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How can installation errors be avoided when installing SilkCentral Test Manager on Windows XP without any service pack?



How can installation errors be avoided when installing SilkCentral Test Manager on Windows XP without any service pack?



How can installation errors be avoided when installing SilkCentral Test Manager on Windows XP without any service pack?


The supported operating system for SilkCentral Test Manager, as mentioned in the Release Notes, is WinXP SP1. When trying to install Test Manager on Windows XP without the SP1, errors will be generated and the set up will stop.

In order to install SilkCentral Test Manager on Windows XP without any Service Pack, do the following;

  1. Launch the execution of Test Manager, making sure to extract the files to a location of your choice.
  2. Go to the directory where the executable has been extracted to, and find the file named "setuplauncher.ini".
  3. Open it and search for "SP_WINXP=1".
  4. Change the line to "SP_WINXP=0".

You should now be able to install Test Manager successfully on Windows XP despite not having any service pack installed.

 SilkCentral Test Manager 7_0 Release Notes.htm

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