Idea ID: 2860863

Option to enable Test Execution Setup option for distributed executions

Status: New Idea


The execution plan options setup/clean up tests should be available when distributed executions is selected.

Heather Caldwell
OpenText Community Manager
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  • Could we have a feedback from MF if this capability is within mF roadmap.

    The goal is to know if we have to something to wish for or not.

    Thank you

  • Hi,

    I would add that moreover, the setup and cleanup scripts should be executed on all benches of the distributed campaign. that would allow to do the same initialization on all benches like flashing the board of all benches with the same new SW release. 

  • We have the same request:

    • We want to distribute an execution plan run over multiple execution server.
    • To configure the test benches, we want the Setup Test to be executed by all execution servers listed in the deployment tab of the execution plan.
    • To force the test benches to their sleeping mode, we want the Cleanup Test to be executed by all execution servers listed in the deployment tab of the execution plan.