions
Borland releases StarTeam VaultVerify for Native-II Vaults
Borland File Service
Borland License Server and StarTeam FAQ
Borland License Server backup fails to start and will not connect to the main server correctly.
Borland License Server doesn"t immediately release concurrent licenses after a user logs off
Borland Search extraction fails to start and the logs report 'Extraction already in progress'
Borland Search Server - Is running st_security.bat an one-time process?
Borland Search Server error: DES SecretKeyFactory not available
Borland Search Server fails or hangs indefinitely when extracting from StarTeam
Borland Search Server fails with this error "Unable to read extraction properties file: Invalid byte 2 of 2-byte UTF-8 sequence"
Borland Search Server password encryption
Borland Search Server runs out of memory (heap space). How do I increase it?
Borland StarTeam - Configuring the Borland Search Server
Borland StarTeam 2005 Release 2 Visual Studio 2005 Integration Now Available!
Borland StarTeam Products Affected by Daylight Savings Changes
Borland Starteam Standard Edition Product update
Borland Starteam Web Edition-CR only licenses
Borland.StarTeam.fileacess02.dll was not found
Breakdown View
Build number for StarTeam extensions
Build numbers for each StarTeam release version
Building a Project Team
Bulk Check Out (BCO) fails when using -fp and wild-card filter
Cache agent fails to install and says need to install C distribution executables
CacheJournal.dat file and its role in distributing files to remote cache agents
Can a DateTime custom CR field default to the current date?
Can a Dynamic default trigger another dynamic default?
Can a mapped drive be used for StarDisk working folder?
Can a StarTeam 2006 MSDE database be migrated to SQL Server Express for use with StarTeam 2008?
Can a StarTeam 6 be integrated with Borland C Builder 5/6?
Can a StarTeam hive reside on a different machine than the Server Configuration?
Can a user be given access rights to check in files without the access rights to modify file properties?
Can an Alternative Working Folder be selected without making changes to the Default Working Folder?
Can BLS be used with StarTeam legacy license
Can Borland License Server be configured to run as a Windows Service?
Can Borland recommend a third party tool that can be used as an alternate comparison tool with StarTeam?
Can DataMart execute concurrent extractions from the same Project or View?
Can files be linked across endpoints or server configurations?
Can I automatically log back in after being logged out by the inactivity timeout?
Can I check-out multiple files with the same name within the same folder?
Can I copy permissions from one project or view to another project or view?
Can I delete a StarTeam Hive?
Can I enter a comment when a file is deleted?
Can I export my user list from one StarTeam server to another?
Can I extract a list of all custom fields in a configuration?
Can I force StarTeam to recognise certain file types as binary files?
Can I generate a report showing the number of projects within my StarTeam configuration?
Can I generate reports in StarTeam Web Edition?
Can I have multiple versions of the StarTeam eclipse integration on the same machine?
Can I install the sample StarDraw database without installing MSDE?
Can I integrate StarTeam with Delphi 2007?
Can I merge my two StarTeam hives/vaults/archives into one?
Can I place the same Visual Studio solution in two or more StarTeam projects?
Can I retreive a specific file version using the StarTeamUrl class?
Can I retrieve an on-going VCM session that was interrupted by a PC crash?
Can I run StarTeam STCMD commands in a text console environment (non X-Windows)?
Can I run two different client versions of StarTeam at the same time on the same machine?
Can I See the Sample Views Provided with QATrackrecord?
Can I selectively Purge Audits for specific project & view?
Can I set an alternate working path for each project automatically?
Can I un-delete and deleted user in StarTeam client?
Can I use a custom StarTeam field to key multiple email notification templates
Can I use multiple network cards with MPX while running in a VMware environment?
Can I use StarTeam 2005 or 2005 R2 Integration for Visual Studio with StarTeam 2006 Server?
Can not link to a process item at check in
Can not run Setup.exe after installing Quality center add-in 9.0
Can Notification agent send emails on all file changes?
Can queries be created from the web to interface with the native TrackRecord?
Can SQL files or Stored Procedures be added to the StarTeam Vault?
Can Star Team Web Client use SSL?
Can StarTeam 2006 be integrated with Borland C Builder 2006?
Can StarTeam 5.2 client connect to StarTeam 6.0 Server?
Can StarTeam 6.0 client connect to a StarTeam 2005 server?
Can StarTeam authenticate to an SMTP server for sending email notifications?
Can StarTeam be configured as a Version Control System and not display artifacts, like Change Requests, which are not required?
Can StarTeam be installed on a 64 bit Linux environment?
Can StarTeam be installed on Linux with Fedora Core 5 operating system?
Can StarTeam Client function in an "off-line" mode?
Can StarTeam create a query or filter that filters the CR list to show a user the CR"s that are assigned to them?
Can StarTeam integrate with SQL Server Management Studio?
Can StarTeam integrate with the TOAD IDE?
Can StarTeam provide a list of private queries and filters and their owners?
Can StarTeam report on the number of views stored in the StarTeam Database?
Can StarTeam Server be started as a Windows Service from a command line?
Can StarTeam server handle the leap year day?
Can StarTeam use SAN devices for Hives?
Can TeamInspector schedule a build based on changes to tasks or CR's?
Can TeamInspector schedule a build based on the successful completion of a another build?
Can the "Beyond Compare" tool be used as an alternative merging tool in StarTeam?
Can the comment description field be mandatory when adding or checking in files?
Can the Cross-Platform Client be forced to use a specific timezone?
Can the location for starteam-client-options.xml be changed?
Can the same Visual Studio integration be used for the Starteam 2006 client and the 2005 R2 client?
Can the StarTeam 5.4 Client be used with StarTeam 2005 R2 Server?
Can the StarTeam Eclipse Integration add-on be used to work within IBM WebSphere Business Modeller?
Can the StarTeam Extensions email notification agent monitor more than 1 field of the StarTeam workflow?
Can the StarTeam Server run on a multi-processor machine?
Can UNC paths be used within the "Test Command" field to point to files outside of StarTeam?
Can you attach a label recursively with the apply-label command?
Can you change the behavior of a view after it is created?
Can you share a folder from one project to another and have different access rights for both?
Cannot add a column to the table: the size of the row will exceed the allowable maximum
Cannot change server property: Compression("Compression Level")" error during checking in a file with Web Edition
Cannot commit a VCM session after all file and folder conflicts have been resolved
Cannot connect to the StarTeam web server
Cannot convert 'ObjectName' from type java.lang.string to type java.lang.integer. Failed to save items.
Cannot convert "" from type java.lang.String to type java.lang.Integer.
Cannot create a row of size 8170 which is greater than the allowable maximum of 8060
Cannot create view with the same name as the previously deleted view
Cannot edit a Change Request in StarTeam Web Server 2009
Cannot find the object "ST_VIEWMEMBER" because it does not exist or you do not have permissions
Cannot insert duplicate key in object 'S12'
Cannot insert duplicate key row in object 'dbo.purged_attachment_ids' with unique index 'i_purged_attachment_ids'
Cannot load IA 32-bit .dll on an AMD 64-bit platform
Cannot login because Directory service support is disabled or the directory server down
Cannot run notification agent as a service
Cannot set a user defined property of a Folder
Capacity Planning
Capture Wireshark log from CaliberRM Client / StarTeam Client
Carrying Over a Story From One Sprint to Another
Carrying Over Incomplete Stories
Cause of error: Unexpected Condition: Expression: Info.DerivedCnt() == DerivedItemIDs.GetSize() ?
Cause of the error "missing archive" when trying to check in a file in StarTeam
Certificate recommendations when StarTeam 2009 Web Server uses secure HTTPS protocol
CGI Error when attempting to access the TrackRecord WebServer
Change ownership of StarTeam views in SQL Server
Change storage location for artifacts
Change the background color of the webserver by customizing
Change the default Java maximum heap size for StarTeam Cross-Platform Client on a Linux platform
Change the default port of StarTeam Web Server from '8080'
Change the font size in the fields within TrackRecord
Change the location of the Change Request cache
Changes made in StarTeam via SDK application are not committed
Changes to the Attached File items are not reflected in the change history of a
Check out by label checks out to the tip file location
Checkbox in custom form does not retain value when saved
checkinFromStream method in com.starbase.starteam.File class throws NullPointerException
Checkout a historical file revision using the StarTeam web client
Checkout all files checks out from all folders, even invisible ones.
Checkout all files for a project in a custom directory using StarTeam
Checkouts slow using Eclipse integration
Chinese Locale for CPC
Choose a StarTeam Client Version When Opening a URL
Clicking on a Starteam link in an email brings up an error?
Client installation does not run
Client performance issue using StarTeam with Microsoft Visual Studio 2005
Close cursor on commit
Cold Fusion Eclipse plug-in support
Column names in each table must be unique. Column name "F4" in table "S30" is specified more than once
com.borland.starteam.gui.swing.EmbeddedEditorsPane.addEditor( Source) Error while trying to retrieve Starteam server port
com.starbase.sps.Log::addError(Failed to Login)
com.starbase.starteam.MPXException: MPX is not installed on this server
com.starteam.exceptions.SDKRuntimeException: Illegal command select changes from ChangePackage
Combo boxes disappear unexpectedly when status is changed in a custom workflow
Comma in user name makes StarTeam unable to send emails from/to user
Command line change request export by filter
Comments added when a file is checked-in do not appear when the file is checked-out
Compare Config
Compare contents button on the toolbar displays, 'Files are identical'
Compare Contents does not give the correct result
Compare/Merge utility behaves differently in StarTeam than in standalone mode
Compare/Merge Utility opens in a modal window
Concurrent license stayed consumed after user logs out
Configuration file error: file is not accessible
Configuration file error: file is not accessible: x:\StarTeam\Production\HiveIndex\hive-index.xml
Configuration uses ODBC DSN connectivity, which is not supported
Configure StarTeam Search to exclude a project or view
Configure StarTeam Server to run as a Windows Service using a local user account
Configure Web Server for different configurations
Configuring BMS and BSS to run on same machine
Configuring Eclipse to create custom forms in StarTeam
Configuring StarTeam Administrators to receive email notification whenever a logon failure occurs
Configuring StarTeam Web Server to use SSL
Configuring the "from" email address for StarTeam notifications
Configuring the app-control.xml file
Configuring web session timeout in TrackRecord
Connecting the StarTeam server to the message broker.
Constrain dropdown fields in TrackRecord
Consuming the Service - a C# .NET example based on xml streaming
Consuming the service - a Java (Jersey) Client Example
Consuming the Service - a read only browser client
Control access rights on default working folder
Could not connect to RTServer
Could not connect to SMTP host:, port: 25;
Could not find the main class. Program will exit" when launching Cross-Platform Client
Could not find the main class: Files Program will exit
Could not initialize class com.borland.starteam.impl.util.Platform
Could NOT read file "C:\Borland\BLS4\db\LM_REPORTING.jds". Database version 0.0 cannot be opened by BRE version 2. (201,3)
Counting the lines of code in a project
CPC in HP-UNIX is throwing Error occurred during initialization of VM, Could not reserve enough space for object heap .
CPC on Linux is not working, the tree structure is all messed up and cannot scorll
CR form text field is set to be disbaled in Win32 client, but is still enabled in Web client
CR900: Enhancement request to be able to customize and change the "By Internal Key or Order" default under the "Sort Options" within the "Sort and Group" to "As Text".
CR942: A series of enhancement requests elated to filters and queries.
Create a report showing all the fields and their values within StarTeam based on a specific item type
Create an additional database to use in TrackRecord
Create ViewMember
Creating a child view based on a subset of files in the current view
Creating a customized calendar
Creating a Discussion Thread
Creating a New Release
Creating a New Sprint
Creating a PerfMon collector set for StarTeam on Windows 2008
Creating a query based on a specific date
Creating a Release
Creating a Sprint
Creating and attaching a new label via Jenkins
Creating database fails with message: Incorrect Syntax near "!"
Creating labels using the "label" command
Creating new blank databases based upon the structure of another
Creating private queries for viewing on the WebServer
Creating rules to disable fields in TrackRecord
Creating URL links for CR in Web Edition Client
Creation, application and freezing of labels using command line
Cross Platform Client (CPC) freezes when opening or creating a Change Request
Cross-Release Sprints
CStMpxEventManager::LoadAndInitializeEventHandler: Class = StXML, Code = 9(0x00000009) Msg = Failed to parse specified XML document
Current (Tip) View Queries
Custom Form (APE) error 'getWorkflowStatusPropertyName'
Custom form tool tips do not work
Custom Types List and the TrackRecord Webserver
Custom workflow is not honoured when using custom forms designed with Layout Designer
Customization disabled on custom tab of CR properties
Customize Swim Lanes for Project Teamboard
Customize the display of Embedded Item Details in StarTeam 2009 Web Client
Customizing synchronization between Microsoft Project and TrackRecord
Customizing the Email Notification Format
Customizing the fields to be displayed in the StarTeam Web Client
Customizing TrackRecord online help
cwaftrace.dll not found error after installation
Database Maintenance and Data Health\Integrity Check
DataMart 12.0 HF1 is now available
Datamart 2008 is not extracting all my Projects
DataMart 2009 HF8 is now available
Datamart change request data does not seem to match up with StarTeam
Datamart Connection refused.
Datamart error "The application-specific permission settings do not grant Local Activation permission for the COM Server application"
DataMart error: EXCEPTION: Could not complete cursor operation because the table schema changed after the cursor was declared
DataMart extract generates error: java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space
DataMart extract not exporting estimated story points in StarTeam 14.1
DataMart extraction error: "Cannot insert the value NULL into column 'ParentViewID', table 'AMER1_DM.dbo.ST_ITEMLINKS' column does not allow nulls."
DataMart extraction error: Primary key violation - cannot insert duplicate key in ST_FILEHISTORY
DataMart extraction fails to return expected data
Datamart extractor throws exception "The query processor ran out of stack space".
Datamart java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space
Datamart produces inconsistent data
DataMart Property File 'Strip EOL' option
Datamart Tips
DBCS filename is not recognized as known file type in StarTeam Web attachments
Debugging StarTeam Alternate Property Editors (APE)
Declare JAVA_HOME variable before each launch of StarTeam CPC on Linux
Default values assigned to mandatory enumerated fields in Workflow Designer are not displayed
Default working directory not transitioning between linux and Windows correctly
Defect and Requirement Story Cards
Definitions of HitRatio,Active Threads and Active Request
DEL2005 PRO English and German: Where is the Starteam client?
Delay when loading projects on the Web Server 12.0
Delaying the StarTeam server startup without using service dependencies
Delete View Member
Deleted users included in Datamart extraction
Deleting a custom component
Deleting multiple defects
Deleting multiple defects at the same time
Deleting projects from StarTeam
Deletion can not propagate to the read-only child view
Delphi 8-2005 - accessing an MS-Access Db with BDP Connection failed db already used and locked
Deploying a small or medium StarTeam configuration
Deploying default client options after installing StarTeam Server and Clients
Deploying Large StarTeam Configurations
Designing custom form with Eclipse
Designing StarTeam custom forms with JBuilder 2008 R2
Detach labels from artifact instances
Details description of this option -cfgd, and the format of AsOfDate parameter.
Developing Optimized Custom SDK Applications
Diagnosing Performance issues with the Cross-Platform Client
Difference between 'Exclude from Project' and 'Delete' options in Visual Studio Integration
Difference between a Named and a Concurrent StarTeam License
Difference between StarTeam error messages.
Disabling the automatic creation of process tasks during a VCM session
Disabling the default Administrator account
Display default value for an enumerated field in a form rendered by StarTeam custom workflow
Displaying multiple lines of a multi-line text field from an outline report
DLLs fail to register errors after installation
DM extractions running in update mode shows updates even though no changes were made to the data
Do folder level access rights stay with a folder when it is shared across projects?
DocFactory throws an error 'java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java Heap space' when retreiving StarTeam Traces
Documentation for default filters and queries for each item type within StarTeam
Documentation for symbols displayed by Star Team 2008 Eclipse Plug-In
Documentation on StarFlow Extensions
Does Borland provide documentation on the SDK API changes between various releases?
Does Borland Search adhere to the server access rights?
Does Borland Technical Support provide the ability to customize the sample DataMart reports?
Does keyword expansion work for Microsoft word files?
Does QATrackRecord's Web entry work with concurrent users? Can everyone enter
Does Star Team Server support Oracle
Does StarDisk require a license?
Does StarTeam 2005 R2 support Windows XP Professional x64?
Does StarTeam 2006 Quality Center support QC ver 9.2?
Does StarTeam 2006 R2 Eclipse Client support IBM RAD 7?
Does StarTeam 2006 support Oracle 10.2 RAC?
Does StarTeam 2008 support 64-bit environments?
Does StarTeam 2008 support Apple OS X?
Does StarTeam allow modal custom forms?
Does StarTeam currently have support for Oracle 10g R2?
Does StarTeam DataMart support BusinessObjects XI Release 2?
Does StarTeam determine the status of a file based on its contents or timestamp?
Does StarTeam Eclipse plug-in support Eclipse version 3.4?
Does StarTeam generate reports on license usage?
Does StarTeam have an Eclipse integration with IBM RAD?
Does Starteam have an option to let the username/password information be persistent between machine reboots?
Does StarTeam have any compliance issues with Leap Year?
Does StarTeam have direct integration to Oracle J Developer?
Does StarTeam have integration with JetBrains" IntelliJ® IDEA
Does StarTeam have support for CVS?
Does StarTeam have support for Symbolic Links?
Does StarTeam have support for the OpenVMS platform?
Does Starteam have the concept of triggers as does Perforce
Does StarTeam include deleted users in a DataMart extract?
Does StarTeam integrate with IBM Maximo?
Does StarTeam integrate with Team Foundation Server?
Does StarTeam make use of Oracle Intermedia functionality?
Does StarTeam offer support for Test Complete from Smart Bear?
Does StarTeam QC Synchronizer synch items from release module?
Does StarTeam Server 2009 R2 support Oracle 11g R2?
Does StarTeam Server 6.0 can work with Oracle 10G as it"s database?
Does StarTeam Server Support Microsoft SQL Server Replication?
Does StarTeam show if a folder in the StarTeam working directory has been re-named?
Does StarTeam support Subst?
Does StarTeam support 64-bit environments?
Does StarTeam support atomic check-ins?
Does StarTeam support automated fail-over?
Does StarTeam support AWE (Address Windowing Extensions)?
Does StarTeam support different license types installed on the same server?
Does StarTeam support Electronic Signatures?
Does StarTeam support Failover mechanisms in a clustered environment?
Does StarTeam support HP-UX Unix?
Does StarTeam support IBM AIX Unix?
Does StarTeam support Microsoft Project 2007?
Does StarTeam support Microsoft Vista?
Does StarTeam support migration from Subversion?
Does StarTeam support multiple Notification Agents?
Does StarTeam support on-line backups?
Does StarTeam support SQL Server 2008?
Does StarTeam support SQL Server Express?
Does StarTeam support the Borland License Server (BLS)?
Does StarTeam support the FLEXlm License Manager?
Does StarTeam support the integration to Visual Studio 2008?
Does StarTeam support UNC paths for working directories including those directories on Unix operating systems?
Does StarTeam support Unicode character sets?
Does StarTeam support Visual Studio _Web Site Projects_?
Does StarTeam support Windows 2003 service pack 2?
Does StarTeam supports Microsoft Log Shipping to duplicate the database?
Does StarTeam supports RAD 6.0.1?
Does StarTeam Synchronizer for Quality Center and StarTeam Quality Center Version Control integration work support HP Quality Center 10?
Does StarTeam TeamInspector support JRE 1.6?
Does StarTeam use Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) format?
Does StarTeam web edition work on Internet Explorer 7.0?
Does StarTeam"s Visual Studio 2005 integration support VS web projects?
Does the CheckOutTraceDump.exe utility report on files checked out from a Cache Agent?
Does the file in Child view gets update automatically when the file in Parent view is updated?
Does the Import Export Manager maintain item links when moving a StarTeam project?
Does the latest StarTeam Synchronizer support Mercury TestDirector 9.0 or Quality Center 9.0?
Does the on-line purge have an option to turn on detailed logging?
Does the StarTeam client broadcast the TCP/IP endpoint (port number) of the StarTeam server over the network when trying to connect, and is it encrypted?
Does the StarTeam Command Line (stcmd) always perform a Check-Out and Lock?
Does the StarTeam Cross-Platform Client (CPC) support ZoomText?
Does the StarTeam Microsoft Visual Studio .NET 2005 integration work with Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 Tools for Office System?
Does the StarTeam Server need to be shutdown to execute the database maintenance scripts?
Does the StarTeam Visual Studio integration work on a Spanish operating system?
