This list contains known issues and provides workarounds where available:
- GUI-level tests fail with the error "LoadtestController: 3302 - The results directory could not be cleared"
- HierarchyHeaderWidth and ColumnOrder Properties of the SAPTree Class are write only
- GetColumnIndexFromName() of the SapTree Class May Fail with an "unspecified error"
- Calling the Select() Method of the SAPTree Class on a Context menu item may fail
- The position property for a horizontal scrollbar always returns 1
- Using Google toolbar interferes with recording web applications
- The default value for OPT_BITMAP_MATCH_COUNT has changed from 5 to 0
- Message boxes display in the background when a script plays back
- The SAPNetPlan class is not supported
- Str function does not round correctly
- Installer fails to install SQL Server Native Client and register SilkTest Workbench as a COM server
- Modifying the hot key combination to include multiple modifiers causes additional keys to be recorded
- SQL Server DSN does not work on 64-bit systems
- Replay error occurs when executing an SAP script in fast mode
- An error occurs when SCTM is installed before SilkTest Workbench
- "License Check Failed - Agent is running in SCTM mode" error occurs when running a test in SilkTest Workbench
- SilkTest Workbench requires a network connection to start
- When a remote desktop or remote desktop connection (RDC) is minimized, SilkTest does not function
- SQL Server Express might not install on Windows Vista SP1 machines
- Auto-completion and syntactical assistance incomplete when a For loop is used
- All Chinese characters are not italicized in invalid object map entries
- Identify from Screen Preview creates an incorrect object map item for a migrated database
- When a .NET application is started from DevPartner Studio (DPS), SilkTest does not recognize it
- Using Stop in a script causes an error message to be displayed
- Installation does not complete on a Swedish system
- INC file merging may produce uncompileable code if Visual 4Test is disabled
- Undeterministic behavior occurs if a window class is declared without a tag
- Uninstalling SilkTest 2010 R2 removes ODBC entries for a SilkTest database
- When a child script is called from a parent script, the child script can access the object map out of scope
- Using "Always record locators for locked Object Maps" records locators when the object map is not locked
- When multiple users attempt to simultaneously edit the same asset on a SQL 2008 database, issues with the asset locking mechanism might occur
- Unexpected error while exporting assets in a SQL database
- Unexpected behavior while using an Access database