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Why might I see the warning ""Given license key is not valid or has expired" for individual users in the SCIM Front-end Server log?



Why might I see the warning ""Given license key is not valid or has expired" for individual users in the SCIM Front-end Server log?


This is a warning to inform the user that the license in their SilkMeter User Policy Administrator (UPA) is not valid or has expired.

Should this message appear, check that only your most recent license is present in the UPA and that it has valid timeframe.

If you see two licenses in UPA remove the older one ensure the system is not trying to check it out.

If there is only one license with an expired timestamp you will need to speak with your sales contact to obtain a new license.

If there is only one license and it looks to be valid please restart the Frontend services. This can be done via Start | Control Panel | Administrative Tools | Services - find the "Frontend Server", right click on it and choose Restart.

If this does not resolve the issue please contact support for further assistance.

Old KB# 23678
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