Does TrackRecord interface with PVCS Dimensions Version 5.0 running in a UNIX
Does TrackRecord Support Merging of import files? I would like to import two
Does Visual Studio 2005 works with StarTeam 2005 R2?
Does Web Edition 2006 work with Internet Explorer 7?
Double attachments in AttachmentsEditor in Custom APE
Double-Byte Character Set(DBCS) Fonts Display Problem in StarTeam Cross Platform Client
Duplicate encryption levels in administration console
Duplicate menu items in the StarTeam Eclipse plugin
During 5.2 to 5.3 Upgrade, why do I receive stargate was not installed error when starting 5.3 server configuration?
During install of 2005 R2 Patch 29: error occurred during the move data process: -132
Dynamic Acceptance Criteria?
Each day hundreds of login information are printed in server log from the DataMart. Is this an expected behaviour?
Each time I open the application in Visual Studio the StarTeam integration is trying to connect to an invalid configuration
Eclipse 3.5 and 3.6 integration support with StarTeam
Editing User Accounts (Administrator)
Editing User Accounts (Users)
Email from unknown source indicating assertion failure LabelEntry.cpp
Enable debugging in StarTeam Datamart
Enable license reporting on Belize license server
Enable NetMon logging via the StarTeam SDK
Enable StarTeam Message Broker diagnostics logging for troubleshooting
Enable the Detail Comment option on StarTeam Integration for Visual Studio upon file check-in
Enable verbose logging in the server log file
Enabled MPX via SDK
Enabling Command line Arguments in File Compare Merge
Enabling selection of Process Items for check-in via the StarTeam SDK
Enabling the Source Control for a TrackRecord user
Enabling the StarTeam CPC and ToolBar on Windows 8
Enabling verbose logging for Borland Search
Encountered "Failed installing 'tomcat5' service" when setting up StarTeam 2009 Web Server as a Windows Service
Encountered "Missing types are sometimes caused by an expired license." error when importing a project
Encrypting a password for use with LDAP in Borland Search
Endpoint value removed from starteam-server-configs.xml
Enhancement request to add a visual indicator for the file lock status in the Starteam/Eclipse integration.
Entered By field in StarTeam does not reflect the user who created the defect in QC.
Entries on Link tab (linked/pinned items) appear incorrect. The Item Details entry always shows intial item revision comment
EOL settings in Personal Options not carrying over to Check-Out dialog box
Erorr encountered while using Web Edition client to attach a file with size greater than 200KB
ERR An unexpected error was encountered (vault verify)
ERR Error in LoginSubmit.asp line 36
ERR Server is already running under this configuration
ERR: "The StarTeam SDK is not properly installed on this machine."
ERR: Failed to run MSDE2000....
Error 'libpq.dll: the specified module could not be found' occurs when connecting StarTeam to a Postgres database.
Error "AdminTool.stjava is not a valid Win32 application" while trying to open Server Admin Tool
Error "Column names in each table must be unique. Column name 'F4' in table 'S30' is specified more than once."
Error "Failed to create data source. Error message: Component not found in the registry"
Error "Folder load failed" when opening View in StarTeam CPC
Error "java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: com/starbase/starteam/Server" with StarTeam SDK and Visual Basic 6
Error "Launch Anywhere Error: Windows error 3 occurred while loading Java VM"
Error "system cannot find the path specified" when executing batch files directly from within Cross Platform Client
Error "The path is not of a legal form" while doing pending checkins in Visual Studio .Net 2003
Error "Transaction context in use by another session" upon starting the server. How to resolve this and start the server without this error?"
Error - Fatal application error: Invocation of this java application has caused an invocation target exception
Error - Unable to set property LocalPath, when performing export
Error 1050 service did not respond in a timely fashion
Error 12 when trying to open the database
Error 14: File 42
Error codes returned by BCO utility
Error during check out: "I/O Error: Not in GZIP format"
Error during StarTeam Client installation - "Error 1324. The path My Documents contains an invalid character."
Error from stcmd command line: "The label could not be created. The specified label time was in the future."
Error in opening a CR when there is mismatch between the number of actual attachments and value of attachments.
Error in the server log after Upgrade 2005 on solaris to 2008 on windows
Error message creating StarTeam Database Configuration
Error message InstallShield has detected a server or client installation and cannot continue
Error message: Could not find element Project
Error message: Do you want to completely remove the selected application and all of its components
Error Number: 91 ProcessTaskActuals: Object variable or With block variable not set
Error occurred: org/xml/sax/helpers/DefaultHandler
Error SQLCODE -24355
Error when checking in file that the "archive is missing."
Error when doing stcmd -list "General network error. Check your network documentation."
Error when launching Universal Client: /bin/sh^M: bad interpreter: No such file or directory
Error when running Oracle scripts
Error when selecting "Open Containing Folder" in 16.0 CPC
Error “java.sql.SQLException: [Microsoft][ODBC Driver Manager] Data source name not found and no default driver specified”
Error: 'Insufficient Privileges' when upgrading from StarTeam 2008 to Star Team 2009
Error: 'PwdFile' file is not accessible
Error: 'The view you are attempting to open contains no visible folders because of the current security settings'
ERROR: "Could not locate entry in sysdatabases for database "StarTeam". No entry found with that name. Make sure that the name is entered correctly."
Error: "Msg = Query timeout expired, [Table Name] = ViewMember" prevents StarTeam 2008 R2 server from starting
ERROR: "Sun1.4.2_01" is an unrecognized Java VM name.
Error: "The Vault Cache already contains a file."
ERROR: "Type mismatch/SWACustomize/LoginSubmit.asp, line 64"
ERROR: 2186: The service is not responding to the control function
Error: ?Visual Source Safe error message: File or project not found. Offending Visual SourceSafe Object? ? when wrapping a project with VSS.
ERROR: A cursor with the name "change_cursor" does not exist
ERROR: Bad Packet
ERROR: Cannot access Class com-starbase-starteam-Property.html
ERROR: Cannot connect to X11 window server
ERROR: Cannot establish source control
ERROR: Cannot launch association
ERROR: Cannot open STwork20a.db on this workstation
ERROR: COM API is probably not installed properly
Error: COM subsystem says: Unspecified error. Offending Visual SourceSafe Object
ERROR: Connection reset by peer
Error: Connection to the StarTeam Server has been lost
ERROR: Create Object : Could not Create Outlook Extensions Library Object
Error: Data source name not found and no default driver specified
ERROR: DBPROCESS is Dead or Not Enabled
ERROR: DocFactory Import Requirements Fails
ERROR: Error during delta file checkout
ERROR: Error in loading the workflow xml file null.
ERROR: Exception class:PvcsArchiveException code:15
ERROR: Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: com/starbase/util/errorhandling/NestedException
ERROR: Fail to parse specified XML document
error: Failed to run MSDE2000 during the installation of any Borland products that requireMicrosoft SQL Server 2000 Desktop Engine
ERROR: Feature
ERROR: File is temporarily in use by another user
Error: Hosting was performed incorrectly, different redundancy settings are not allowed
ERROR: Incorrect set of enum constraints
ERROR: IPRanges Error Trying to Connect to Server
ERROR: It appears that elite.jar is not available to the Locator.exe or is corrupt
ERROR: java.lang.ClassFormatError when installing Universal Edition command line on Unix.
ERROR: java.lang.NoClassDefFound error when running servertools script
ERROR: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError when trying to run StarTeam Cross-Platform Client
ERROR: Java.lang.outofmemory error
Error: Name is already used by an existing object
ERROR: No match found for enum value
ERROR: Out of Memory
ERROR: Out of memory using StarGate SDK
ERROR: OutofMemory
ERROR: Problem Opening Connection
ERROR: Resource Not Found ShowParameters.Exe
Error: Response Buffer Limit Exceeded, while accessing a project
ERROR: RT Server denied access
ERROR: RW=5 Could not locate entry in sysdatabases for database "StarTeam". No entry found with that name. Make sure that the name is entered correctly.
ERROR: SendFailedException: 550
ERROR: Setup has detected that unInstallShield is in use
ERROR: StarTeam cannot read
ERROR: StarTeam cannot read file data from server
ERROR: StarTeam Elite-Unhandled Error when launching APE"s
ERROR: Stored Procedure not found
ERROR: TCP/IP Socket Error 10061: Connection refused
Error: The file
ERROR: The label could not be created. The specified label time was in the future
ERROR: These features are unavailable...
ERROR: Too Few Parameters
Error: Unable to create parent folder in Web Edition
Error: Unable to initialize icon in System Tray when loading APE form
Error: Unable to load DLL 'vjsnativ': The specified module could not be found. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x8007007E)
ERROR: Unable to load Java Virtual Machine or Class not registered
ERROR: Unable to load scc provider
ERROR: Unable to read from socket
ERROR: Unknown file mapping error or file is too large
Error: You are not a named user, and there are no concurrent user licenses available...
ERROR: You are using a server version which is incompatible with this database
ERROR: You have reached the maximum number of licenses?
ERROR: Your transaction (process ID #%d) was deadlocked with another process and has been chosen as the deadlock victim. Rerun your transaction.
ERROR: [CANNOT OPEN] msq12d.dll
ERROR:"Access is denied"
ESJ/Starteam: Insert the revision history into the source code file
Event not found" error when trying to check out files using stcmd
EventType constants are missing in Interface SecurityLogEntry.SecurityEventType documentation page
Exception Class: java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException
Exception handled at CStEventTransmitter::InitializePubSub: Class = , Code = 0(00000000) Msg = ' ?
Exception handled at CStMpxEventManager::LoadAndInitializeEventHandler: Class = , Code = 0(00000000) Msg = " ?
Exception handled at CStOnlinePurgeManager::PurgeArchives: Class = StHiveException, Code = 6(0x00000006)
Exception handled at CStServerApp::Start: Class = ServerAppException, Code = 0(00000000) Msg = Server failed to start properly. Check the server log for details
Exception Handling in the .NET SDK
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: Could not initialize class javax.swing.JPanel
Exception in thread main java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: when running Star Team Synchronizer with Quality Center 10
Exception occurred: MD5 select query failed
Exception thrown from Unknown: Class = Code = 0(00000000)
Exception thrown from Unknown: Class = , Code = 0(00000000)
Exception thrown from Unknown: Class = AttachmentServiceException, Code = 2(0x00000002)
Exception thrown from Unknown: Class = FileSystemException Msg = No such file or directory
Exception thrown from Unknown: Class = SA_DBMS_API_Error, Code = 20001(0x00004e21)
Exception thrown from Unknown: Class = SA_DBMS_API_Error, Code = 208(0x000000d0)
Exception thrown from Unknown: Class = SA_DBMS_API_Error, Code = 2714(0x00000a9a)
Exception: Class = WinOSException, Code = -2146893802
Exchanging data with other TrackRecord users
Exclusively lock files using the StarTeam 2009 R2 Visual Studio Integration
Explanation on applying revision labels on directories vs. not applying them?
Export change requests to CSV
Export user and user group details
Exporting to Excel
Exporting workflows from one database to another
Failed logins using Active Directory authentication
Failed to acquire a database connection
Failed to create Cache Agent service
Failed to create data source. Error message: Component not found in registry
Failed to install CaliberRM SDK which is mandatory for the operation of this product
Failed to login to Active Directory server. Details: Unwilling To Perform
Failed to start StarTeam Server Configuration - "Socket Error: 10048"
Failed to start StarTeamOra. Please check the configuration settings.
Failure to verify Database Connection in Datamart 2009 – error “Catalog object does not exist”
Feature differences between StarTeam Enterprise (STE) and StarTeam Enterprise Advantage (STEA)
File Compare Merge (FCM) does not scroll to the next difference
File Compare Merge does not correctly show differencces some of the time.
File formats for Check-In
File Not Found: \StarTeam yyyy-mm-dd*.log (Access is Denied)
File Size Limit
File Status problems using StarTeam Client (CPC) and StarTeam Eclipse Integration (STEC)
File status" all "Unknown" - How to Change to "Current" or "Missing"
File Time Stamps are incorrect
Files are not shown in the merge perspective if different type is Deleted In Target.
FileSystemException, Code = 0(00000000) Msg = Permission denied appears in the Windows Event Log
Filter Copy Tool
Filter files displayed based on file type
Filtering of labels for build label attachment
Filtering StarTeam Agile tasks in the Cross Platform Client (CPC)
Filtering the Teamboard
Finding Stories in Your Backlog
FireFox support with Track Record version 6.03
Fixed EOL settings in mixed environments
Fixed user licenses not assigned when upgrading to StarTeam 5.3 or higher from 5.1sp1 or earlier.
FLEXlm error : Can?t connect to license server (-15,12) Connection refused
Focus on the discussions functionality
For labels, information is not showing correctly under selected fields
For the search functionality, Find button in the dialog works but not the "ENTER" key
Forced to kill the StarTeam Server in Task Manager, now it still thinks it is running.
Foreign Archive import fails for VSS (Visual Source Safe) archives
Formatting display of change request numbers
Formatting of End-Of-Line characters with text files
Freezing Files at a configuration label later just shows date
From process items to change packages
Functional difference between Web client and StarTeam CPC client
Functionality of 'Restore folder selection on tab change' in StarTeam CPC
General exception occurred in thread 'CacheSource'
General exception occurred in thread CacheSource
General Network Error
Generate a listing of Change Requests from all Views of a StarTeam Project and save the output to a file
Get User Emails by group (CP tool)
Getting "java.lang.OutOfMemory" error when using a custom developed application with StarTeam - how can I resolve this?
Getting error "Error: 1101 - UpdateMSPTask: The value is not valid"
Getting error "File Not Found:\ StarTeam .log (Access is Denied)" when launching the StarTeam Cross-Platform Client
Getting error "Msg = Permission denied" during Native-I to Native-II conversion.
Getting error "Msg = Too many open files"
Getting started with StarTeam
Globally Customizing the Task Swim Lanes
Handling File Statuses that seem incorrect
Handling Rejected Backlog to Backlog Info Stream Items
History keyword fails to display revision comments
Host Name for BLS Slip File Generation
How are Shared File Links handled when a Branching View is created
How can a backup process be automated for a StarTeam configuration and database with SQL Server 2005?
How can a StarTeam Client, that is not the default client, be configured to open StarTeam shortcuts / URLs?
How can custom properties be accessed via the StarTeam SDK?
How can I add a file to a project using the command line (STCMD)
How can I add a simple dropdown to a Starteam form?
How can I add a view using the command line?
How can I add multiple "Not-in-View" folders to a project?
How can I allow my administrator to access StarTeam if I accidently set a "deny" on a project level privilege for my admin group?
How can I associate file types with specific applications on a Linux OS?
How can I bulk update Status's for CRs in Starteam 13 using stcmd?
How can I change the default Java (JVM) that StarTeam Eclipse Client will use?
How can I change the fields shown in the "Link & Pin" dialog in the 2008 R2 client?
How can I change the HostId for a BLS certificate?
How can I change the working directory of the root folder?
How can I completely remove deleted files from Starteam?
How can I configure StarTeam DataMart to extract to a newly created database?
How can I configure Web Edition to direct users to the StarTeam application if they don"t enter the entire url in the browser?
How can I delete the tip revision of a file without deleting all versions of that file?
How can I deny a user group any right to Files, requirements, tasks and topics?
How can I determine which processes are accessing my Oracle instance?
How can I disable MPX for a certain server configuration?
How can I enable the Belise License Reporting Logs to check StarTeam logons?
How can I ensure defect synched to QC has the project value filled?
How can I ensure StarTeam shows my VSS branch correctly after a VSS wrap?
How can I ensure that StarTeam will open my from my URL when I choose the option â??copy URL to clipboardâ???
How can I find out where my Vault is located on my StarTeam Server?
How can I generate a graph to show the difference between two files?
How can I grant a user a privilege to add user without allowing other admin rights?
How can I launch a StarTeam shortcut in Linux using the Universal Client?
How can I launch StarTeam Agile from within the Cross-Platform Client?
How can I list all modified files since a label was created?
How can I prevent the error, "StAddContentToken::CancelAddOperation: Class = FileSystemException, Code = 0(00000000) Msg = Permission denied"?
How can I prevent the error: "Async IO running low on memory. Used:0, Allotted: 104857600, Physical Avail: -2498560, Virtual Avail: 1473626112" from being wrote to my StarTeam server log?
How can I prevent users from updating public filters in StarTeam?
How can I re-pin during Compare/Merge after the child view branched?
How can I recover from a failed VCM commit?
How can I resolve an issue where the StarTeam Configuration constantly has a starting status, and all other icons are greyed out?
How can I resolve the error COM error message: Unspecified error. Offending Visual SourceSafe Object?
How can I resolve the warning "Foreign format not supported on the server" when attempting to migrate from PVCS to StarTeam?
How can I restrict growth of SQL Server Transaction Log files?
How can I restrict older versions of the StarTeam client from connecting to my server?
How can I roll back a view to an earlier configuration and then use that rolled back view to perform work moving forward
How can I run the StarTeam Synchronizer for Test Director (Quality Center) in debug mode?
How can I show only items with a specific View or Revision Label?
How can I shrink a large transaction log in StarTeam?
How can I specify alternate applications in the Linux CPC on the file type level?
How can I specify or change an active process item during a check-in operation?
How can I store the TrackRecord backup files to a UNIX server?
How can I sync only a defect with a particular value in the project field?
How can I tell if MPX is running on my server ?
How can I tell if object caching is working?
How can I tell the version number of the StarFlow Extensions that my forms and workflows use?
How can I tell which port my SQL Server 2005 instance is listening on?
How can I use accented characters (German, French) in StarTeam CP Client 2005?
How can I use StarTeam with Sharepoint?
How can I use the custom R&D tool to query search customers log files?
How can Japanese characters be displayed correctly in StarTeam when using an English Operating System?
How can one name their custom application so that <Unknown Application> does not appear in the Server log?
How can StarTeam User"s Active Directory credentials be updated after moving / changing LDAP Server?
How can the custom type be added to the StarTeam client GUI?
How can the StarTeam Project List be restricted to specific users?
How can users be prevented from creating public filters?
How can you calculate the size of a StarTeam project after a VSS wrap and native conversion has been carried out?
How can you tell what date a file was deleted?
How do I add a new connection in StarTeam Web Edition?
How do I add a new item into the action button (the workflow)?
How do I add an additional field, like Severity, to a Notification Report?
How do I add concurrent/floating users to my BLS
How do I add named users to my BLS server
How do I apply a label to all linked files in a Change Request?
How do I assign StarTeam Native licenses to existing users and new users?
How do I attach a note to an item?
How do I attach an external file to an item?
How do I branch two views, so the future changes are not carried on from one view to another?
How do I change a person to a customer or a team member?
How do I change a person to a team member?
How do I change a View"s working folder in StarTeam?
How do I change how my items are sorted?
How do I change object access rights at project level?
How do I change the database name that appears on the TrackRecord WebServer l
How do I change the Oracle db schema username
How do I change the status of a defect or feature?
How do I check in group files using SCC Integration and VB6
How do I check my schedule?
How do I check out a file from within the link tab using the Cross Platform Client?
How do I check out files to an alternative directory using STCMD?
How do I check out Unix files so that control characters are not added to the end of every line?
How do I check the size of my StarTeam database (currently used) if I am using MSDE?
How do I clone a New VCM Merge Type From One Server Configuration to Another?
How do I combine two releases into a single release?
How do I compile a list of all of the active users in StarTeam?
How do I configure Visual Studio Integration for StarTeam to use Borland Search Server?
How do I confirm if StarTeam Eclipse plugin (STEC) has been installed correctly?
How do I create a "non derived" view?
How do I create a current build number?
How do I create a custom form with Layout Designer?
How do I create a perfect copy of a view?
How do I create an action button?
How do I create audit and access rights reports of all the users?
How do I create custom forms for the StarTeam web client?
How do I detach View labels?
How do I determine a project"s ID number?
How do I determine the progress of a GoNative process during a Star Team upgrade?
How do I determine what value to enter in the 'Retain Artifacts' feild in the configuration tab of TeamInspector?
How do I determine which SCC Integration version I am running?
How do I display a list of pending defects, tasks, and features?
How do I display a list of people who reported defects?
How do I display the defects, features, or other tasks assigned to me?
How do I display the defects, features, or other tasks assigned to me? (1747666)
How do I easily enter similar defects, features, people, or other items?
How do I enable email notifications so that emails are sent when files are checked in?
How do I enable MPX diagnostics for troubleshooting?
How do I enable support for StarTeam URLs in Linux?
How do I enter a new Defect?
How do I enter a new feature?
How do I enter a new person?
How do I enter an additional StarTeam Licenses to my Server?
