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Is it possible to add Custom fields to the main Issue page in Issue Manager?



Is it possible to add Custom fields to the main Issue page in Issue Manager?


The main issue page in Issue Manager is the one shown below:

It is not possible to add additional fields to the main issue page. It is however possible to edit the names of the fields which are already present. This can be done under ISSUE MANAGER | CONFIGURATION |STANDARD ISSUE.

There is an RFE logged to have the ability to add custom fields to the main issue page. If you would like to have your details added to this RFE please contact and quote this resolution ID.

It is currently possible to create general fields which appear on the ‘Custom’ tab rather than on the main issue screen. You can create these fields under ISSUE MANAGER | CONFIGURATION | CUSTOM ISSUE TABS. The fields which you create here will appear on the ‘Custom‘ tab on the Issue manager main Issue page.

The custom tab appears at the right-hand side of the tabs which appear across the middle of the screen:

Further details on creating custom fields can be found in the Issue Manager Administration Guide. This can be located under START | PROGRAMS | BORLAND | SILKCENTRAL | ISSUE MANAGER | DOCUMENTATION | ISSUE MANAGER ADMINISTRATION GUIDE. The section of interest is ‘Customizing the Issue Details Page | Creating Custom Tabs & Fields’.

Old KB# 23805
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