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Project Quality Scorecard Not visible on Project Summary after 9.22


Has anyone experinced this issue or have a sugestion on how to resovle this ?

We are in process of upgrading from 9.1 to 9.2   on our Dev instance and have been on 9.21 for over a week now... But as soon as we applied Service Pack 2 for 9.2 today to go to 9.22, we are noticing a LOT of errors.  These are the onces that are causing most concern to us at this point.


- "Project Quality Scorecard" is No longer Visible on Project Summary page, but surprisinlgy it only appears on pdf export like other Greyed out ones.

- And My server log is getting filled with Erros like this on any & every clicks on PPM
"The attachment file could not be downloaded. The file: manual/Skin/Images/ToolbarBackground.jpg no longer exists on the server."  I don't even have this "ToolbarBackground.jpg" file in that location and I know I haven't deleted any. So not sure what is goign on...  


Tried creatign a SR as well but still waiting on the response  :-(  ..  will appreciate your input.