How do I enter an evaluation extension license for StarTeam Server 2005 R2?
How do I enter permanent license keys?
How do I enter Status Notification of a workflow step in StarTeam?
How do I export Database Information?
How do I extract a list of all the labels used in a StarTeam project?
How do I find 'lost' data?
How do I find a CR by number when searching using the new Borland Search?
How do I find out which user deleted a Star Team file?
How do I find the features completed in a release?
How do I find the machine name that TrackRecord is looking for?
How do I find the View Member ID (VMID) of a component in StarTeam?
How do I force a process item be required at check-in of a file?
How do I generate a StarTeam Access Rights report showing access rights associated with specific users/groups?
How do I generate users list with project level access rights?
How do I get a list of people who reported Defects?
How do I get rid of my references to Native-I or Foreign Archives found in the Database
How do I grant access rights for a user to all actions except changing behaviour?
How do I import and export data to other programs?
How do I import Change Requests from a third party tool into StarTeam repository?
How do I increase the amount of available space for a server configuration?
How do I increase the memory available to StarTeam stcmd.exe?
How do I install StarTeam integration for JBuilder 2007?
How do I install the "Server Administration" tool in StarTeam Cross Platform Client by using Silent Install?
How do I install the StarTeam SDK into a different directory than the default directory?
How do I integrate StarTeam with JBuilder 2007?
How do I manually rearrange items in Outline view?
How do I manually rearrange items?
How do I manually uninstall the StarTeam client?
How do I move a child view up one level?
How do I name an SDK application in the server log?
How do I permenantly roll back a view in StarTeam so that I can work with it from that point?
How do I prevent previous projects from opening on CPC startup?
How do I print information from StarTeam?
How do I purge the database from a command line?
How do I recover a deleted file in StarTeam?
How do I resolve file status appearing as unknown when using ActiveDirectory roaming profiles?
How do I resolve issues that arise due to using an unsupported database collation?
How do I resolve the error, "An unexpected internal error occurred in: MergePreview.getTargetFolder(); action=Reverse Share", when attempting to commit a VCM session?
How do I resolve the error, "The label cannot be deleted because it is currently in use by another user" when deleting a label?
How do I restore a deleted Change Request or group of Change Requests?
How do I restore a file from the history, or undelete the file?
How do I schedule an appointment?
How do I search for files with a particular revision comment?
How do I see my assignments mapped out by deadline?
How do I see my Tasks mapped out by deadline?
How do I see the notes attached to an item?
How do I set up a milestone?
How do I set up a project?
How do I set up a project? (1736753)
How do I set up a VCS project?
How do I set up an alternate path for a Star Team project?
How do I set up AutoAlert to send e-mail to people when items that require their
How do I solve the StarTeam error, "Error could not create the Java virtual machine"?
How do I solve the StarTeam server administration console error "Unable to launch java virtual machine" after upgrading Java and StarTeam?
How do I sort values in custom fields?
How do I start a beta cycle, or finalize a release?
How do I suppress the prompt to choose "OK" or "Cancel" in StarTeam Command Line Interface (STCMD)?
How do I switch from using SCC integration to StarTeam 2008 for Visual Studio 2005 Integration?
How do I take my version 1.0 files and make them branch to 2.0 version
How do I unlink a Task in StarTeam from MS Project if I do not have access to MS Project?
How do I update Japanese/German Release of StarTeam Server build 8.0.171 to 8.0.172?
How do I update Oracle ODBC Drivers for StarTeam 5.3 SP1, 5.4, and 6.0?
How do I updgrade from StarTeam 2005 (7.0.125) to StarTeam 2006 (9.0.236)?
How do I use JBuilder 2007 to edit a StarTeam custom form?
How do I use the Database Administration Utility from a machine remote from the
How do StarTeam clients associate .stx shortcuts to themselves?
How do you create a view with a specific behavior?
How do you export the Security Log entries?
How do you grant a user the right to customize fields?
How do you handle the decrypted password when Client is passing parameters to an APE?
How do you prevent certain type of files being checked-in into StarTeam?
How do you set access rights on filters and queries
How do you sort "View Labels" by Name and not by the Creation Date?
How does each StarTeam Server Configuration remember which endpoint to use?
How does MPX broadcasting work?
How does one recreate the starteam-server-configs.xml file?
How does StarTeam 2005 handle the synchronization for hot backups?
How does StarTeam handle deleted users?
How does StarTeam manage a named user license when a named user logs in more than once?
How does StarTeam store binaries? Not deltas but whole files?
How does StarTeam support VCS Get operation?
How does StarTeam use MD5 checksums to identify unique files in the vault?
How does StarTem allocate the storage limit threshold space?
How does Web Edition determines the SDK version for connecting to ST server?
How is a file attachment stored in TrackRecord?
How is Borland Search Server (BSS) licensed?
How is StarTeam Express licensed?
How many component items can the CPC/SDK load in one folder?
How many Handles should StarTeam use normally?
How many projects can you have open in one client?
How many Views can a project have?
How often should I back backup the StarTeam database and repository?
How reliable and stable is QATrackRecord with many users on it? Does Compuwar
How StarTeam client can pass parameters that are case sensitive to alternate applications?
How to "reset" the display position of the "Options" GUI in File Compare Merge?
How To Accept Stories
How to add a folder to StarTeam from the command line
How to add a not-in-view folder in StarTeam 2006 CPC
How to add or check-in files greater than 10 MB using the Cross-Platform Client?
How to add StarTeam license from command line?
How to add states to a promotion model.
How to apply access rights on Change Packages
How to archive portions of the StarTeam repository
How to attach a file to view label while in CR tab.
How to back up StarTeam 5.3 using the MSDE Admin Tool.
How to Backup & Restore StarTeam configurations
How to Backup StarTeam Server
How to backup StarTeam Server 2005 R2
How to Block a Task
How to Bypass Proxies and Firewalls
How to Change Database Collation in SQL 2000.
How to change server GUID in 2005,2005R2,2006
How to change Starteam Integration Locale on Eclipse platform (Starteam integration for eclipse and Starteam integration in Together)
How to Change the Default Editor in StarTeam.
How to change the default user locale.
How to change the service account for MSSQL$STARTEAM service
How to change your default Source Code Control Provider.
How to clear StarTeam CR association linked to a deleted Quality Center bug
How to compare file revisions using the command line
How to compare two labeled configuration within a same view?
How to configure a custom Alternate Property Editor (APE) to use the Embedded Editor feature in the 2008 R2 Cross Platform Client (CPC)
How to configure an alternate 3rd party comparison utility in StarTeam client
How To Configure Caliber Requirements Import to StarTeam.
How to configure FLEXlm license manager as a Windows Service?
How to configure libraries in JBuilder to develop custom forms for StarTeam
How to configure multiple projects in TD Sync Bugsync.ini file
How to configure SQL Server 2005 to use a user different than "sa".
How to Configure StarTeam Datamart to extract to an MS Access database
How to configure StarTeam SCC to use MSJava.
How to configure StarTeam to support Active Directory (LDAP) authentication.
How to configure the core SDP 1.0 version of Starteam server to use network licenses correctly.
How to configure the notification agent
How to configure the Windows machine to open StarTeam URL
How to control enabling & disabling of Trace log programmatically?
How to Copy a 5.1 or 5.2 StarTeam Repository with a SQL Database Backend.
How to Copy a 5.1 or 5.2 StarTeam Repository with an Oracle Database Backend
How to Copy a 5.4 StarTeam Repository with a SQL Database Backend.
How to Copy a 6.0 StarTeam Repository with an Oracle Database backend
How to copy a server entry from the starbaseserver.ini file to the StarTeam-server-configs.xml file.
How to Copy or Move a StarTeam 5.4 or 6.0 Repository with a SQL Database Backend.
How to Create a custom check box.
How to Create a Multiple site StarTeam configuration?
How to create a new StarTeam project
How to create a user account using StarTeam SDK APIs
How to Create Custom Fields in StarFlow 5.
How to Create Info Streams
How to Create New User Accounts.
How to customize a simplified StarTeam report?
How to delete the SQL.Log file
How to deploy an Alternate Propery Editor (APE)
How to Detach a Label from Deleted Files.
How to determine how a view was created.
How to determine if a folder is set to default or alternate working folder via SDK?
How to determine the most recent Label using the SDK
How to Determine the SDK Version.
How to determine which labels are attached to which revision number?
How to disassociate a link after the file is deleted from MS Project?
How to display CR_ADDRESSED_IN value using SDK
How to do WildCard file Searches?
How to drop 4.2 tables in Access 2000.
How to edit and add Change request comments
How to enable and run the StarTeam online purge
How to enable Extreme Verbose logging on the StarTeam Server
How to enable PowerBuilder9 to use ORCAS scripting.
How to enforce selection of non-default value for required fields in custom form
How to ensure that QC Defect number 123 in QC Project X is not confused with QC defect number 123 in QC Project Y?
How to Enter a StarTeam 6.0 Evaluation Extension.
How to Enter an Evaluation Extension.
How to exclusively lock the StarTeam Server for single user use.
How to figure out who deleted a Project and when
How to find a point in time when a file was deleted?
How to generate a report of actual space consumed by the compressed archives per project wise
How to generate textual diffs with StarTeam
How to get and set the value of a custom StarTeam attribute using the SDK
How to get correct status when sharing a working folder
How to get list of all projects and working dir of root view
How to get rid of the notification email triggered by StarTeam internal process task?
How to get StarTeam GUID from client workstation
How to get the Display Value for an Enumerated Field using the SDK
How to handle the bad CR"s that are created as a result of incomplete VCM merge."
How to have duplicate CRs in various views
How to identify newly added files to the view
How to Identify the StarTeam Build
How to implement the hotbackups for the vault? Is there any risk in just copying them to another drive for the backup, while users are still using the system?
How to improve CPC2006 performance when switching between tabs
How to Increase Memory for Eclipse_WASD.
How to install and run the StarTeam notification agent as a service
How to install the MSDE Admin tool
How to install the MSDE Admin Tool.
How to install the StarTeam cross platform client
How to install the StarTeam Linux client
How to install the StarTeam server
How to install the StarTeam Web Server
How to list the folder info using STcmd list command?
How to look up FlexLM error numbers.
How to maintain the executable bit on Unix files.
How to manually associate StarTeam shortcut (.STX) to StarTeam Java VM Launcher?
How to manually unregister and re-register the MPX cache agent from command line?
How to merge the root folder properties changes of source & target in VCM?
How to merge without creating duplicate files ?
How to migrate a StarTeam server configuration
How to migrate database types using StarTeam 5.3.
How to migrate from MSSQL Server 2000 to MSSQL Server 2005
How to migrate from Oracle JDBC WE8ISO8859P1 to WE8MSWIN1252
How to Migrate from SCC to Visual Studio .NET 2005
How to modify the default values for the export GUI?
How to move a StarTeam 2005 Rel 2 Server Configuration
How To move a StarTeam repository with MS Access
How to Move a StarTeam Repository with MS SQL
How to move CR across folders in WebEdition Client
How to Move or Copy a 5.x StarTeam Repository or Its Parts.
How to open a CR in Web Edition
How to Order Upgrade Software.
How to patch the Mac version of the StarTeam cross plarform client 2005 R2?
How to perform a live backup of Starteam
How to perform a purge from the command line.
How to perform a Vault Conversion needed for StarTeam 2006
How to Perform Silent Uninstallation for StarTeam Clients
How to pin and link a file to a process item after the file checked in?
How to Pin StarTeam Client (CPC) to Windows 7 Taskbar
How to populate a configuration list upon upgrading to 5.4
How to prepopulate the available server list in the client
How to prevent users from changing the default working directory.
How to print Workflow correctly in StarTeam 2005R2?
How to properly license a StarTeam Server for test environments
How to provide the same function in StarTeam that users are able to get from ClearCase config specs
How to purge notification agent pending notifications
How to purge when there is a torn page in the SQL DB
How to reactivate user accounts on password expiry
How to register Starteam 2005
How to register StarTeam 5.3.
How to register StarTeam 5.4.
How to remove directories using stcmd?
How to remove multiple users from a Group
How to remove users from the Change Request responsibility list
How to rename a file using StarTeam command utilities?
How to replay a StarTeam Change Package
How to resolve "LDAP:error code 4 - Sizelimit Exceeded"
How to resolve "MD5 select query failed" error when running vault verify?
How to resolve "NoSuchMethodError" during View/Compare merge?
How to resolve "Operation failed, no current record. Exception class: CDBException, Error: 1007"
How to resolve "sun 1.50_05 is an unrecognized java vm name" error?
How to resolve "unknown" file status
How to resolve access right error when moving a file within a view in which the user has been granted all access rights?
How to resolve error "One of the items is no longer available" when performing view merge?
How to resolve error "The root archive "xxx" is not an ancestor directory for the archive"
How to resolve installation problems with the StarTeam SDK
How to resolve PropertyTableExceptions error?
How to resolve the error RESOLVE_DOTNOT_PACKAGE.
How to resolve the root folder in VCM?
How to resolve Unknown file status when multiple operating systems are in use
How to resolve warning "Failed to install Visual C Runtime Libraries" during StarTeam Server 2006 installation
How to restore the location of StarTeam CPC to default monitor
How to retrieve the access key for a license you have already entered
How to run the Cross Platform Client with Netmon.
How to save security logs on StarTeam 2005 R2 Server Administration
How to see the full names of filters in the filter dropdown?
How to set Access Rights for Mercury Test Director Integration.
How to set Process item from a different project when checkin a file using Visual Studio?
How to set Projects to use APE for items like ChangeRequest, File etc through SDK
How to set the Connection Parameters in the Universe File to use with DataMart Synchronizer?
How to set the default personal options for client installations
How to set the StViewConfiguration object for a View.
How to set the value of Status in custom APE
How to Set Up MSDE Admin Tools.htm
How to setup access rights
How to Setup Access Rights on the StarFlow Extensions Project.
How to setup and install the StarTeam Web Server
How to setup display language in CPC?
How to Setup E-mail with StarTeam 4.0 and StarTeam 4.1
How to Setup StarTeam & PowerBuilder-Single User.
How to share a folder or item between two different views?
How to shrink SQL Server transaction logs
How to sort change requests based on time stamp according to the status?
How to sort custom enumerated fields in alphabetical order?
How to Sort the Responsibility field by username instead of userid?
How to specify the network ports for FLEXlm
How to split StarTeam configuration
How to start and run the Borland Search Server?
How to stop users logging on to TrackRecord
How to switch existing user authentication from ST to LDAP using LQM?
How to synchronize data between StarTeam and TestDirector Servers in different timezones.
How to tell whether StarTeam is using a secure port for LDAP connection
How to track progress of a release
How to transfer projects from VSS to StarTeam 2006 or newer?
How to troubleshoot .stjava applications.
How to truncate the MSDE transaction log using the MSDE Admin Tool.
How to truncate the Server.en-US.log?
How to turn off auto reboot during silent install
How to turn off loading custom toolbar in CPC client
How to update the java settings used by the CPC
How to upgrade from StarTeam 4.2 to StarTeam 5.4.
How to upgrade from StarTeam 4.2 to StarTeam 6.0 Using MS SQL Server.
How to upgrade from StarTeam 5.1 - 5-3 to StarTeam 6.0 on a single server.
How to upgrade from StarTeam 5.1 to StarTeam 5.4 Using MS SQL.
How to upgrade from StarTeam 5.1 to StarTeam 6.0 Using Oracle.
How to upgrade from StarTeam 5.1 Using MS Access to StarTeam 6.0 Using an Oracle Database.
How to upgrade from StarTeam 5.2 to StarTeam 5.3 using SQL 7 or 2000.
How to Upgrade StarFlow to Version 5.
How to Upgrade StarTeam 5.1 to StarTeam 5.1 SP1.
How to upgrade Starteam 6 (WinNT) to ST 2006 (Win2003) ?
How To Upgrade StarTeam Extensions and the StarFlow Extensions Project.
How to upgrade to StarTeam 2008 R2 Server.
How to upload/download a DICOM (Digital Image) file using the Web Edition Client
How to use Access Rights to block a user from moving a file/item into a folder
How to use CodeWright"s merge utility in StarTeam 5.1.
How to use Dreamweaver and StarTeam.
How to use PerfMon to monitor StarTeam server
How to use Performance Monitor (Perfmon) to track StarTeam server performance
How to use StarGate SDK to call StarTeam command line.
How to Use StarTeam 5.2 integrations with StarTeam 5.3.
How to use the smtp utility ?
How to use VI as the default file editor
How to using Araxis merge utility in Starteam5.1.
How to view files with a Revision label
I am getting "Cached share information is missing" error whenever I try to add a file
I am getting "Unable to reconnect to the server. The timeout has expired for this session" error message - what does it mean?
I am getting ?System Error 5744? when trying to connect to the StarTeam Server. What should I do?
I am getting ?Unknown Property:???? when I modified the custom field in the email notification. What did I do wrong?
I am getting ?You are using a server version which is incompatible with this database?. How can I proceed?
I am getting an error "The folder is marked read-only and cannot be changed from this view" when adding new Change Request
I am getting DataMart error ~> Error establishing socket
I am trying to attach an empty file to the Attached Files field so that data can
I am trying to install my product from the QACenter 4.4.2 CD. When I try to inst
I get an unexpected internal error when I try to access a project share
I get error when I synch a defect that has URL attachment.
I have a query that will produce certain information to an outline report. How c
I have deleted a database but it still appears in the database menu when a user
I have views, stored procedures, tables, and functions that have red X"s on them after upgrading to StarTeam 2008. Are these still needed.
I installed AutoAlert on my machine and any incoming, new e-mail that is not
I installed the StarTeam Universal Client, but when I start it up why does it appear to ?lock? when attempting to connect to a server or when prompting for a password?
I installed Version Control Add-in for QC, but I do not see the icon in QC to enable VCS
I need to compile my Java programs in JRE 1.4, but my StarTeam Eclipse edition requires 1.5 or later. How can I successfully compile my Java applications using JRE 1.4?
I received the wrong license type. How do I correct this with Borland?
I set up a rule to act upon a new item that I have created; however, when I crea
I uninstalled 6.1.0 and when I attempt to install 6.1.1 I receive the following
I upgraded to StarTeam 2006, but I lost all users password.
I was trying to map a field to Created By but I do not see that in the available list.
I would like to only display the choice (defect is an example) in the WebServer
I/O Error :Corrupt GZIP trailer
I/O Error When Checking Out Files In VCM Test Perspective
I/O Error: Invalid byte 1 of 1-byte utf-8 sequence
I/O Error: Project ProjectName with id: 1 could not be found
I/O Error: The Device is Not Ready
Identifying all files checked into a view by process item
Identifying shared file locations in a branched view
If a user is removed from the user list will any StarTeam data be lost?
If I clone an image containing the Cross Platform Client how can I ensure the cloned clients use different workstation ID"s when connecting to the server?
If I have locked-out the Starteam Administrator account how can I gain access before waiting the mandatory 24 hours lock-out period?
If I sort by "Responsibility", why does this not appear in alphabetical order?
If my Belise backup server is not online the primary license server will not start. Is this as designed?
If the option for creating trace files is selected does the StarTeam server require a restart?
If the size of a log file reaches maximum limit, does the newer log data get deleted ?
IIS 5.0 Parameters for StarTeam WebEdition
IM002 [Microsoft][ODBC Driver Manager] Data source name not found and no default driver specified
Impact of Daylight Savings Time (DST) on Star Team Server
Import Export manager "Import from configuration" Source Configuration dropdown is empty
Import Export Manager cannot find archives
Import Export Manager Import Error: "Invalid update time: is earlier than last modified time"
Importing data from JIRA to Track Record
Importing data into SQL from a TrackRecord database
In an outline report, how do I display multiple lines in the description fiel
In CRs, the "Addressed In Build" and "Last Build Tested" do not have build labels created in other views in the dropdown list
In order to save space can the contents of the Cache folder in the repository be deleted?
In the StarTeam Cross Platform Client is it possible to open multiple forms (CR, tasks, topics) simultaneously?
In TrackRecord can you copy a database's type configuration?
Inactive session does not time out on Solaris Server.
Inactivity time out when opening multiple projects at the same time.
Inactivity Timeout not affecting users
Incorrect DBCC statement when running starteam_sqlserver_dbcc.sql
Incorrect permissions error given when checking files out to a working directory mapped via Samba
Increase the amount of available space for server configuration when StarTeam hive runs out of space
Information about Client Inactivity Timeout
Initial Application Error: Could not create cache root: C:\Users\user\.starbase\.deployer-cache
Install Borland Connector for TaskTop for Eclipse
Installation Information
Installation of MAC Client states application is damaged and will not install/run
Installer user interface mode not supported file for StarTeam 2006 and 2006 R2
Installing CP Client on Linux
Installing PostgreSQL on RedHat Enterprise Linux for for use with StarTeam Server
Installing TeamInspector master server and job server on different machines
Installing TeamInspector on SQL Server Express 2005
Installing the Agile server as a windows service?
