Idea ID: 2863814

Email report subscriptions - Format

Status: New Idea

The Emails we receive from Silk Central when we subscribe to a Silk reports are all formatted as follow: Subject: “Silk Central Report: <name of silk report>” And message contains the project name, the report name (again), the report description and the parameters used.

One request for improvement: To have in the Email subject the subscription name rather than the report name (as the report name is already present in the message content).


  • Hello Team, we would lile to have this idea implemented as the users are reporting that this subject is not helping as they can receive several e-mails from Silk Central with the same subject, so they need to go in the message body to look at the report parameters to understand the scope of the report, and this implies that they need to know about the parameters which is not always the case (and shouldn’t be needed).

    My request is to have the e-mail’s subject improve to : Silk Central Report: "<Subscription Name>” instead of "<Report Name>".

    Kindly provide a solution for this request as this will be really helpful to the users.

  • For report’s subscription where output is to be sent by e-mail, the e-mail sent by Silk Central has a subject formatted as follow: “Silk Central Report: <Report name”.

    However users are reporting that this subject is not helping as they can receive several e-mails from Silk Central with the same subject, so they need to go in the message body to look at the report parameters to understand the scope of the report, and this implies that they need to know about the parameters which is not always the case (and shouldn’t be needed).

  • Request to Microfocus is to have the e-mail’s subject improve to : “Silk Central Report: <Subscription Name”.