Idea ID: 2752965

Allow filtering on table components

Status: Delivered

Would like to be able to allow filtering on table component data.

As tables get large, users would like to be able to filter the rows displayed based on specific values entered in one or more table component columns.

This functionality is commonly used in Excel and users would like similar functionality in the table component.


  • Delivered in PPM 9.63 through the "Table Component Grid View" feature. 

    On this (read-only) grid view of the table component, you view all the rows (without any paging), you can filter & sort any column, and you can also group rows as well as pivot on any row.

    There's also a clickable link on each row that will automatically send you to the "old" view on the right page with the right column selected so that you can then click "Edit" to edit that row.

  • Since you mentioned that you requested this capability because "this feature is commonly used in Excel", please note that next PPM version may also include the capability to edit the contents of the table component in Excel.

    More info here: /adtd/sws-ppm/i/ppm_ideas/enable-import-from-excel-to-table-component

  • Hi,

    If everything goes according to the current plan, we should start working on it this week, it should be available for testing for the lucky few on within one month, and it should be released in next PPM version (9.63) in late-November/early-December.

    As usual this is a tentative plan which is subject to change without notice.


  • This would be a good first step. Is there a target timeframe for providing the functionality in read-only?

  • In order to implement some of this idea sooner, we're considering providing this new view of the Table Component in read-only - but filtering, grouping, and pivoting should be enabled, which should provide a convenient way to find what you're looking for in a TC.