Installing two instances of StarTeam Server on one physical machine
Instructions and tips on how to wrap a VSS archive
Instructions for FLEXlm Redundant Server Setup
Internal aplication error: could not create cache root: %USERPROFILE%/.starbase/.deployer-cache
Internal application error unknown compression method
Internal application error" when trying to set Personal Options from Unix
Internal application error: protocol = socket host = null
Internal application error: No type with ClassID=115 was found on this server
Internal application error: null
Internal application error: The specified Column parameter was null
Internal automation error
Internal StarTeam Server Error: ORA-03135: connection lost contact
Internal StarTeam server error: The following features: modifying Process Rules, modifying Alternate Editors, are no longer supported
Introduced features between StarTeam Server 2005R2 and 2008R2
Introduced features in StarTeam Server between versions 2008R2 and 2009R2
Introduction to best practice use of views
Introduction to the StarTeam File Compare Merge tool.
Introduction to VCM and change packages
Invalid Argument error on process item dialogue selection
Invalid column name "enumindent" when upgrading StarTeam Server 2008 R2 to StarTeam 12.0
Invalid key for user error message
Invalid Objects in StarTeam Database
Invitation to a Conversation
Invocation of this Java Application has caused an InvocationTargetException. This application will now exit. (LAX)
IO Error: Unable to read data from network: the connection to the StarTeam server has been lost
IOException while loading persisted sessions
IPv6 compliance for StarTeam
Is a StarTeam process written to take advantage of a multiple processor servers?
Is Component Manager compatible with Star Team 2006?
Is Component Manager compatible with StarTeam 2006?
Is defect sync for Quality Center 8.2 available for Starteam?
Is is possible to promote single files using the view compare merge client?
Is is possible to use labels from other StarTeam projects?
Is it possible for the CPC to re-open the same project when starting up?
Is it possible for the StarTeam 2008 Web Edition to connect to a StarTeam 2009 Server?
Is it possible to add a custom type to the StarTeam client GUI itself?
Is it possible to add a second dynamic default to the same workflow
Is it possible to archive a StarTeam project?
Is it possible to assign access rights to a group for a StarTeam project using StarTeam Java SDK?
Is it possible to backup StarTeam while the server is running?
Is it possible to batch edit Change Requests?
Is it possible to break a non-exclusively locked item?
Is it possible to broadcast a message to all users within the StarTeam server?
Is it possible to cancel the "All Descendents" request?
Is it possible to change how a StarTeam shortcut is displayed?
Is it possible to change the default size for log files in TeamInspector?
Is it possible to change the machine name or email address that the StarTeam Server uses in email notifications?
Is it possible to change the path for the Client folder?
Is it possible to check a file into StarTeam that has only an extension as the filename?
Is it possible to check in large directories (including sub-directories) at once?
Is it possible to check out or report on all files associated with a revision label?
Is it possible to compare the same view from a different time perspective in ST CPC 2006?
Is it possible to compare Word, Excel, and PowerPoint file revisions in readable format?
Is it possible to copy all custom change request fields from one StarTeam Server to another?
Is it possible to copy the StarTeam directory (/opt/StarTeam) from my Unix/Lunix machine to another machine? If so, will StarTeam will work?
Is it possible to count the number of items in a View?
Is it possible to create a separate StarTeam hive for StarTeam projects?
Is it possible to create custom CR forms?
Is it possible to customize what fields are displayed in the StarTeam Web Edition?
Is it possible to deny a specific group from changing a file"s attributes, but allow them to check in files?
Is it possible to determine how much data is stored in the StarTeam hive(s)?
Is it possible to determine StarTeam Users that have had no activity?
Is it possible to disable the ability to configure an Alternate Working folder?
Is it possible to disable the checkin option "Mark selected process item as fixed" at the server level?
Is it possible to disable the EOL conversion setting on all StarTeam Client Workstations?
Is it possible to display the user name as blank in the logon screen of StarTeam CPC?
Is it possible to downgrade StarTeam Server to an older version?
Is it possible to edit the StarTeam hive while the server is running?
Is it possible to embed a StarTeam URL in an email notification message?
Is it possible to enforce the EOL CR-LF options from the server side?
Is it possible to exclude Keyword flags when merging files?
Is it possible to export the server user list to a new StarTeam server?
Is it possible to extract the group name that a user belongs to from the StarTeam Database?
Is it possible to filter which values are available for selection in my enumerated fields based on current values of other fields?
Is it possible to find items shared into another project?
Is it possible to find out how much space each individual project is taking up within the hive?
Is it possible to find out which user deleted a folder in StarTeam?
Is it possible to find out which views have been marked for deletion prior to running the purge?
Is it possible to find the total number of files and the total file size for all files added to my entire StarTeam server configuration?
Is it possible to find the total number of files and the total file size for all files added to my project?
Is it possible to freeze revision label from the command line?
Is it possible to freeze/unfreeze Revision labels using the Starteam SDK?
Is it possible to generate a detailed license usage report showing individual user activity?
Is it possible to generate a list items that have been updated in a specific folder within a View?
Is it possible to generate a list of all the locked files in the StarTeam database?
Is it possible to generate a report of all checkouts made from StarTeam Server?
Is it possible to generate a report of users that have never created a record or history change to the StarTeam database?
Is it possible to generate reports automatically in StarTeam?
Is it possible to get a list of all StarTeam projects and the date they were created?
Is it possible to get a list of users and the groups they belong to?
Is it possible to get StarTeam specific metrics using Perfmon?
Is it possible to have a global set of StarTeam report templates that all users can run?
Is it possible to have custom workflows for Change Requests, Requirements, Tasks and Topics?
Is it possible to hide a top level project from view?
Is it possible to hide views from users or groups?
Is it possible to hide views in Starteam?
Is it possible to label files by change request?
Is it possible to limit which users are available for selection in my user enumerated list (i.e. Responsibility) for certain workflow steps?
Is it possible to list all projects and views that a file belongs using SQL?
Is it possible to list all projects and views that contain files in Native 1 format?
Is it possible to make a "global" XML file or StarTeam server that will be used by all users of a workstation running StarTeam Client , regardless of their login name?
Is it possible to merge from a view in one to a view in another project with the View Compare/Merge tool?
Is it possible to mix StarTeam Native license keys and StarTeam Belise (BLS) licenses on the StarTeam server?
Is it possible to monitor the data traffic between StarTeam client and Server?
Is it possible to monitor the progess of the Purge process during a StarTeam upgrade?
Is it possible to move multiple requirements at the same time?
Is it possible to move or share Change Requests between different server configurations?
Is it possible to perform a VCM session based only on items attached to a revision label?
Is it possible to perform multiple wraps simultaneously from Visual Source Safe into StarTeam?
Is it possible to pin a link to a specific revision of an item?
Is it possible to prevent users from deleting a project/view but allowing access to delete folder/files?
Is it possible to print-out the File Reference Tree information in StarTeam?
Is it possible to query the database to get details of each Project, number of Files & Sizes?
Is it possible to report on the number of StarTeam projects stored in the StarTeam Database?
Is it possible to report on the number of users stored in the StarTeam Database?
Is it possible to report on which user deleted a file from a StarTeam View?
Is it possible to restrict certain applications or versions of applications from connecting to StarTeam Server?
Is it possible to review the details of the choices made for a VCM session?
Is it possible to run multiple CacheAgents on the same computer?
Is it possible to run multiple tomcat consoles on the same machine?
Is it possible to run StarTeam with DB_DDLAdmin role?
Is it possible to run the bulk checkout utility (BCO) from the command line without specifying the full path?
Is it possible to run the Cache Agent in verbose logging mode in order to troubleshoot problems?
Is it possible to search for content in older revision files within ST client?
Is it possible to select multiple items during the link and pin process?
Is it possible to set an exclusion list on a project level?
Is it possible to set default value for a custom date field to show "current date" using Layout Designer?
Is it possible to start and stop the StarTeam Server using the Window Service Control utility?
Is it possible to track to label freeze/unfreeze activities?
Is it possible to use the Import Export Manager (IEM) to export projects from a early version of StarTeam to a later version?
Is it possible to use the StarTeam API to get the url of a file or folder within StarTeam?
Is it possible to use UNIX commands to access StarTeam?
Is it possible to view all the shared folders and the their branching behavior at once?
Is MPX a pre-requisite for the StarTeam SCC integration?
Is MSSQL 2005 supported by StarTeam 2006?
Is Oracle Workspace Manager supported by StarTeam?
Is StarTeam 2008 R2 supported on Citrix/VMWare/Xen?
Is StarTeam 2009 Server compatible with older client and SDK versions?
Is StarTeam FIPS compliant?
Is StarTeam supported on Citrix?
Is StarTeam Web Edition SOAP compliant?
Is the Starteam CPC Build 9.3.16-28 totally compatible with Server Release 8.0.168?
Is the viewmerge command available on the Linux platform?
Is there a "Delete Disabled Fields" utility for the StarTeam 2008 R2 Server?
Is there a "License Hold Period" for concurrent licenses?
Is there a cmd line option to check in all files in a view?
Is there a limit on the number of revision labels that can be attached to a file or folder in StarTeam?
Is there a limit to the number of fields that can be customized?
Is there a means of generating an Audit file which will indicate all the user logins to StarTeam over a specific period of time?
Is there a method to limit the list of possible responsible users in any CR workflow/form?
Is there a particular Clustering Software that Borland recommends for StarTeam?
Is there a physical place on my computer or the StarTeam server where filters/queries input into StarTeam are kept?
Is there a recommended process where old or lesser used data could be archived and stored offline?
Is there a SQL query to find the number of folders in every view in a project?
Is there a Star Team plug-in for VB6?
Is there a StarTeam integration for Atlassian JIRA?
Is there a StarTeam integration for Remedy?
Is there a version of Component Manager that will run with StarTeam 6.0?
Is there a way to audit or track deleted Link history
Is there a way to create a time estimate for obtaining a response to a specif
Is there a way to create build numbers specific to a certain project name, or li
Is there a way to encrypt the files within StarTeam repositories?
Is there a way to gather information on files using just the MD5 value?
Is there a way to have forms load up during the other desktop startups?
Is there a way to make a checked out document read only to other users?
Is there a way to make the PVCS Revison field show up in the History window of StarTeam client?
Is there a way to notify users for expiring password?
Is there a way to obtain a list of access rights before you delete a StarTeam group. Can there be a warning to the user who is going to delete the group or user?
Is there a way to prevent users from modifying the behaviour or configuration of a StarTeam Item?
Is there a way to prevent users from performing a force check-in?
Is there a way to provide a web style link on a web page which will be linked into a StarTeam project to a specific file?
Is there a way to recover a project after it has been deleted?
Is there a way to report on License usage?
Is there a way to send out an email when the creator of a change request assigns the change request to themselves?
Is there a way to update the customized property fields after they have been created?
Is there an alternative to the deprecated "BinaryFileExt" option for marking StarTeam files as binary?
Is there any way to archive a project in StarTeam?
Is there any way to get debug information for StarTeam client installations?
Is there any way to get deleted folders back?
Is there any way to measure the size of a project in a configuration?
Is there any way to prevent the client from creating a client log?
Is there any way to stop a build that appears to be hung up in TeamInspector?
Is there anywhere that records what has been deleted during a purge?
Is there the ability to export Perforce data into StarTeam?
Is this possible to create pinned links to files in ST CPC 2006?
Isn"t it possible to override the alternate working folder set in the folder property from the stcmd command using the rp or the fp options?
Issue with saving empty value in the user defined attribute in the CR Form.
It is not possible to upload an attachment greater than 64MB on StarTeam web edition
It is possible to pre-populate a blank text field with text in my custom form?
Japanese font display problems
Japanese Language in StarTeam install and CPC
Japanese specific Kana characters treating between MacOS X and other OS
Java compiler unable to read starteam-extensions.jar. giving error "filename too long"
Java Exception thrown when accessing View object using StarTeam SDK 11.0
Java program to fix shared file in branched Child Views.
Java Runtime environment (JRE) is not supported by this driver. Use the sqljdbc4.jar class library, which provides support for JDBC 4.0
java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: com.starteam.Server.canCreateCheckinChangePackages()Z
java.lang.NullPointerException at com.borland.starteam.file.FileFolderScan.<init>(
Java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space
java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: PermGen space Exception when using the Cross Platform Client (CPC)
java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException when opening Change Request
java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException: StarTeam objects no longer have an owner
javax.mail.AuthenticationFailedException: LOGIN failed
javax.mail.MessagingException: A2 NO There is no replica for that mailbox on this server
Keyboard mappings for the StarTeam Client
Keyword expansion does not work for files with no extension in Windows Client
Knowledge Doc: Change LDAP authentication to native StarTeam authentication for all StarTeam users
Knowledge Doc: Email Notifications configuration StarTeam
Knowledge Doc: Set Up a cache agent service
Knowledge Doc: StarTeam server (run as a windows service) - migrating to a new windows server
Label and Promotion based configurations are not supported for deleted items
Label Decorations in StarTeam for Eclipse Integration (STEC) Information
Latest StarTeam upgrade path
Launching the Cross Platform Client from a command prompt
Launching VCM for a single file with CR links causes error "You do not have access rights to perform this operation"
LDAP Server certificate is not verified: PKIX path building failed
License server system does not support this version of this feature
License storage D:\Borland\BLS4\conf\belise.lic is corrupted, licensing data cannot be recovered. Please contact Borland.(7104)
License violation error -5 no such feature exists
Licensing your StarTeam server - part 1
Licensing your StarTeam server - part2
Limited options are available in View Compare/Merge
Limiting search perspective by View
Line number:xxxx Column number:xxx when using the StarTeam web client?
Link a Change Request to a File
Link between a file and CR is visible in child view when the link was made in parent view
Linking in TrackRecord
Linux Local file permissions changed after check out
List creation dates for StarTeam user accounts
List folders with network working paths
List of StarTeam users and current status
List the StarTeam Servers when using the 12.5 SDK
List View Features
Listing Caliber users and their account status using the SDK
Lock/Unlock (Toggle) View Member
Locking down StarTeam Client Personal Options
Logging Client-Server Commands
Logging into StarTeam 2005R2 server from CPC/Win32 client and Web Edition client on same machine uses 2 concurrent licenses
Mac OS X CPC Issue: Unable to locate the application"s "main" class
Magic Number Doesn"t Match" error appears while installing StarTeam Eclipse Integration
Managing a Release
Managing Agile team capacity
Managing Items via Info Streams
Managing memory consumption after enabling search for the first time
Managing Sprints
Managing Stories in Backlog
Managing the breakdown view
Managing Your Backlog
Managing your environment - the AppControl.xml file
Managing Your User Profile
Manually override Finish Time when completing a Task
Manually rearranging items
Manually register files at the end of installation
Matching StarTeam Access Rights (Permissions) to the UI Labels in the CPC
Maximum number of custom fields that can be created
Maximum value for DataTransferRate in the MPXFileTransmitter.xml file
Memory allocation errors on StarTeam 2008 R2 server
Memory issues while merging files
Memory Management and the StarTeam SDK
Merge not actually merging
Message ‘stop running this script?’ prompt when accessing the StarTeam Web Server
Method to find the number of files in each project and the project size
Micro Focus StarTeam 16.3 Cross-Platform Client Patch 4 Release Notes (Build, StarTeam SDK (Build, and StarTeam Extensions (Build
Micro Focus StarTeam 16.0 Cross-Platform Client Patch 2 Released (Build
Micro Focus StarTeam 15.1 Cross-Platform Client Patch 5 Release Notes (Build
Micro Focus StarTeam 16.0 Microsoft SCC Integration released (build 16.0.11)
Micro Focus StarTeam 16.0 Update 3 Cross-Platform Client Patch 3 Release Notes (Build, StarTeam SDK (Build, and StarTeam Extensions (Build
Micro Focus StarTeam 16.1 Server HotFix 1 Released (Build
Micro Focus StarTeam 16.1 Server HotFix 2 Released (Build
MicroFocus StarTeam CPC 16.2 Hotfix 2 Released (build
Microsoft Project Integration does not work after upgrading to Microsoft Project 2007
Microsoft VSS encapsulation not automatically updating in StarTeam
Migrating Serena Dimensions data to StarTeam
Migration Steps for StarTeam Notification Agent
Migration strategy for moving a StarTeam Server from Solaris to Windows
Missing Attachment file C:\<Repository Folder>\Attachments\ChangePackages_Attachments\00000000
Missing Filters cause StarTeam CPC to crash when started from a shortcut.
Modifying Change Request email notifications
Modifying or creating new items in TrackRecord via ActiveX Automation
Modifying rights to change public filters
Monitoring SQL Server Transaction Logs Usage
Move View Member
Moving StarTeam to a new machine, and it will not start
MPX - how to install the Message Broker
MPX - how to install the StarTeam Message Broker
MPX Enabled SDK Applications
MPX error Socket read: recv received error '10054'; closing
MPX is available for this server, but could not be started
MPX video : how to connect the Borland StarTeam server to the Message Broker
Ms Project Integration Task Unlink Performance Issue
Msg = Communication link failure or Msg = An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host appears in the StarTeam Server log after upgrading the database to SQL 2005
Msg = Configuration policy does not allow you to login
Msg = Data source name not found and no default driver specified
Msg = DECLARE attachment_cursor CURSOR FOR select attachmentcount
Msg = Incorrect syntax near ')'. Error in Server Log
Msg = Invalid object name 'CCOMPONENTS'
Msg = Invalid object name "CTSTRC"
Msg = Not enough storage is available to complete this operation
Msg = ORA-00904: "F63": invalid identifier message
Msg = ORA-20001: ORA-20001: ORA-01403: no data found
Msg = ORA-20001: ORA-30036: unable to extend segment by 4 in undo tablespace 'UNDOTBS2'
Msg = Permission denied [OS Error Code] = 13
Msg = Property data type mismatch in schema
Msg = Server 'SERVER-NAME'' is not configured for DATA ACCESS
Msg = Timeout expired appears in the Server Log and as an error on the CPC Client
Msg = User does not have permission to perform this action
Multiple Projects unavailable after applying StarTeam source control to Visual Studio 2005 Solution
Multiple users accessing the same record
Mutilple email address support in StarTeam
My Client/Server Admin Tool will not launch!
My database has grown large, how do I avoid timeout errors when attempting to re
My Hive is getting low on space what should I do?
My server just stopped running, the service crashed, or stopped responding.
Named users being logged out after inactivity timeout is exceeded
Native 32 & 64 bit .NET StarTeam SDK’s
Native 32 & 64 bit v/s Platform Independent Java StarTeam SDK’s
Native I to Native II vault conversion process is running extremely slow!!
Native StarTeam Cross-Platform Client (CPC) for 64-bit Operating Systems
Navigating through linked Change Requests gives error "The requested operation is not supported for disembodied items"
Network problem: Unrecognized Windows Sockets error: 10106: create
New access rights in StarTeam 2009
No process is on the other end of the pipe. Communication link failure 193
No progress bar to indicate progress when switching between tabs
Non alphanumeric character in password?
Not able to see customize form on CPC that is designed using Layout Designer
Not in View files not shown in 2006 CPC
Notification Agent error 'Program cannot find main class'
Notification agent is not working and says the project folder is empty.
Notification Agent will not install as a service.
Notification Agent will not run as a Windows service on a 64-Bit machine
Notification: No recipient addresses specified
Novell NetWare support for TrackRecord/FairCom server
Null pointer exception when attempting to link and pin a process item on file check-in
NullPointerException when launching a Custom APE
NVIDIA NVS 295 Graphics Card
Object schema not found
Obscure error message displayed when creating a new item in a Custom Form (APE)
Obtaining SQORA32.DLL when you do not have a CD
Offline purging of StarTeam Security Events logs
Old StarTeam Hive continues to grow
On Windows Vista where are the starteam-servers.xml and starteam-client-options.xml located?
One cannot start the StarTeam service that accesses a Repository through a UNC Path
Online purge does not delete all files from the vault
Online purge start button greyed out
Only able to add one file at a time when using StarTeam Web Edition 2008
Only one usage of each socket address (protocol/network address/port) is normally permitted
Open Project dialog displays views that users do not have access to
Opening an Excel file in StarTeam and closing it changes the status to Modified even if there are no changes
Opening CPC I get error - Could not find the main class. Program will exit
Opening CR"s fails for some users with ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException
Opening project hangs at Loading Custom Toolbars dialog.
