Idea ID: 2872569

Drag and Drop Option in Attaching a doc or file/s in the Reference Tab (current PPM v10.0)

Status: Waiting for Votes


Is there a way that we can update the way we attach a file/document in the Reference Tab? And make it a drag and drop option instead of  searching for the file, clicking then adding it then saving?


Jennie A.

  • Hi Jennielyn,

    Currently that's not possible, thanks for submitting an idea.

    Note that when using PPM Database DMS (which your organization may or may not use), it's a good practice to add some info on each uploaded file (Description, Key words). Also, updating the version of an existing file requires to first check out the file for modification before you can check in a new version. 

    All this extra needed information may make it impractical to attach multiple files at once with Drag & Drop - but for single file uploads it would definitely be an improvement, especially when taking in consideration that many other places in PPM already support files drag & drop for upload (Sync MPP file on project/work plan page, Upload files to server in Admin Console File Browser, Update List Validation with Excel file, etc.)