PPM 24.1 and browser cache

Hi  Etienne,

We recently upgraded to 24.1. However post the upgrade we do see the need for users to clear the browser cache specifically in chrome.

1. Right after upgrade, the buttons on the workflow or ootb submit button wouldn't work. We had to clear the browser cache/cookies for them to work.

2. Recently we had chrome upgrade and noticed only Create menu not rendering The same worked after the browser cache/cookies were cleared.

Is there a way to avoid these issues due to browser caching? Can PPM render files from server instead of browser..


  • Suggested Answer


    Hi Urva,

    We do not do server-side files rendering in PPM - we usually make code changes that avoid these CSS caching issues, but clearly some of the file changes are missing the part forcing a browser cache reload. I would consider these minor defects, but unlikely to result in a hotfix though. I'll pass these comments to the rest of R&D - until then, be aware that a hard reload (CTRL+F5) should be enough to address these issues in the browser, a full browser cache clear shouldn't be required.

  • Suggested Answer


    Hi Urva,

    We do not do server-side files rendering in PPM - we usually make code changes that avoid these CSS caching issues, but clearly some of the file changes are missing the part forcing a browser cache reload. I would consider these minor defects, but unlikely to result in a hotfix though. I'll pass these comments to the rest of R&D - until then, be aware that a hard reload (CTRL+F5) should be enough to address these issues in the browser, a full browser cache clear shouldn't be required.

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    Hi Urva,

    I'm replying to my own post with some good news: your post sparkled an interesting discussion within PPM R&D, and we finally decided to tackle this long-lasting problem as part of PPM 24.3. We've been rewriting all PPM JSP pages to include all CSS and JS in a way where a unique hash is automatically computed and added to the file path - this means that whenever a CSS or JS file changes between two PPM Server startups, it will be automatically re-downloaded by the browser, and you should never need to do a browser refresh or cache clean between PPM upgrades to have changes take effect. 

    Note that despite our best effort we may always have missed some places - also, at this point we only cover JS & CSS (not images/icons), but the situation should dramatically improve in PPM 24.3 (tentatively planned for July), and we can now consider that it's a defect worth opening a support ticket if users have to flush browser cache for changes to PPM CSS/JS files to take effect between PPM upgrades. It may still not be worth delivering a hotfix for, but we definitely want to address any remaining issue about browser caching issue release over release. 

    Thanks again for helping us reassess the severity of this known issue and act accordingly!