Opening saved Rebase operation fails
Option to clear Active process item unavailable
ORA error occurred in the server log, while upgrading from 6.0 to 2005
ORA-01461: can bind a LONG value only for insert into a LONG column
ORA-01722 invalid number
ORA-12154: TNS: Could not resolve the connect identifier specified error after unexpected shutdown
ORA-12504: TNS Listener was not given the SERVICE_NAME in CONNECT_DATA
ORA-12541: TNS no listener
ORA-39082: Object type ALTER_FUNCTION:"STARTEAM"."UPGRADE_35_DATA" created with compilation warnings
ORA-65096: invalid common user or role name error encountered during Create a Tablespace of StarTeam schema
Oracle database permissions
Oracle SQL script to list project and view size
Ordering tabs in StarTeam CPC
Outline is not sorting correctly
Override default StarTeam Client End-Of-Line settings
Overview of StarTeam Purge
Performance Maintenance for Starteam with a SQL Server Backend
Performing a Silent Install
Permission denied STCMD on Linux
Pointing to a TrackRecord DB that is located on a different server.
Prevent a User from creating a Change Request
Preventing users from changing the default working directory of a folder
Problem with sorting numbers in TrackRecord
Problems have been detected on your local client workstation which prevents StarTeam Web Edition from continuing
Process tasks are being created during File check-in in spite of disabling Enhanced Process links
Product Support Matrix - StarTeam 2005 Release 2
Product Support Matrix - StarTeam 2006
Program too large to fit in memory.
Project file added to Visual Studio in one machine is not appearing in another machine Visual Studio even though the file is added to the StarTeam repository?
Project Team Management
Projects not being updated by TestDirector Synchronizer
promote the entire change history from the child view into the parent view?
Promote to a grandparent view using VCM
Promotion State error: You do not have access rights to perform this operation
Promotion States and View configured on a Promotion State, the label which has been promoted to the View does not appear?
Providing arguments to the Cross Platform Client (CPC) StarTeamCP.stjava{32|64}
Purge StarTeam security log
Purging the Audit table will take too long. What other options are available?
Purpose of the Context Limits tab in the WorkFlow Designer
PVCS and StarTeam revision numbers do not match. PVCS has item revision numbers 1.13 and 1.15, but when they are converted to StarTeam they become 1.13 and 1.15. Why?
Quality Center Server does not respond when attempting to run StarTeam
Quality Center Synchronizer is creating a large number of defects in QC with no data.
Query All Users
Query Attachment (Tip)
Query Attachments (Label)
Query Attachments (Tip)
Query Content (Label)
Query Content (Tip)
Query does not return all file revisions that match the specified criteria
Query group to return the users
Query labels using the list-labels command
Query last login time for named license user
Query on enumerated fields returns incorrect results
Query to find out if a StarTeam project is linked to other projects
Query to return all email addresses of licensed StarTeam users
Query Tree Item Children (Label)
Query Tree Item Children (Tip)
Query Tree Item Roots (Label)
Query Tree Item Roots (Tip)
Query View Member (Label)
Query View Member (Tip)
Query View Member History (Label)
Query View Member History (Tip)
Query View Member Traces (Label)
Query View Member Traces (Tip)
Query View Members (Label)
Query View Members (Tip)
Query View types per project
Quick Start Guide
Quickly determine if customized workflow is being used on a StarTeam server
QuickStart Manager does not display entire list of users on LDAP server
RC2_CFB encryption is not available on this platform
RDFSchemaGenerator - DES SecretKeyFactory not available
Re-sort on items
Reason for file with 'Unknown' status'
Rebase all files linked to a CR to another view
Rebuild corrupted or missing starteam-server-configs.xml
Recommended best practice for configuring the StarTeam 2009 server
Recommended JBuilder version for StarTeam extensions
Recommended sequence for StarTeam Server maintenance with MPX
Reconcile: Synchronization with TrackRecord fails due to greater than 327 req.
Recovering a TrackRecord database admin password
Recovering data from the purged audit tables
Registration Tips for Starteam 5.1 and Higher.
Release Breakdown
Release Burnup
Release Progress
Release Tracking
Removing the StarTeam toolbar
Report Archives identifies many file revisions mapped to foreign archives, but gives no information other than file name and "<No Share Paths Were Found>". How do I locate these files and correct them?
Report of active StarTeam users
Report that can list the deleted files in a view.
Reports in CPC are not available after upgrading to new version
Required field <Detected on Date> cannot be empty or SPACE filled
Reset Active Process Item from the current View when the Process Item is still 'In Progress'
Reseting the Notification Agent queue
Resetting an auto-incrementing field in TrackRecord
Resetting CR status to 'New'
Resetting the Administrator password on the Web Server
Resolving CPC Help Failure on Windows 7 with UAC Enabled
Resolving the error, "No Current Record"
Resolving the StarDisk Assertion Failure
Response object error "ASP 0251 : 80004005" error message
Restore TrackRecord DBAUtil Information
Restrict changes to the default working folder
Restricting users from accessing the item browser
Retrieve Change Request attachment information using SQL Server
Retrieve information on deleted files using the SDK
Reusable java object to handle server, project, view, folder, userid and password.
Reviewing Sprint Status
Runtime conversion of StarTeam Layout Designer forms to APEs
Runtime error abnormal program termination
Safety of more than one thread with StarTeam SDK
Sample for Listing StarTeam Users into Excel
Sample source code for gathering a list of StarTeam groups and the users for each group.
Scheduling StarTeam DataMart
Scheduling the Vault Verify tool to run
Script for importing data from comma delimited text files to StarTeam as ChangeRequest.
SDK API transition guide
SDK does not expose Change Package and External Link objects
SDK Error: An unexpected internal error occurred in: Item.buildShareTree(), n1=20; n2=19. Please contact Borland technical support.
SDK Event Handling in C# using delegates
SDK Patch Release
SDK Patch Release
SDK Patch Release
SDK Patch Release
SDK Patch Release
SDK Patch Release
Security log does not sort
Sending notifications from an SDK application
Sending Status Notifcations without sending Step Notifications when using a Custom Workflow
Server administration GUI does not update when running server as a service
Server Component failed to load.
Server configuration was marked as new ( DbCreated = 0 ), but one of the tables already exists
Server crashes with exception when selecting history or reference tab of a file
Server error: User is not in role for this method
Server is not recognizing the changes made to Email Notification templates??
Server log is hung on purge Audit table, server won"t start
Server log reports "Missing Parent Item" or "There is 1 missing parent item"
Server reports "Permission Denied" when a user with full privilege check in files
ServerID" field in 2006 Datamart schema
Set ‘Delete working Files’ as default upon check-in
Setting a permanent directory to store StarTeam reports?
Setting an Enumerated field as ?Required? does not work as expected.
Setting StarTeam to run as a service via cmd line fails
Setting the language displayed by the Web Edition Client.
Setting up a Backlog to Backlog Info Stream
Setting up a Defect Info Stream
Setting up a Requirements Info Stream
Setting up access rights so that users cannot delete file project views and other items.
Setting up AutoAlert to send e-mail
Settings for project not saved
Share State definitions
Sharing Same Working Directory in StarTeam with numerous users.
Silent Installation Instructions for StarTeam Win32 and Cross-Platform Clients 2005
Some files are never checked out on Cross-Platform Client via cache agent
Some of our users are unable to see files while others can
Some of the required resources are currently in use by other users
Sorting attachment listing
Sorting CR list on build label attachment
Sorting enumerated fields in alphabetical order
Sorting Outlines in TrackRecord 5
Source database is not up to date
SourceSafe was unable to finish writing a file. Check your available disk space, and ask the administrator to analyze your SourceSafe database.
Specify the order of values in a custom enumerated field
Sprint Insight
SQL for Datamart Extract to display only the latest files in a project for a particular baseline
SQL Network Interfaces: Error Locating Server/Instance Specified [xFFFFFFFF]
SQL query to report on StarTeam Projects modified before a specific date
SQL Query to retrieve list of users that have never logged into StarTeam
SQL Query to retrieve users last login date
SQL script to list active CR's with attachments
SQL server collation setting for StarTeam
SQL Server Database Permissions Checklist
SQL Server query to identify details of missing attachments
SQL Server query to return details of Custom Enumerated fields added to StarTeam configuration
SQL Server query to return information on 'locked' files
SQL Server query to return information on deleted files
SQL Server query to return items attached to Revision Labels
SQLDUMPER library failed initialization. Your installation is either corrupt or has been tampered with
ST - How to change a server GUID
ST - How to undelete an old file or just add it and attach to it the old file"s history.
ST - Microsoft Visual Studio is not opened when double-clicking on a file in StarTeam
ST - UTf8 converter overwrites text fields when the option "update all table applying codepage" is used
ST client is throwing error "Cannot add a column to the table: the size of the row will exceed the allowable maximum."
ST QC Sync throwing error: "You do not have the required permissions to execute this action"
ST: error: "A server entry in your starteam-servers.xml file named <server name> does not exist."
ST: error: FAILURE MESSAGE 2 no database found and no default driver
ST: how to re-install the runtime in a different directory
ST: how to setup a silent install / install image for StarTeam
ST: java.lang.NullPointerException on automated file checkout when target directory is not empty
ST: universal commandline not working on linux / unix
StarBase Server System Requirements
Stardisk: how to fix error "Failed to load Stardisk core component"
Stargate is not installed" message error is prompted upon starting up a server configuration
StarGate SDK Does not Work on Windows XP After Upgrade
StarTeam & .NET Tricks
StarTeam & PowerBuilder for Multi Users.
StarTeam - Client Connect
StarTeam - Client Jump Start
StarTeam - Empower independent developers
StarTeam .Net Integration - Problem Opening Connection
StarTeam .Net SDK methods are very slow
StarTeam 12.0 Client - Unable to check in files
StarTeam 12.0 CPC HF3 is now available for download.
StarTeam 12.0 new releases
StarTeam 12.0 Web Server displays incorrect version server version
StarTeam 12.0 Web Server hot fix 2 is now available
StarTeam 12.5 CPC HF4 is now available for download
StarTeam 12.5 CPC HF8
StarTeam 12.5 HF 3 is now available
StarTeam 12.5 released
StarTeam 12.5 Server HF4 is now available
StarTeam 12.5 Workflow Designer and Layout Designer support for Custom Components
StarTeam 13.0 and 13.0 Update 1 releases
StarTeam 13.0 Client - Unable to load custom workflow/layouts
StarTeam 13.0 CPC Performance Issues
StarTeam 13.0 server configuration best practice
StarTeam 13.0 Server update1 HF3 is now available
StarTeam 13.0 Update 1 is now available for download
StarTeam 14.0 Update 4 CPC Patch 16 Released (Build
StarTeam 14.2 server error when setting RSA R2 block cipher (Cipher Feedback) encryption
Starteam 14.4 Cross-Platform Client Patch 10 (
Starteam 14.4 Cross-Platform Client Patch 11 (
Starteam 14.4 Cross-Platform Client Patch 7 ( Released .
Starteam 14.4 Cross-Platform Client Patch 8 ( Released .
Starteam 14.4 Cross-Platform Client Patch 9 ( Released.
Starteam 14.4 HotFix 2 Server ( Released.
StarTeam 14x new releases
StarTeam 15.0 - Introduction to the Web Client (Video)
Starteam 15.0 Cross-Platform Client Patch 2 ( Released .
Starteam 15.0 Cross-Platform Client Patch 2 ( Released.
Starteam 15.0 New Release
Starteam 15.0 Server Hotfix 4 ( Released.
StarTeam 15.0-Using the Import/Export Manager to manage projects (Video)
Starteam 15.1 Cross-Platform Client Patch 1 (
StarTeam 15.1 Cross-Platform Client Patch 3 (
StarTeam 15.1 HotFix 4 Server
StarTeam 15.1 HotFix 5 Server
StarTeam 15.1 HotFix 7 Server (build
StarTeam 16.0 Cross-Platform Client Patch 1 (
StarTeam 16.0 released
StarTeam 16.0 Update 3 Cross-Platform Client Patch 2 Release Notes (Build, StarTeam SDK (Build, and StarTeam Extensions (Build
StarTeam 16.0 Web Server Patch 2 (Build
StarTeam 16.2 released
StarTeam 16.3 released
StarTeam 17.0 Cross-Platform Client Patch 1 (Build
StarTeam 2005 R2 client installer stops with a failure in the registerFonts function of fontmanager.dll
StarTeam 2005 R2 Database Support
StarTeam 2005 R2: Custom form does not display updated data
StarTeam 2005 R2: Dynamic defaults not working as expected.
StarTeam 2005 R2: Error "An unexpected error has occured"
StarTeam 2005 R2: StarTeam does not save login credentials.
StarTeam 2005 R2: Unable to start the server as a service.
StarTeam 2005: Client 6
StarTeam 2005: Configuration issues when upgrading from StarTeam 5.4 to StarTeam 2005
StarTeam 2005: Datamart 2
StarTeam 2005: Error in Notification Agent log file
StarTeam 2005: Local cache not getting updated
StarTeam 2005: Native-I tab still exists after successful conversion to Native-II
StarTeam 2005: Server 11
StarTeam 2005: Server configuration missing "views" after moving StarTeam server 2005 from one machine to another.
StarTeam 2005: Setting StarTeam as a service for PVCS wrapping process.
Starteam 2005: user name defaulted to a non-existent user
StarTeam 2005: viewmerge command syntax error for logging.
StarTeam 2006 integration with Microsoft Project
StarTeam 2006 Japanese Edition Press Release
StarTeam 2006 plugin for VS .NET 2005 is not adding all files for Business Integration Services Project Type
StarTeam 2006 Visual Studio 2005 Integration
StarTeam 2006R2 Generally Available!
StarTeam 2008 SQL Server 2005 Support
StarTeam 2008 Visual Studio 2005 Integrated Client does not show files
StarTeam 2009 CPC patch 21 available for download
StarTeam 2009 R2 StarFlow Extension HF1 is now available
StarTeam 2009 R2 support for Oracle 11g R2
StarTeam 2009R2 database upgrade error: Database revision 66...
StarTeam 5.2 GUI doesnt appear after login
StarTeam 5.2SP1 : Client19
StarTeam 5.2SP1 : Server12
StarTeam 5.2SP1 : Server32
StarTeam 5.2SP1 : Solaris Server 35
StarTeam 5.2SP1 : SolarisServer3
StarTeam 5.3 : 53StarDisk1
StarTeam 5.3 : Server 4
StarTeam 5.3SP1 : Client14
StarTeam 5.3SP1 : Server17
StarTeam 5.3SP1 : Server18
StarTeam 5.3SP1 : Server3
StarTeam 5.4 : 54Client8
StarTeam 5.4 : 54Server6
StarTeam 5.4 : 54Server7
StarTeam 5x Client Fails to Open
StarTeam 6.0 & 2005: Connectivity problem with MPX server
Starteam 6.0 & 2005: Email Notification to changes in the Change Requests
StarTeam 6.0 server installer does not start under Windows XP / Windows 2003
StarTeam 6.0: Client 7
StarTeam 6.0: Count of StarTeam users logged in.
StarTeam 6.0: Cross Platform Client 7 - OSX Edition
StarTeam 6.0: Cross Platform Client 7 - Solaris Edition
StarTeam 6.0: Cross-Platform Client 6.0 - Linux Edition
StarTeam 6.0: Getting "java.lang.outOfMemoryError" when trying to launch the Cross-Platform Client
Starteam 6.0: Getting Exceptions in log file during back-up process
Starteam 6.0: How to list file in repository by revision label using stcmd
StarTeam 6.0: SDK 10
StarTeam 6.0: Setting up Notification Agent when using Lotus Notes mailbox.
StarTeam 6.0; Cross Platform Client 7 - Windows Platform
StarTeam Access Rights
Starteam Access Rights Overview
StarTeam access rights report showing access rights associated with specific users/groups
StarTeam Add Directories 2005
StarTeam adds carriage returns to files that should only contain line feeds
StarTeam Agile (Sprint and Story) tabs not present in StarTeam CPC
StarTeam Agile - adding stories to the backlog
StarTeam Agile - Adding stories to the backlog (1689696)
StarTeam Agile - Breaking down an Epic into smaller stories
StarTeam Agile - Editing stories in the backlog
StarTeam Agile - How to Create a Project
StarTeam Agile - invalid credentials error message when logging into Agile WebPage
StarTeam agile - managing the backlog
StarTeam Agile - Managing the backlog (1689693)
StarTeam Agile - product demonstration
StarTeam Agile - ranking stories in the backlog
StarTeam Agile - sprint planning
StarTeam Agile - Sprint Planning (1689699)
StarTeam Agile - Story and Sprint tab do not appear after Agile install
Starteam Agile - Using Filters and Tags
StarTeam Agile - using the teamboard to track progress
StarTeam Agile -breaking down an epic
StarTeam Agile -using filters and tags
StarTeam Agile 1.0 Release Notes
StarTeam Agile 2.3 Release Notes
StarTeam Agile has arrived!
StarTeam Agile tasks are not displaying on the TeamBoard
StarTeam Agile Tomcat service fails to start but shows the status as starting
StarTeam Agile Version 1.0 Hotfix 1 Release Notes
StarTeam Agile- editing stories in the backlog
StarTeam Agile- Ranking stories in the backlog
StarTeam best practice guide part 1
StarTeam best practice guide part 2
StarTeam best practice guides are now available
StarTeam best practice video
StarTeam Client 6.0 Installation reaches
StarTeam client does not handle folder deletion notification of other users.
StarTeam client error: Cannot format given object as a number
StarTeam client fails to open after a user logs in
StarTeam Client freezes when a merge is selected during a file checkout
StarTeam client graphic issues
StarTeam client: Client hangs when trying to open.
Starteam command line
StarTeam Command Line (stcmd) fails when outputting results to text file
StarTeam Configuration fails to start with multiple 'Msg = Invalid object name...' type errors
StarTeam Configuration fails to start with multiple 'Msg = Invalid object name...' type errors (1757403)
StarTeam CPC error 'com.starteam.xml.XMLParseException: Premature end of file'
StarTeam CPC error: The transaction log for database is full
StarTeam CPC fails to launch without errors
StarTeam CPC opens a blank window
StarTeam CPC search not finding newly added items
StarTeam CPC support for Mac OS
StarTeam Cross Platform Client 2005 R2 for Windows
StarTeam Cross Platform Client checking out files as read only
StarTeam Cross Platform client simply disappears during login attempt.
StarTeam Cross-Platform Client and/or stcmd may fail to run under Linux with no error message
StarTeam Datamart exit codes
StarTeam Datamart Viewer throwing error
StarTeam disaster recovery
StarTeam does not recognise changes made to the server notification email template
StarTeam Eclipse Client HF1 is now available
StarTeam Eclipse integration 15.0 Hotfix 2 released
StarTeam Error "The following features: modifying Process Rules, modifying Alternate Editors, are no longer supported by the client version you are using"
StarTeam error: Unable to re-pin items in View " "
StarTeam Extensions 2005 R2
StarTeam failover in a Cluster Environment
Starteam fails to upgrade from 5.2 to 6.0
StarTeam Failure: CR printing does not preserve new line characters for a custom CR form
StarTeam Fields Report
StarTeam File Federation log files location
StarTeam folder has a shadow or ghost image
StarTeam fundamentals
StarTeam health check program
StarTeam HELP fails to launch on Windows Vista with UAC enabled
StarTeam HF7 for StarTeam 2009 R2
StarTeam hot fix release page
StarTeam how to videos
StarTeam installer hanging after extraction
StarTeam integration for Atlassian Bamboo
StarTeam integration for JBuilder 2008 R2
StarTeam integration with Ant
StarTeam Integration with SQL Navigator
Starteam Jenkins Integration
Starteam licence entries in log appear incorrect
StarTeam license for the database which StarTeam uses as a repository
StarTeam License Report
StarTeam license server proxy for Belise license server
StarTeam Linux installation Invocation error: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: com.zerog.ui.gui.liteweight.ZGGridBagContainer
StarTeam login dialog shows Windows userid, not StarTeam userid.
StarTeam login error: "Cannot create Java virtual machine"
StarTeam logon failed: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: The specified password is invalid; the maximum password length is 127 UTF-8 characters
StarTeam Memory Management
StarTeam memory management on 32-bit and 64-bit Windows Operating Systems.
