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StarTeam configuration not current (lost items spanning a few days)

Hello All,

Have a ST configuration question.  Server was rebooted this AM, and for some reason changes made between Thursday 9/23/21 to this AM; Wed 9/29/21 were deleted and not captured in StarTeam.

Any quick thoughts on what the issue may be?



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    Hi Michelle,

    The only reason I can think of is a rollback of your VM and the database.  Can you check with IT if they rolled back the database and the ST Server VMs . Also check the database logs to see if there were some errors which forced them to rollback their VM. Another possibility is someone might have accidentally changed the database connection to a test database server on the Prod ST Server.

    Let us know if you need more assistance.


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    Thanks Murli! It turns out that a McAffee patch IT implemented had unexpectedly encrypted all of the backup data. They were only able to recover data from a point on Sunday. Fortunately not too much data was lost, and now IT is putting lots of good preventive measures in place. ;)