StarTeam Message Broker 6.8 Error 193;0xc1
StarTeam MPX 2008 What"s New and Quick Deployment Guide
StarTeam Notification Agent Hotfix 1
StarTeam Oracle data file size limit
StarTeam Oracle database package dependencies
StarTeam personal settings will not save properly
StarTeam Purge operation fails with a ORA-01555 error
StarTeam SDK 13.0 Update 1 HF1 has now been released
Starteam SDK 2005 R2
StarTeam SDK Topics & Releases
StarTeam SDK Utilities 2006
StarTeam Server 13.0 configuration options best practice guide
StarTeam Server 16.0 HotFix 2 (build
StarTeam Server 16.0 HotFix 3 (build
StarTeam Server 16.2 HotFix 1 released (build
Starteam Server 2005 R2
Starteam Server 2005 R2 Win32 Client
StarTeam Server 2008 R2 patch #6, build
StarTeam server 5.2 does not start.
StarTeam Server 6.0 : Server 1
StarTeam Server appears to be hung during startup
StarTeam Server configurations do not show up under Local
Starteam Server error "Unable to start listening for connections"
StarTeam Server error messages: Duplicate settings (ignored)
StarTeam Server error messages: Unrecognized settings (ignored)
StarTeam Server failed to start with error There is already an object named "bulk_edit_non_versioned" in the database
StarTeam server fails on start-up with error, "Exception handled at CStServer::Preload: Class = CDBException, Code = 4294967295(0xffffffff) Msg = Timeout expired"?
StarTeam server fails to shutdown
StarTeam server fails to start as a windows service
StarTeam Server has stopped working – APPCRASH ST2009
StarTeam Server is returning error "Unexpected Condition: Expression: 1 < ShareTree.GetCount()"
StarTeam Server limit on group memberships
StarTeam Server log stuck between "Notification Locale set to: en" and "The security manager loaded." on startup
StarTeam Server reports incorrect license count
StarTeam Server reports the following error: 'Internal application error - Items can only be shared within the same server' when creating a link between components
StarTeam Server/Client Install error, preventing from installing the software.
StarTeam Service fails to restart after machine reboot
StarTeam service startup error
StarTeam stcmd commands refused "Connection refused: connect"
StarTeam STE : NotificationAgent12
StarTeam STE : NotificationAgent5
StarTeam STE : StarTeamExtensions11
StarTeam STE : Worlkflow7
StarTeam Support for Oracle 11g R2 (11.2)
StarTeam support for SQL Server 2008 R2
StarTeam Support Statements for Virtual Hardware
StarTeam SVN File Federation log file
StarTeam time settings requirements.
StarTeam tracer - out of memory error
StarTeam upgrade fails on Windows 2003
StarTeam upgrade path
StarTeam upgrade paths
StarTeam vault storage
StarTeam VaultVerifier & ReportArchivesTool
StarTeam Visual Studio Hotfix 4 is now available
StarTeam VS integration: Please repeat your command
StarTeam Web Client
StarTeam Web Client display does not refresh revision numbers
StarTeam Web Client: Error "Server error uploading folder information".
StarTeam Web Edition 2005: Error "The StarGate SDK has not been properly installed. StarTeam Web Edition requires StarGate 7.0."
StarTeam Web Edition Error - There is no project with ID = <number> on StarTeam server
StarTeam Web Server error when attempting to start "SEVERE: Socket accept failed"
StarTeam Web Server support of changes in IP address
StarTeam will not allow StarTeam repository to be placed on the root of a drive
StarTeam – DataMart Synchronizer
StarTeam® 14.0 Cross-Platform Client Patch 13 (Build
Starteam-server-configs.xml configuration file on Linux
starteam-server-configs.xml never changes from Starting to Ready
StarTeam2005 R2 SDK - ??????????(Japanese)
StarTeam: Can the username/password used in the stcmd command, stored or read from an encrypted file?
StarTeam: error: The SourceSafe Database path Administrator does not exist. Please select another database
Starteam: Floating licenses are not returned to Pool when user is force-logged off by Administrator or when Client crashes
StarTeam: How do I unshare a folder without deleting the files in the original folder?
StarTeam: How to delete a view
StarTeam: Remote Web client get error "there are no connections defined" when attempting to add server
Starteam: Stargate Runtime will not install
StarTeam: Upgrade path from StarTeam 4.1 server on Windows NT to StarTeam 2005 server on Windows 2003 server.
StarTeamMPX Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Starting the Starbase Server using the command line.
stcmd - the stateful command line engine
STCMD does not check out entire folder structure when alternate working folder path is set
STCMD error Invalid password file when using a password file generated on another machine
stcmd generates "java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException"
STCMD.exe is not installed with the StarTeam 12.0 client
stcmd.exe returns nothing to standard output.
stcmdEx - A Stateless Command Line Execution Environment and alternative to stcmd
Steps to take when moving the License Server and TrackRecord Server
stexport.exe is throwing "LaunchAnywhere Error: Windows error 3 occured while loading the Java VM"
Stop running this script? A script on this page is causing internet explorer to run slowly.If it continues to run, your computer might become unresponsive
Stored procedure not found error after moving database
Storing an encoded password to a file
Story Acceptance
Story Cards
Story Impact
StQL: The "select" command. A generalized StarTeam query generation language
Strong passwords - when do they take effect?
Submitting Items to a Backlog via an Info Stream
Supply Linux system information for a support incident
Support for Keyword Expansion for UTF-16 files
Support for Windows 7
Support Tip: How to capture Wireshark log from StarTeam Client?
Support Tip: How to update StarTeam to latest version
Supported SQL versions for StarTeam 2008/2008R2 - StarTeam 2009R2
Supporting JBuilder 2008 R2 with StarTeam StarFlow extension samples
Switching TrackRecord License Server
Synchronizing the StarTeam universe to display user-defined fields breaks several joins between tables
System Requirements
System-level Performance and Resource Metrics
Tagging Stories
Targeting Stories for a Release
Task Cards
Task form in Web Edition does not allow selection of the other tabs.
Team Board List view
Team Inspector 12.0 support for Windows Server 2003
TeamInspector getting started guide
TeamInspector Schema creation fails during installation
Terminal Servers
Text does not wrap in the Details pane of the Cross-Platform Client
The "insert" command. Transacted content import capability from tabular text files
The "Real Time Indexer" status shows "Completed - Error" and the log shows "Indexer lock file already exists".
The "update" command. Transacted content revision modification from tabular text files
The 32-bit StarTeam server version does not display the StarTeam configurations when running on a 64-bit OS
The add-property command. Expanding the schema of a type with custom properties
The add-type command. Creating StarTeam custom components.
The application was unable to start correctly (0xc000007b)
The Belise (BLS) service does not get installed on Windows 2008 R2 server (64-bit), even when the ‘Install as a Windows service’ option is checked
The checkin command ci
The checkout command co.
The CheckoutTraceDump utility does not process cotrc files.
The class "com.starbase.starteam.gui.StarTeamFrame" must be public when starting CrossPlatform Client
The connect command. Maintaining a persistent stateful session
The creation of queries
The Cross Platform Client (CPC) shows a different user name to the user name used to logon
The Cross Platform Client crashes and closes seemingly at random.
The current VCM Session may be too large to large to atomically commit or the Server Configuration does not support atomic VCM transactions
The describe command - querying type metadata from the StarTeam schema catalog
The first 64bit CPC is now available
The folderhierarchy cannot be resolved to a folder in this view
The internal access token was not initialized properly. Vault access has been denied.
The LoadLibrary function failed for the following reason: LoadLibrary is not a valid Win32 application
The machine name in the Security log does not match the machine name in the Server log
The modified by and time/date stamp are not correct after VCM session.
The mounted file system does not support extended attributes.
The options available within change packages
The parameter(s) "epwdfile" is/are not supported by this command.
The requested property is not available" error is shown when checking out files
The Role of Quality Assurance in an Agile Environment
The semaphore timeout period has expired
The server version is not supported. The target server must be SQL Server 2000 or later.
The session configuration file does not match the database (GUIDs are different)
The set command. Switching project/view context in a stateful session
The specified configuration could not be loaded. The upgrade has been aborted when upgrading Oracle based StarTeam configuration
The specified configuration could not be loaded. The upgrade has been aborted
The specified configuration could not be loaded. The upgrade has been aborted.
The specified DNS contains a architecture mismatch between the Driver and the Application
The StarTeam client freezes unexpectedly on systems with Norton Personal Firewall installed
The StarTeam Command Line Engine
The StarTeam SDK Object Model
The StarTeam server is currently locked. Please contact the server administrator for more information
The StarTeam Windows Client option to restore workspaces has been removed from the Cross Platform client. Can this be added?
The type "File" has no property named "HiveID"
The type initailizer for 'Borland.StarTeam.Server' threw an exception
The type initializer for 'java.lang.System' threw an exception
The Value of Story Points
The VaultVerify tool has a lot of options and switches - what do each of them do?
The ‘BorlandStarTeamPackage2005’ did not load correctly
There are no templates for type "Change Request" and view "[viewname]" or all templates are disabled
There is already a project by that name in the database
There is already an object named 'S101' in the database
There is already an object named "syn_ServerSettings" in the database.
This change package name is already in use in this view
This project requires a reason for checking in files
This server configuration does not support the creation of advanced views
This type can only be added to the root folder of a view
Time conversion error in TestDirector synchronizer
Time delay between the CPC and the Web Server refresh rate
Time until automatic shutdown 30 minute
Timeout retrieving projects.Please try again using the refresh button
To be able to create a report that tells how many tasks & CRs were completed this month?
To open "StarTeam CPC 14.0" you need to install the legacy Java SE 6 runtime
To run the DB Scripts, does the server configuration has to be locked during the script execution?
To upgrade from StarTeam 2005 build 7.0.125 to 7.0.133, are there any specific steps or documentation to follow?
Tools" option is not appearing in CR right click window and in "Change Request" menu
Total actual Worked value is incorrect for a task. The value is displayed as "9999996"
Track Record Login Screen / Removing:
Tracking Folder Moves within StarTeam
Tracking StarTeam revision label changes over time
Tracking the history of File moves in StarTeam
Tracking the Sprint via Burndown Charts
TrackRecord 6.x advanced search and query question
TrackRecord AutoAlert in Lotus Notes environment
TrackRecord compatibility with ODBC
TrackRecord crashes when I open, close, or modify an item.
TrackRecord DAB files
TrackRecord defect status field is unavailable
TrackRecord integration non-associated defects
TrackRecord integration with Visual Basic (VB)
TrackRecord license error: Not a valid hostname
TrackRecord outline reports unshared after rebuild
TrackRecord Web Server System Requirements
TrackRecord WebServer - Runtime Error - Missing JS.DOC
TrackRecord WebServer setup for Windows 2000
TrackRecord WebServer support for Apache Web Server
TrackRecord: Error Code 14 File 12
TrackRecord: Report Generation Error With Excel Macros
TrackRecord: Scroll Mouse Support
Transfer View Labels between project views
Two clients in the same timezone showing different check in times on files
typeflag 'L' not recognized, converting to regular file
Unable to administer user accounts from the cross platform client
Unable to allocate a new page for "�tabasename%" because of insufficent disk space in the filegroup primary
Unable to Check In Files
Unable to check out files using stcmd.exe
Unable to check-out StarTeam license from non-assigned Belise license certificate
Unable to complete forced logoff because the user has a command in progress. Please try again in a few moments.
Unable to complete operation: User record not found
Unable to connect TeamInspector to StarTeam stream
Unable to connect to StarTeam Server and CaliberRM Server simultaneously using SDK
Unable to connect to StarTeam server with Web Edition - Heap space exception
Unable to copy, cut and paste when using CDE/Motif look and feel
Unable to create and update ChangeRequest with error: Couldn"t create lock file, Access is denied
Unable to Delete Connection from Web Edition.
Unable to download some of the CR attachments of the Web Edition
Unable to generate Check-out Trace dump report in StarTeam 2009 64-bit
Unable to initialize CacheJournal.dat. Error Failed to open ....
Unable to install the StarTeam Eclipse plugin into Eclipse x64
Unable to launch custom form (APE) : "[INFO] EditorManager - StarTeam Extensions not loaded"
Unable to launch StarTeam CPC 2008 R2
Unable to move the post-commit view label to earlier revisions of the items. Label could not be attached, unable to resolve item revision
Unable to open attachments from a Custom CR
Unable to re-open items with attachment added during remote hive disconnection
Unable to Receive Email Notification for Projects Configured with Workflow Extensions
Unable to remove StarTeam server from available servers in StarTeam Web
Unable to run Notification Agent as a Windows Service with error java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError
Unable to see changes or check-ins for files against Change Requests in different views
Unable to select multiple tasks using the Tree Display
Unable to set user context limit on Resources and Work fields using Task Custom Workflow
Unable to start a Manually Registered Remote Cache Agent as Window Service
Unable to start Remote Cache Agent with error "Failed to create cache update timestamp file"
Unable to start StarTeam or CaliberRM VS .Net Integration when either one has already been started within VS .Net
Unable to synch defects from QC to StarTeam, but able to synch the other way.
Unable to use the alternate property editors (custom forms)
Unable to view a change package via the "Show Change Perspective" view.
Understanding EOL conversion
Understanding file status within StarTeam CPC
Understanding Labels
Understanding Licensing in StarTeam 5.2
Understanding Revision, Content Revision, and Vault Branch Version
Understanding StarTeam 5.4 Licensing
Understanding the file status within the CPC
Understanding the locking options
Understanding the StarTeam working folders
Understanding the StarTeam working folders (1751789)
Undo file check-in operation
Unexpected Condition: Expression: Key.m_FileSize != 0
Unexpected error when running Web Edition 2008
Unexpected internal error occurred in: mergeData.isMoved((, ascendent=null
Unexpected problem creating Locator in StarbaseLocator. StarFlow Extensions/null/Projects.
Unfreeze and delete labels using the commandline
Uniqueness check is currently in progress
UNIX Oracle client error: [CANTOPEN] Unable to open
Unknown file mapping error or file is too large
Unsupported Oracle driver. Only ODBC drivers provided by Oracle Corporation are supported.
Update Change Requests from csv file. Custom CP tool
Update View Member
Updating Tasks on the Teamboard
Upgrade Tips - StarTeam 4.2 to 5.2.
Upgrading from StarTeam 2005 R2 Standard to StarTeam 2005 R2 Enterprise or Enterprise Advantage
Upgrading SQL Server 2000 to SQL Server 2008 R2 when upgrading StarTeam
Upgrading StarTeam database from SQL 2005 Express Edition to SQL Server 2005 Enterprise Server
Uploading an attachment to a Change Request results in a duplicate attachment
Upon linking a task to a file - why does a linked item not appear under ?List Linked Items? upon file check-in to a floating reference view?
Use last modified time for checked-out files
User Account Management
User gets Cannot Access Class Type error after .NET SDK upgrade to 2006 from 2005 R2 SDK
User Guide
User has read-only access to view, but cannot change from alternate to default working folder
User is not receiving emails when a CR is assigned to them
User Roles Within StarTeam Agile
Users are unable to change their StarTeam password via the CPC
Users can Check Out to an alternative directory
Users cannot add files after cache cleanup
Users cannot see files after a server move
Users listed as task resources do not receive task notifications
Users report using .NET SDK
Using Access Rights to lock a StarTeam View
Using BSS 2009 (Version 4.0) "Show" hyperlinks do not work in Internet Explorer 7 or Internet Explorer 8
Using custom fields with the StarGate SDK.
Using Filters
Using Import/Export manager, export a project, but when importing, the author(s) is lost and goes to the default author (the importer) on all revisions
Using Microsoft Excel to build reports containing TrackRecord project data
Using mixed mode authenication for StarTeam SQL Server database
Using PerfMon to monitor the StarTeam server
Using SQL Server to back up and backup and restore your StarTeam database
Using StarTeam (STCMD) command line to compare differences in a file in different views
Using the ConfigManager Utility
Using the CPC to demonstrate the power of MPX
Using the new STCMD tool
Using the server log how can I check what StarTeam Client version is connecting to the server?
Using the StarTeam 12 command line to populate newly created custom fields
Using the StarTeam 2006 integration for Visual Studio 2005 why can I not modify tasks ?
Using the update() method in the StarTeam SDK.
Value of "File Time Stamp at check-in" is not matching with file"s "Date Modified" time in Windows Explorer"
VCM compare perspective shows incorrect item count when filter is changed
VCM consumes all memory and crashes
VCM does not promote linked files with a CR
VCM Merge Types
VCM requires files to be merged even where there are no merge conflicts
VCM session loses focus to StarTeam Client
VCM session times out when performing operations on a large amount of files
Veritas Backup Exec error: "The path for this database is invalid because it contains extra backslash characters..."
View Compare Merge (VCM) fails to reverse share a directory. The error dialogue states that the item is no longer available, or has been deleted or moved by another user.
View Compare-Merge common problems
View Manager error when comparing view with "/" or "\" in its name
View Merge command is giving Java Exception com.starbase.starteam.streplicate.streplicator
Violation of PRIMARY KEY error occurred in datamart log
Violation of the Primary Key constraint "PK_ST_FOLDERHISTORY".Cannot insert duplicate key in object "ST_FOLDERHISTORY" " exception during a DataMart extraction
VS 2003 error with CR APE
VSS Sharing and pinning appears to fail within StarTeam
VSS wrap fails using VSS version 6d
WARNING! Failed to install Visual C Runtime Libraries
Warning: Archive file's MD5 doesn't match file name
We want to ensure that our TrackRecord 6.x implementation supports MS Project.
Web Edition Active Server Page errors
Web Edition error "The maximum amount of time for a script to execute was exceeded. You can change this limit..."
Web Server is unable to access new projects or views
WebServer license key
What are "connection lost" and "connection dumped" entries in the server log?
What Are Info Streams?
What are the advantages and disadvantages of running StarTeam server as a service?
What are the benefits of using compression in StarTeam?
What are the Best Practices for StarTeam 2006?
What are the character limitations of all the fields in the StarTeam Change Request window?
What are the command line options to start and stop the Borland License Server?
What are the definitions of the column headers of a BLS exported data file?
What are the event type fields that are missing in SecurityEventType interface in 2005 R2 .NET SDK API ?
What are the limitations on the dot notation for StarTeam file revisions?
What are the StarTeam Datamart exit codes and what do they mean?
What are the status codes that "stcmd" returns?
What are the steps required to move Borland License Server (Belise) to a new machine?
What are the steps to move a StarTeam 2006 Server to a new machine?
What are the supported database servers and versions of StarTeam server?
What at the values for the vaultconversionmode option in the starteam-server-configs.xml?
What can cause duplicate file names in StarTeam?
What can cause the error "File not found: FolderPath\FileName. Access denied" when attempting to checkout a file?
What can cause the following error whilst using the StarTeam Visual Studio integration:"Unable to load DLL "Borland.StarTeam.Profile.dll"
What can cause the following error, "Com.starbase.starteam.straflow.ItemWrapper.hasInitEnums(L/Java/LangString;)", when using custom forms?
What causes "Could not locate a hive with a hive ID of 10" when checking out a file?
What causes "Error 8000000d" on StarTeam WebEdition using Solaris?
What causes "Unable to create local working folder" when attempting to create a local folder?
What causes an SDK application to crash and generate the error, "~RuntimeStub::resolve_opt_virtual_call"?
What causes repeated occurences of the error, "You are no longer connected to the project. The logon has probably timed out due to inactivity"?
What causes StarTeam Server to shutdown with the error "ORA-12571: TNS:packet writer failure"?
What causes StarTeam to fail during the, "Refreshing local folders" phase of opening a project?
What causes the BSS error, "HttpServletErrorHandler - java.lang.NegativeArraySizeException"?
What causes the eror, "Invalid Object CFIELDS" when upgrading the StarTeam database?
What causes the error "An unrecognized token "061a" was found" when attempting to open a PDF file that has been check out from StarTeam?
What causes the error "File Not Found <path to file>. The system cannot find the path specified" when checking out a file?
What causes the error "Msg = Conversion failed when converting the nvarchar value "tpro" to data type int" in the server log?
What causes the error "NLS_LANG setting on Oracle client cannot be verified" when creating new configuration?
What causes the error "ORA-01652: Unable to extend temp segment" in StarTeam 2008 R2 Server log?
What causes the error "Property order mismatch in schema" after upgrading to StarTeam 2008 R2?
What causes the error "The item you have attempted to edit is not editable by you" when using a custom form?
What causes the error "You do not have access rights" when attempting to share a change request even though full access rights have been granted?
What causes the error in the Cache Agent log, "Cache Journal: Journal file format uses an unexpected version"?
What causes the error message "Object Schema not found" after performing "Database/Upgrade"?
What causes the error Oracle Not Available when logging into Oracle Enterprise Manager?
What causes the error SEVERE: 2009.04.13 at 12:24:06 - com.borland.starteam.websdk.SDKWrapper:init - MPX is not installed in the StarTeam Web Edition log?
What causes the error, "Failed to initialize cache journal file "CacheJournal.dat" in the StarTeam Server log upon startup?
What causes the error, "Failed to start STARTEAM 2009 ep:49201. Please check the configuration settings"?
What causes the error, "Internal Application error: You do not have the access rights required to perform this operation"?
What causes the error, "Internal StarTeam Server Error: insert into #t1 Select F0, 0, from S31 where F0 in (........) and f8=0 : Column name "ID" does not exist in target table or view"?
What causes the error, "Invalid Object Name "CFIELDS"" when upgrading to StarTeam 2006?
What causes the error, "Invalid object name "S72" " after migrating StarTeam database from SQL Server 2000 to SQL Server 2005?
What causes the error, "java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError" when uninstalling the StarTeam Client?
What causes the error, "log4j:ERROR setFile(null,true) call failed."?
What causes the error, "Msg = Permission denied [OS Error Code] = 13 " in the Starteam 2006 server log?
What causes the error, "Named pipe provider: could not open a connection to SQL Server [2]" when creating a new configuration?
What causes the error, "No match found for enum value "" in side effect <Project>" when using the Custom Workflow?
What causes the error, "Out-of-view process items require the enhanced process model, which is not supported by this StarTeam server"?
What causes the error, "System Error #5744" when attempting to license the StarTeam Server?
What causes the error, "The number object requested does not match the number returned from the database"?
What causes the error, "The selected server does not support Online Purge"?
What causes the error, "The specified file does not have an extension and cannot be opened" when opening a local folder with the Linux CPC?
What causes the error, "The view you are attempting to open contains no visible folders because of the current security settings"?
What causes the error, "There are database users in the current database which are not linked to any SQL Server logins"?
What causes the error, "Unable to read file status information from the database on the local workstation" when running the STCMD?
What causes the error, "Unexpected Condition: Expression: PushedSize == m_FileSize File: .\FileCommandParam.cpp Line: 236"?
What causes the error, "Unsupported operation was attempted", when adding an Oracle ODBC connection to StarTeam?
What causes the error: "Msg = Failed to add new content to the vault: No hive that allow storing new archives found"?
What causes the error: Unexpected Condition: Expression: ID.GetID() == 0, File: .\ServerSettingsObjectSet.cpp
What causes the following error after upgrading to StarTeam 2008 R2 "Column names in each table must be unique. Column name "F4" in table "S30" is specified more than once"?
What causes the following error when running the StarTeam maintenance scripts "Incorrect DBCC statement"?
What causes the install error: " Failed to install Java runtime: C:\Program Files\Borland\Java\JavaRT1.6.0._02.exe" ?
What causes the number of "Stray Archives" to increase when running Vault Verify?
What causes the Solaris StarTeam Client error: "../sfw/bin/zsh: File name too long /opt/StarTeamCP_2008R2/bin/StarTeamCP: cannot shift"
What causes the StarTeam error: "The link could not be pinned. The specified pin version is prior to the linked version"?
What causes the warning "Stray archive not found" when running Vault Verify?
What causes this error: Msg = ORA-04063: package body "STIT1.BULK_GET_HISTORY_PKG" has errors?
What causes, "Index was out of range. Must be non-negative and less than the size of the collection" when using StarTeam Integration for Visual Studio?
What characters are supported when using StarTeam with Active Directory?
What could affect users seeing a custom CR form after selecting the correct Alternate Property Editor?
What do the Asynchronous I/O metrics reported in the StarTeam server log mean?
What do the options 'In this view' and 'In all views on connected servers' in the link pane of the CPC mean?
What does 0 for DBMinimumConnections and DBMaximumConnections default to?
What does CATCHUPLIST request failed: 400 mean in my cache agent log?
What does each file status mean?
What does the error mean: Exception handled at Unknown: Class = ServerLicenseException, Code = 101(0x00000065) Msg = License is unavailable. Contact your StarTeam administrator.
What does this particular access right mean exactly?"
What encoding does StarTeam Server use for email notifications?
What encryption level does the StarTeam Server use?
What endpoints/(port) ranges does starteam use?
What features are included with StarTeam Express Edition?
What files to backup in order to backup StarTeam
What happened to the CPC option "Automatically detect changes to working files"?
What happens to shared file history when original file location/view is deleted?
What is a Read-Only Reference View?
What is a StarTeam Change Package?
What is Borland Search Server?
What is Deployment licensing and can it be used with StarTeam?
What is License Usage Report?
What is maximum PATH length that can be specified during SDK runtime installation?
What is Pooled Connection and how to resolve pooled connectino related exceptions?
What is the "View.cpp" exception in the server log?
What is the best way to rename files and folders that TrackRecord uses?
What is the cause of the error "you must select either file content or item properties (or both) to fetch from the Cache Agent⬠when trying to enable the cache agent from VS Integration?"
What is the cause of the error, "Internal application error: No type with ClassID=46 was found on this server"?
What is the correct method for listing deleted items from a View?
What is the default password for StarTeam Agile release 2?
What is the difference between an Exclusive lock and a non-exclusive lock?
What is the difference between Inactivity and Reconnect Timeout?
What is the difference between the builtin NAnt selection you can use in TeamInspector vs. the generic command line selection?
What is the difference between the various encryption levels in StarTeam
What is the difference in behavior between the $Log and $History keyword expansions?
What is the effect of changng Application Instance settings
What is the encryption strength of the DBPassword key?
What is the estimated time process to convert repository from Native-I to Native-II format?
What is the Frozen Text in the File Compare Merge Tool?
What is the impact of creating a folder name with a period at the end?
What is the impact on StarTeam if you change the system clock of the machine the server is on?
What is the impact, of having named user licenses and concurrent licenses?
What is the maximum and minimum value for inactivity and reconnect timeout intervals
What is the maximum file size supported by StarTeam?
What is the maximum size for a StarTeam identifier?
What is the maximum size for the StarTeam vault?
What is the maximum size of a file name for a StarTeam Change Request attachment?
What is the maximum size of a project in StarTeam?
What is the meaning of this server log entry "StarTeamMPX File Transmitter: Event has incomplete file properties"?
What is the minimal NT service pack that can be utilized with TrackRecord? And i
What is the most accurate way to identify what files have been added to StarTeam within a specific time period?
What is the name of algorithm used to encrypt files in MPX
What is the new StarTeam Reconnect Timeout in StarTeam 6.0?
What is the optimal size for StarTeam"s hive cache?
What is the process for changing the SQL Server "dbo" user for a StarTeam Server?
What is the purpose of the 'Advanced Menu' options in StarTeam 13 CPC?
What is the purpose of the Cache folder in the Hive Directory?
What is the reason for "the user is not recognized error" when trying to connect to StarTeam?
What is the reason for "Unable to load JavaVM" when opening StarTeam Server Tools?
What is the reason for an "Access Right" error when trying to open a change request using same user on a different machine?"
What is the reason for getting only"Replicate" option when trying to promote from a child to a parent?"
What is the reason for VCM commit failure with "Exclusive Lock is required" error?
What is the reason of getting error messages when opening Custom Forms?
What is the rootmemberid column in syn_view represents? and if it"s value is -1, what does it mean?
What is the StarDraw Repository?
What is the StarTeam remote administration tool
What is the supported encoding format when customizing StarTeam email notification templates with non-ASCII characters?
What is the upgrade path from StarTeam 5.2 to StarTeam 2005 R2?
What is the upgrade path from StarTeam 5.4 to StarTeam 2005 R2?
What is the upgrade path to get from my version to the StarTeam 2008?
What is the upgrade path to StarTeam 2009 R2 server?
What is the upgrade path to StarTeam 2009 Server?
What is the VCM tool
What is VaultConversionHighPriority and how do I use it?
What is/is not included in my StarTeam 2008 Enterprise/Enteprise Advantage license?
What Linux support does StarTeam provide?
What Microsoft and Oracle licenses are required to support a StarTeam Environment?
What new keyboard shortcuts have been introduced in the StarTeam 2008 R2 CPC?
What options can I use when using an alternate merge utility?
What parameters are available for a Silent install of StarTeam?
What permissions are needed on the user account to run StarTeam server as a window service?
What permissions are needed to use VCM in 2006 client?
What port does FlexLM require to communicate with StarTeam?
What privileges are required for a login account in MS SQL server to use as StarTeam user (DBUserName in starteam-server-configs.xml)?
What RPC ports does StarTeam use?
What SDK version should I use for Star Team 2006?
What SQL Tuning Scripts should be run on versions of StarTeam above StarTeam 6.0
What StarTeam Integration should I choose when using Microsoft Visual Studio?
What StarTeam version provides support for Mercury Quality Center version 9.0?
What steps can be taken to maximise StarTeam MPX in a high bandwidth environment?
What to do if there is a heap space error using the Command Line (STCMD) client
What type of encryption does StarTeam provide for The Vault, Oracle Database, SQL Server Database
What"s new for MPX in StarTeam 2009?
When a file is shared is there a way to find the shared file and the new file?
When a user tries to use the Compare Utility in Visual Studio, "Unable to execute the specified comparison utility" error appears.
When adding a new field, what field types (such as character, numeric, or alp
When adding files to StarTeam with an initial comment, the comment is not being added to the file?s history. Is there any workaround for this issue?
When adding folders to a project, the folder name is temporarily incorrect in the CPC"s folder structure.
When attaching a file to CR, why does StarTeam client throws error "Data too large for field Property Name = AttachmentIDs"
When attempting to add a native StarTeam licence I receive “Msg = System error #5744”
When attempting to commit a VCM session do I receive the error "The target folder is missing or cannot be resolved. The action "Share" cannot be applied. The Item Difference Folder "detail" - New in source - Share cannot be commite
When attempting to install StarTeam why does the install wizard remain blank showing only the close/minimize buttons?
When attempting to start StarTeam all I get is the log on popup screen why is this?
When attempting to wrap a PVCS archive why do I get the error PVCS_E_ARCHIVE_NOT_FOUND?
When checking in a file based on a revision label why do I get the error "The label is frozen and cannot be changed"?
When checking out all file to alternate working folder, the files are not going to the child folders.
When checking out files is the entire project folder structure copied to a new directory?
When checking out from StarTeam WebEdition why do I get the error, ""SizeEx" is null or not an object "?
When conducting a VCM session I receive the difference type "Parent folder failed". How can I resolve this?
When connecting to my StarTeam server from a Unix operating system why does my client report the error "Internal Application Error: RC2_CFB encryption not available with JSafe"?
When creating a "custom notification message" in WorkFlow Designer why do the URLs not display properly in my email?
When creating a custom VCM merge type, what enumerated values are associated with each action in the custom.vcm.xml file?
When creating a new task in StarTeam with an estimated time (e.g. 0.5 ? not a whole number), and selecting the List display with the Estimated hours field shown, why is the time not displayed?
When deleting a file in StarTeam why is there no prompt to delete the working files?
When deleting a user group why do I get the error "The group has child groups. Only groups with no child groups may be deleted"?
When do cache agents pull cache files and objects and when do they push cache them?
When does the Cross Platform Client download StarFlow Extensions .jar files from the server?
When does the StarTeam 2008 R2 Server perform garbage collection?
When doing a PVCS wrap why do I get the error "PVCS said PVCS_E_UNKNOWN_User"?
When doing VSS wrap, why do I get error "Visual Source Safe error message: Access to file "C:\Program Files\VSS\AIM\data" denied"
When editing a revision of a file, the editor doesn"t display the file name."
When exporting tasks from Microsoft Project to StarTeam why are some of the folders in my StarTeam view not visible even though they?re visible when opening the same project through the StarTeam client?
When I attempt to delete a view why do I get the error ?The attempted operation was not complete. One of the Items is no longer available. It may have been deleted or moved by another user. Please perform a full refresh on the view and try the operat
When I attempt to run a VCM "Promote" Session on a Unix file, why are the End-of-Line "EOL" characters converted into Windows format?
When I attempt to start the Borland License Server why does the service stop immediately without reporting a reason?
When I check out a file why does it not show as a read-only file on my local machine?
When I click to add "attachment" using custom form change request why does the cross platform client freeze and Java process hang?
When I modify a custom jar file, whay are the changes not immediately applied to my custom form?
When I open my Personal options via Tools | Personal options , why is the GUI missing most of the items tabs such as File | CR etc.. ?
When I open StarTeam Client, no tabs are displayed - why is this?
When I open the Database Administration Utility, I see a directory list from my
When I remove the password for TD sync .ini file I get a login error
When I start the CPC, all of my previous projects open multiple times.
When I try to checkin a file from PowerBuilder integration, I get "Nonspecific Error Performing SccCheckin()......."
When I try to import Assignment type items they are not imported into the correc
When I try to launch the StarTeam Cross-Platform client why does it report the error "Provider org.apache.xerces.jaxp.SAXParserFactoryImpl not found"?
When I try to open a QACenter product, I recieve the following error message:
When I try to shutdown the server why do I receive an error "Fail to stop selected configuration."?
When I try to start the StarTeam-Oracle Server, I get the following error: "Failed to start newServer. Please check the configuration settings."
When I type in the URL to access the WebServer, I receive the launcher page, but
When installing StarTeam why do I get the following error "Please select another location to extract the installer to"?
When installing the Client a "Not Enough Disk Space on target drive" error appears
When installing the Cross-Platform Client on a MAC OS why do I get the error "Can"t adjust composition mode"?
When Keywords are ignored in the VCM wizard why are they still being flagged as differences?
When launched from the StarTeam client program group the hive manager allows hive properties to be edited while the server is running. How can I prevent this?
When launching Server Administration tool, I am getting "Access violation" error.
When launching StarTeam the list of servers is missing?
When launching the sample custom form what causes the error "Error locating workflow for ChangeRequest on this server"?
When launching the StarTeam Cross-Platform Client the error Java Virtual Machine Launcher "Could not find the main class. Program will exit" is shown
When mapping fields (in the form of drop down lists) between StarTeam and Test Director, do both lists need to contain the same values?
When my cache agent is running on a port higher than 32,767 why does my StarTeam client no longer connect to it?
When opening a Change Request, the Attachment Count is incorrect and I get an ArrayIndexOutOfBounds exception
When opening a project/view I receive the error "The attempted operation was not completed. One of the items is no longer available"?
When opening custom Task, StarTeam cross platform (CPC) client is freezing
When opening my StarTeam client why does the client hang with the following message "Initializing Core Client Services"
When opening one of the sample Visual Studio sln files that ship with 9.3 SDK why do I get an error indicating that the sln was created in a newer verison?
When opening the Compare/merge tool via the StarTeam / Visual Studio 2005 Integration, the screen remains blank. How can I resolve this issue?
When opening the Server Administration Tool an "SDK is not installed" error appears.
When opening the Web Edition why do I get the error "Response Object Error "ASP 0251" 80004005 Response Buffer Limit Exceeded"?
When opening Visual Studio why do I get the error "The process can not access the file "C:Program Files\Borland\StarTeam Integrations\StarTeam 2005 R2 Visual Studio 2005 Integration\log.log because it is being used by another process"?
When performing vault conversion, why don"t the attachments get converted to Native II format?
When promoting a newly added file from a "Branch all Float" view, the only Merge Action available is 'ignore'
When renaming a StarTeam project, is the view automatically updated?
When running a purge against my database do I get the error "Exception Class=, Code = 0. [Function Name] CStFilePurger::PurgeArchiveFiles"?
When running a purge of my Oracle database why does it appear to hang or never actually complete?
When running an extraction in DataMart why does it fail with the error "EXCEPTION: The reference view is no longer available. Its root folder has been deleted from the parent view"?
When Running Datamart Extractor, What Privileges Does An Oracle Schema User Need
When running DataMart Synchronizer against my Oracle Universe file why do all the links between tables disappear and throw an error in the log "The server threw an exception. No Class found for table"?
When running Import/Export Manager why do I get an exception stating "Caused by: com.starbase.starteam.SDKRuntimeException: The native library "StSDKNativeFileAccess_02.dll" was not found. Please verify that the StarTeam SDK is properly inst
When running StarTeam SDK code why are the changes not being updated on the StarTeam server?
When running StarTeam Web Edition what ports need opened in the firewall to make it accessible for external users?
When running the installation wizard why do I not get the option to specify a path to install the files to?
When running the StarTeam Test Director Synchronizer, why do I receive the error "Cannot log in using OTA APIs"?
When running the StarTeam Test Director Synchronizer, why does the Synchronization freeze after connecting to the StarTeam Database?
When running the Test Director Synchronizer why does the synchronization fail and report the following in the mtdsync.log "ORA-00942: table or view does not exist"?
When running the the Purge utility from the Administration GUI, it hangs or fails.
When selecting a connection in Web Edtion why do I get a ""StarTeam" is not in the server list" error?
When selecting Preferences in Eclipse, why is an "unable to create the selected preference page" error thrown?
When sharing and branching files still propagate to themain view when added to the child view
When StarTeam CPC is started, no window appears.
When starting StarTeam Client I get a "blank" error message displayed on the splash screen and StarTeam does not start
When starting the StarTeam server as a service why do I get the following error message "Msg = Failed to acquire a database connection. Please contact an administrator to increase number of database connections "
When starting TrackRecord, nothing happens besides a brief hourglass
When starting up StarTeam Server, the error "Error communicating with the Spooler system service" appears in the Windows Application Log
When trying to check-in a file, why do I get an error "ORA-06502 : numeric or value error"?
When trying to create a Branched View why do I receive an error "Internal View Error: Cached Share Information is Missing"?
When trying to create a report from the StarTeam client why does it display "none available"?
When trying to launch LDAP QuickStart Manager what causes the error StarTeam jars not found! You will be unable to work with StarTeam servers?
When trying to launch the CP client on a Solaris machine why do I get the error "Unable to locate the application"s "main" class. The class "com.starbase.starteam.gui.Main" must be public and have a "public static void ma
When trying to load the guicomponents.jar into JBuilder why do I get the error â??java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: assâ???
When trying to open a file attached to a Change Request in StarTeam why do I get the error "Windows can not find "FileNameHere. Make sure you typed the name correctly, and then try again"?
When trying to restore a database using the instructions in the readme.txt fi
When trying to run the vault verify tool why do I get the following error "Warning: Stored procedure "get_object_ref_by_rev" is not present. Share path information will not be reported"?
When trying to startup the StarTeam 5.2 server, it will not start up and the server log contains CStServer::Preload: Class = WinOSException, Code = 2148073477
When trying to use the StarTeam command line report the following error "Sun1.4.2_01" is an unrecognized Java VM name"
When uninstalling 2006 CPC, the process hangs and does not complete.
When using a custom form and I create a child requirement why does it not appear as a child requirement in the tree display?
When using a license server how do I assign named users to a license?
When using a shortcut to change request in root folder, the item pane is blank
When using against running configuration, Vault Verify utility throws error "java.lang.RuntimeException: Could not lock configuration file: C:\Program Files\Borland\StarTeam Server 2005 R2\starteam-server-configs.xml"?
When using Bulk Check-Out why do I get the error "Error: Invalid port value for "-useca" parameter: machine:port"?
When using Bulk Checkout to checkout files why do I get ?Exception: java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space??
When using Business Objects I want to find all CR?s and with Linked Tasks based on a certain project but when I set up a condition on the Project object why does it not filter on a certain project name as specified in my condition?
When using custom forms why is the language displayed in English yet?the date/time is shown in a different language format?
When using dual monitors with my StarTeam client I am unable to get full screen rendering. How can I resolve this?
When using Import Export Manager (IEM) what causes the error, "com.starbase.starteam.cdl.CDLException: "?
When using Keyword Expansion why are file contents being ommited upon check-out?
When using keyword expansions why are revision comments missing when using the $Log$ option?
When using my StarTeam Client on Unix why do I get "I/O Error: ENOENT: No such file or directory"?
When using ST webEdition one gets following exception
When using StarTeam cross platform client on Windows Vista why can I not apply the look and feel settings ?
When using StarTeam integration in Eclipse 3.2 why do I get the error "Unable to create the selected preference page"?
When using the Ctrl L keys to lock a file why does the file remain unlocked?
When using the File Compare/Merge tool "FCM" why am I unable to resolve conflicts and merge file content?
When using the Layout Designer, why am I unable to use an enumerated custom property with a checkbox?
When using the MSDE Configuration Tool to backup my database why do I get the error "SQL Error No : 3201. SQL Server MSG : Cannot open backup device <some path here> Device Error or device off-line"?
When using the Standalone File Compare/Merge tool "FCM", why am I unable to select a file for comparison?
When viewing history of a file the following error occurs: "The type "Trace" is not a valid type on this server."
When wrapping a PVCS archive why does the wrap fail with the error "PVCS_E_INTERNAL"?
When wrappng a VSS project in StarTeam 2005 why do I get the error "Data inconsistencies have been encountered in the foreign archives. Please examine the vss-err.log file in the server repository directory"
Where can I download the Borland Search Server?
Where can I find the StarTeam Command line client for SOLARIS platform?
Where can I find the VISDIFF.exe file in StarTeam 2006?
Where can I locate the field names and their descriptions to customize email notifications?
Where do I locate the Server Email Notification templates?
Where do I specify the username and password for the TestDirector/Quality Center synchronizer?
Where does StarTeam store custom change request fields?
Where is the option to print a report in the CPC?
Which Access Rights have been added/removed in ST2008 R2 and other StarTeam Releases?
Which database table does StarTeam use to record the StarTeam Server build version?
Which groups receive 'server failed to start' email notifications?
Which is the best way to install StarTeam client on Unix platform (install client on single machine or on every machine)?
Which order do Starteam components need to be started when using the StarTeam Web Server application?
Which StarTeam clients work with which StarTeam Servers?
Which supported command line parameters can be passed to the TrackRecord executa
Which version of StarTeam Client for Eclipse works with Borland Connector for TaskTop?
Which version of the Oracle Client is required for Oracle 10g?
Which version of the StarTeam Client should I download for my non Windows Operating System?
Which versions of StarTeam Server work with Borland Connector for TaskTop?
Which versions of Visual SourceSafe (VSS) are supported for wraps?
While creating a new server configuration why is the Next button is not enabled?
Why .sbas folder gets created while the repository set to central?
Why am I getting "Access Violation" in my log files?
Why am I getting "Error: Expected [identifier], Found [unsigned numeric constant]" in my StarTeam log?
Why am I getting "Maximum number of client connections exceeded" when starting MPX?
Why am I getting "StringID " not found" in the dropdown list when creating a new requirement?
Why am I getting "The system cannot find the path specified" error when running ReportArchives.bat
Why am I getting a access rights error while trying to use View Manager?
Why am I getting an error "The sync Database file is corrupt"?
Why am I getting error "The server does not recognize the client. The client may have been automatically logged off due to inactivity"?
Why am I getting error when starting StarTeam Multicast Service on Solaris?
Why am I getting error, "Could not find server XXXX" in sys.servers..."
Why am I getting error: The object is not in the cache?
Why am I getting the error "client-server command buffer contained less data than expected" when attempting to check-in a file?
Why am I getting the error "Could not find main class" when starting the StarTeam Cross Platform Client?
Why am I getting the exception Msg = Could not find stored procedure "length_check".
Why am I getting the Transaction context in use by another session." when opening Change Requests
Why am I getting the TypeError exception along with successful message when I try to launch Statistic Monitoring HTML file?
Why am I not getting any StarTeam Server logs created?
Why am I not receiving mail notifications from StarTeam?
Why am I receiving error - Failed to start. Please check the configuration settings?
Why am I unable to add files to StarTeam?
Why am I unable to checkin files into StarTeam if someone is trying to detach a label?
Why are all files listed as "Unknown" status?
Why are Custom workflow statuses unavailable in the StarTeam query editor?
Why are deleted users still showing in the Server Administration Console even though I deleted them using the StarTeam SDK code?
Why are file"s being reported with a negative filesize value of -9,223,372,036,854,775,808?
Why are files set in read-only mode when I try to merge them using the VCM utility in CPC 2006?
Why are files showing as "unknown" status in StarTeam 2006 even though my 2005 R2 client shows the correct status?
Why are items showing locked by a user even though that user is not logged onto StarTeam?
Why are my Files not checking out to default working directory defined in my view
Why are no event handlers listed in the Server Administration Console even though MPX is running?
Why are only basic MPX events logged in StarTeam Client log even though I have "Log StarTeam MPX events" enabled in my Personal Options?
Why are requirements in StarTeam read only?
Why are StarTeam Shortcuts not restored when a user logs into Windows?
Why are the auto generated values wrong when using the view compare merge client to do a file promote or merge?
Why are the named licenses not getting activated?
Why are the number of attachments to my CR reported incorrectly?
Why are the Oracle CREATE ANY CONTEXT and DELETED ANY CONTEXT privileges need by StarTeam Server?
Why are the previous change and next change buttons disabled in the File Compare Merge tool?
Why are the StarTeam options unavailable when I try to place a web based project under source control from within the Visual Studio Integration?
Why are there no events logged in the StarTeam Client log when MPX is enabled?
Why are users still able to check out files even though they have been granted rights to "see item and its properties" but denied rights to "check-out"?
Why aren"t all files with the same label attached being selected?
Why can I assign a suspended user to my change request and user lists?
Why can I not "Force Check Out" a previous file revision with StarTeam Eclipse Client?
Why can I not add a new connection in my StarTeam Web Edition?
Why can I not add custom enumerated fields even though I have been given full access rights to modify Change Requests?
Why can I not check-in files of more than 200KB when using the Web Edition?
Why can I not connect to StarTeam using StarTeam Web Edition?
Why can I not connect to the StarTeam Server through my Borland Developer Studio even though my StarTeam client can?
Why can I not see my files using the embedded "View Client" option" in the StarTeam Integration for Visual Studio?
Why can I not see project data imported using the Import Export Manager?
Why can I not unlock Starteam Server 2006 with the Stcmd.exe?
Why can I not use a mapped drive as my hive using StarTeam 2008 server?
Why can multi-selected requirements not be deleted at the same time?
Why can my users not move files or folders between views or within the same view?
Why can the SDK application not find or recognize the Project/View name?
Why can two users with the same Access Right settings perform different operations?
Why can users alter/delete files when they don"t have the rights to?
Why can users see the folders in a migrated project but not the files?
Why can"t Branch on Change be set on a Change Request after moving from one view to another
Why can"t I check out a file whose name has been changed?
Why can"t the Administrator User Group access the Project Level Access Rights?
Why causes the the error, "The server is not connected or the connection parameters are invalid"?
Why certain fields in the StarTeam like Share state, Local path are not extractable via the DataMart Extract?
Why copying URL using project name option is not working?
Why CPC fails to autolocate nearest cache agent but works fine when connected to specific remote cache agent?
Why do 2006 CPC and 2005 R2 Win32 client shows different form for the same CR?
Why do files disappear from the right pane when I add them into the view?
Why do files shared to another view lose their labels?
Why do folders show in StarTeam Eclipse when I have specifed to "Exclude" them using the "Exclude List"?
Why do I get "An error occurred while automatically activating bundle (124)" with Eclipse Integration?
Why do I get "Credential caching is not enabled on this host" when using the "-AutoLogon" option with VCM utility?
Why do I get "Data source name not found and no default driver specified" when running Vault Verify?
Why do I get "Error: could not find Java 2 Runtime Environment" when I am trying to uninstall StarTeam?
Why do I get "Error: Msg = VSS Logon failure for project with configuration file" when performing a wrap from VSS?
Why do I get "Exception in thread CacheClientThread java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: -10 [or another number]"?
Why do I get "Exception occurred while processing a label" error during VCM promote commit?"
Why do I get "HttpServletErrorHandler - java.lang.NegativeArraySizeException" from Borland Search Server?
Why do I get "Internal application error: 73 is an invalid enum code for property "Executable""
Why do I get "Internal application error: com/starbase/starteam/starflow/guicomponents/NavigatorContext" when opening a CR?
Why do I get "Internal Application Error: Null" during view creation?
Why do I get "Journal file does not exist" when attempting to start MPX Cache Agent?
Why do I get "Journal file is corrupt (wrong GUID)" in StarTeam Server logs?
Why do I get "Missing or invalid temporary file path." error message when trying to add an executable (.exe) file to StarTeam?
Why do I get "No launch descriptor found" after I created custom Change Request APE ?
Why do I get "Package Load Failure" when attempting to use Visual Studio 2005 with StarTeam Integration?
Why do I get "Package Load Failure" when attempting to use Visual Studio 2005 with StarTeam Integration? (1755422)
Why do I get "Premature end of file" when I hit the history tab?"
Why do I get "server is busy and cannot complete your request" error message when trying to add values to a custom field?
Why do I get "StarGate SDK has not been properly installed. StarTeam Web Edition requires StarGate 8.0" when trying to run WebEdition?
Why do I get "table or view does not exist" error in the log when starting StarTeam Server?
Why do I get "The attempted operation was not completed. The folder is marked read-only and cannot be changed from this view" when trying to add a new item?
Why do I get "The specified Object parameter was null" when opening StarTeam Cross-Platform Client or opening a View within the client?
Why do I get "Windows has blocked this software because it cannot verify the publisher" error when running Web Edition?
Why do I get - "Old Step was not found in the WorkflowConfiguration", when using Work Flow designer?
Why do I get a "Class not registered" error when trying to start the StarTeam Cross Platform Client?
Why do I get a "port out of range" error in my StarTeam client?
Why do I get a "Script can"t be processed" error when running StarTeam Web Edition?
Why do I get a GPF memory error when installing StarTeam on Windows 2003?
Why do I get a Microsoft Visual C error when restarting StarTeam server?
Why do I get a referenced memory error in Windows Client when installing PGP 9.0.4 Desktop?
Why do I get a StarTeam dialog reporting an error "External component has thrown an exception" when connecting to an Oracle database through the Oracle Developer Tools for Visual Studio 2005?
Why do I get an error "An internal application error occurred. Java Heap Space" when viewing the server log?
Why do I get an error "The system cannot find the file specified" when viewing the properties of a file or other component?
Why do I get an error - An item with the name <xxxxxx> already exists, when wrapping files with VSS?
Why do I get an error stating that I must change the NLS_LANG setting when attempting to start StarTeam configuration ?
Why do I get an error when I try to create a StarTeam Repository on the Root of a Drive
Why do I get an error when StarTeam is running Starteam_sqlserver_dbcc_reindex.sql?
Why do I get DB Exception RW Code = 27 RW Msg = [CANTOPEN] Unable to open Servertools: fatal: open failed: No such file or directory error when trying to run the StarTeam Administration GUI on Solaris?
Why do I get error "object STORACLECONFIG.INSTALL_DATABASE_VIEWS is invalid"
Why do I get error "pUser->m_eLicenseType == CStUserInfo::eStarTeam " ?
Why do I get error "Server is already running under this configuration" when running the server from command line?
why do I get error "Unable to install starteam macros"
Why do I get error "You must set StarTeam app environment variable in order to locate visdiff.exe"
Why do I get error, "Please delete the existing licenses before proceeding" when trying to register a new license?
Why do I get errors when launching Visual Studio 2005 integration after installing Visual Studio 2003 integration on same machine?
Why do I get exeption: Msg = ORA-01013 user requested cancel of current operation?
Why do I get InnerException = {"Could not load file or assembly "Borland.StarTeam.Core, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=c4c57974ea1e3017"
Why do I get Invalid column name "F92". The cursor was not declared after adding a custom field?
Why do I get MD5 and compression engine errors when checking files in and out of StarTeam?
Why do I get the dialog ?Error 1053: The service did not respond to the start or control request in a timely fashion? when attempting to start StarTeam?
Why do I get the error ´Sun1.4.2_01 is an unrecognized Java VM name" when loading Server Tools?
Why do I get the error ".sln could not be read" when opening a Visual Studio solution?
Why do I get the error "Cannot map user logon fields" when trying to connect to StarTeam Server via LDAP QuickStart Manager?
Why do I get the error "Column name "F4" in table "S30" is specified more than once" after upgrade to StarTeam Server 2006?
Why do I get the error "Driver"s SQLAllocHandle on SQL_HANDLE_ENV failed" when starting the StarTeam Server?
Why do I get the error "Exception thrown from Unknown: Class = newException, Code = 1(0x00000001) Msg = Memory allocation failed"?
Why do I get the error "Failed to install StarTeam SDK" during installation?
Why do I get the error "Failed to start configuration name. Please check the configuration settings.."?
Why do I get the error "Incorrect syntax near "index"?
Why do I get the error "Internal Application Error: Null" when opening the Cross Platform Client on a Unix machine?
Why do I get the error "Internal Application error: Null" when selecting "All Descendants" on Unix ?
Why do I get the error "Internal Application error: null" when selecting All Descendents?
Why do I get the error "JDBC driver for SQLServer was not found. Please check your classpath or download the driver from the Microsoft website".
Why do I get the error "Launch Anywhere Error: Windows error 3 occurred while loading Java VM" whilst trying to remove StarTeam Server?
Why do I get the error "log4j:ERROR Could not read configuration file [C:/Program Files/Borland/StarTeam Import Export Manager/]" when running an export in Import/Export Manager?
Why do I get the error "Msg = ConnectionWrite"?
Why do I get the error "Msg = Server is busy and cannot complete your request? when checking in files?
Why do I get the error "no Borland.StarTeam.FileAccess in java.library.path" in Borland Search Server?
Why do I get the error "No registered owner has been found for the given object" when I press the "All Descendants" button?"
Why do I get the error "No storage space was available in any of the available vault hives" when checking-in files?
Why do I get the error "No such file or directory" when checking in files to StarTeam?
Why do I get the error "O/S-Error: (OS 3) The system cannot find the path specified" when creating a new server configuration?
Why do I get the error "Object reference not set to an instance of an object" upon opening a non-starteam project in Visual Studio 2005?
Why do I get the error "Object reference not set to an instance of an object" when placing my VS solution under source control?
Why do I get the error "operation failed" when attempting to check-in or add files from a particular networked machine?
Why do I get the error "ORA-12705: Cannot access NLS data files or invalid environment specified" and "Locale not supported" when trying to run DataMart extractions against Oracle?
Why do I get the error "Oracle ODBC driver version 10. xx.xxxx. may not yet be supported by StarTeam Server"?
Why do I get the error "PLS-00905: object SYS.VALIDATESTRUCTURE is invalid" when running the starteam_oracle_database_analyze.sql script?
Why Do I get the error "Report templates for non-grouped items are missing" when attempting to report on selected items?
Why do I get the error "Requested named cipher not registered." after pressing Upgrade button
Why do I get the error "Server Administration Error - An internal application error occured: Java heap space"?
Why do I get the error "Server list at null\starteam-servers.xml is missing" when connecting to StarTeam from Quality Center?
Why do I get the error "Stored procedure "force_to_native2" is not present" when using the "-ForceNative2" option with ReportArchives?
Why do I get the error "StringID "Custom_Task IDS_ENUM_Task_262144_0" not found for locale []" in my server log file?
Why do I get the error "The server is not connected or the connection parameters are invalid" when trying to connect to StarTeam Server from my StarTeam Client on a Windows machine?
Why do I get the error "The specified cache directory is already in use" when adding a new hive in Hive Manager?
Why do I get the error "The update operation could not be completed because the current copy of the object you are trying to modify is newer than your copy. Please refresh and try again" When trying to check in a file?
Why do I get the error "This Application has Unexpectedly Quit: Invocation of this Java Application has caused an InvocationTargetException. This application will now exit. (LAX) "?
Why do I get the error "Unsupported Oracle driver 09.02.0000" when attempting to start a StarTeam configuration?
Why do I get the error - ?A Server error occurred updating the file status (400)? or ?A Server error occurred uploading folder information (300)? while using StarTeam Web Edition 2005 R2?
Why do I get the error : "Cannot connect to the configuration database" when trying to connect to StarTeam web edition?
Why do I get the error :Failed to add element to version control data base..when adding a test in Mercury Quality Center?
Why do I get the error ?Encryption support is not available: java.lang.ExceptionInInitializerError? when connecting to my StarTeam Server?
Why do I get the error ?Internal WorkFlow Error: org/apache/xml/serialize/BaseMarkupSerializer? when trying to open my workflow xml file in WorkFlow Designer?
Why do I get the error ?Msg = Failed to the get VSS item for the specified version.? within the GoNative.log file?
Why do I get the error ?Problem opening perspective? when tying to connect to StarTeam from Eclipse?
Why do I get the error in my Cache Agent log, "Error querying the database: Invalid column name "LONGMAX"", when starting my StarTeam 2008 Root Cache Agent?
Why do I get the error the following error when trying to run an extraction in DataMart "JDBC driver oracle.jdbc.OracleDriver not found. Please check your classpath or download the driver from the Oracle website"?
Why do I get the error, ""The StarTeam Server is currently locked. Please contact the server administrator for more information"?
Why do I get the error, "A problem was encountered loading the StarTeam Web Edition Enterprise Advantage "StarFileHandlers" applet"?
Why do I get the error, "Error converting data type varchar to numeric" when checking in files.
Why do I get the error, "Item has already been added. Key in dictionary" when checking a renamed file in from Visual Studio?
Why do I get the error, "No X11 DISPLAY variable was set, but this program performed an operation that requires it"?
Why do I get the error, "Not a valid integer number" when using the StarTeam Ecplise Client ?
Why do I get the error, "org.eclipse.core.runtime.CoreException: Plugin was unable to instantiate class...", when attempting to check-out from StarTeam Eclipse?
Why do I get the error, "String is longer than the corresponding database column allows", when attempting to perform a database migration using StarTeam?
Why do I get the error, "The Type "ChangeRequest" has no property named <custom field name>", when opening a custom CR form?
Why do I get the error, "WARNING: Failed to install Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Express Edition which is mandatory for the sample. Do you still wish to continue without the sample"?
Why do I get the error, "You are using a database revision which is incompatible with this server version", when upgrading StarTeam 2005 build (7.1.070) to StarTeam 2006?
Why do I get the error: "Database connection error TCP Provider: An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host"?
Why do I get the error: "incorrect syntax near "-" Deleting database file "c:\program files\microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL\data\\........ldf" when setting up a new StarTeam configuration?
Why do I get the error: "Msg = Could not find server "ServerName" in sys.servers. Verify that the correct server name was specified. If necessary, execute the stored procedure sp_addlinkedserver to add the server to sys.servers." ?
Why do I get the error: "Unspecified error occurred in license server proxy. Contact your Starteam administrator "?
Why do I get the error: "Windows error 3 occured during loading the Java VM" when launching the StarTeam Uninstaller?
Why do I get the error: malformed URL error Invalid URI character" when opening a StarTeam URL?
Why do I get the error: StarTeam server error : General network error?
Why do I get the error: StarTeam server error path to log not found error code 1 : CSTLogException
Why do I get the error: The specified user group has not been found in the security database?
Why do I get the following dialog when logging into StarTeam Web Edition "The application"s digital signature has an error. Do you want to run the application?"
Why do I get the following error as soon as I try logging into StarTeam from Eclipse "You are no longer connected to the project. The logon has probably timed out due to inactivity. Please logon to the project again"?
Why do I get the following error in my dbconvert log "Msg = ORA-01461: can bind a LONG value only for insert into a LONG column"?
Why do I get the following error in my StarTeam Server log "Unexpected Condition: Expression: m_ShareInfo.Contains( CStShareInfo( RootItemID ) )File: .\ShareCache.cpp"?
Why do I get the following error in my StarTeam Server log after installing StarTeam Server patch 21 "Stored procedure not found: fix_number_precision"?
Why do I get the following error in the server log "Msg = String is longer than the corresponding database column allows"?
Why do I get the following error when starting my root cache agent "PubSub library initialization failed with error: server denied access"?
Why do I get the following error when trying to add the Borland.StarTeam.dll as a reference to my Visual Studio 2003 project "A reference to "C:\Program Files\Borland\StarTeam SDK Runtime for .NET 9.3\bin\Borland.StarTeam.dll" could not be a
Why do I get the following error, "Resource is out of sync with the file system", when using the StarTeam Eclipse client?
Why do I get the following error: " "XMLGateway.dll" has not been properly installed" whilst trying to run StarTeam web edition?
Why do I get the following in my StarTeam Server log "Msg = ORA-00001: unique constraint (<string>.<string>) violated"?
Why do I get the following in my StarTeam Server log "Msg = ORA-03113: end-of-file on communication channel"?
Why do I get the following in my StarTeam Server log 5625 00000008 2008-06-23 18:57:18 Unexpected Condition: Expression: PasswordBytes < 128
Why do I get the following message when using StarTeam "The selected Filter or Query refers to an unavailable item property. Please select a different filter or query"?
Why do I get the following when attempting to start my root cache agent "PubSub library initialization failed with error: server not connected"?
Why do I get the following when attempting to start my StarTeam Server "Msg = ORA-01013: user requested cancel of current operation"?
Why do I get the java exception, "at Source)", when adding a new project or editing server details?
Why do I get the server error: Msg = Invalid argument [OS Error Code] = 22?
Why do I get Unable to open error with StarTeam 2005 on Solaris 8.0
Why do I have VSS_Hive & PVCS_Hive folders within my default Hive folder?