Idea ID: 2858798

Provision to fetch more actual number of records/rows when testing HANA queries

Status: Declined

Application restriction not LoadRunner ,  - please use suggested workaround at JDBC layer with Java protocol.

See status update history


SAP HANA Studio/client version: 2.3.42

To execute SAP HANA queries in Vugen, we use .net protocol scripts.  Script is able to fetch actual number of rows from HANA studio but the number of rows it fetches is getting limited to 32 rows or below when testing via Vugen. 

Whereas when using Jmeter script via PC, we are able to fetch actual number of records from HANA DB
Kindly let us know if there is any specific setting that has to be changed in script/Loadrunner part to fetch more than 32 rows.



  • Hi,

    Have you considered JDBC as part of the JavaRR protocol? 

  • Micro Focus customer case 01898327 also. This functionality is removed from latest version, but worked fine in previous versions of LoadRunner and Performance Center per customer.



    Please find code snippet attached

    We have tried changing many parameters but it did not work. The same Testing when performed using Jmeter script it fetched the actual number of rows. Only via Vugen/PC we get results limited to 32 rows

    Thank you


    namespace Script { using LoadRunner; using Mercury.LoadRunner.DotNetProtocol.Replay; using System; using System.Data; using System.Data.Odbc; using System.IO; using System.Collections.Generic; public partial class VuserClass { public virtual int Action() { string query = File.ReadAllText(lr.eval_string("{p_Query}")); String connectionString_1; connectionString_1 = lr.eval_string("DSN=SAPHana{p_HANA_IDSID};Uid={p_UserID};Pwd={Password1}"); OdbcConnection_1 = new OdbcConnection(connectionString_1); odbcConnection_1.ConnectionTimeout=1200; OdbcConnection_1.Open(); OdbcCommand_1 = OdbcConnection_1.CreateCommand(); OdbcCommand_1.CommandTimeout=1200; OdbcCommand_1.CommandText = query; lr.start_transaction(lr.eval_string("Execute_Query {p_Query}")); OdbcDataReader_1 = OdbcCommand_1.ExecuteReader(); lr.end_transaction(lr.eval_string("Execute_Query {p_Query}"), lr.AUTO); OdbcDataReader_1.Close(); OdbcCommand_1.Dispose(); OdbcConnection_1.Close(); return 0; } } }








    Thanks for your comments.

    Please find code snippet snapshot attached.

    We have tried changing many parameters but it did not work. The same Testing when performed using Jmeter script it fetched the actual number of rows. Only via Vugen/PC we get results limited to 32 rows.


  • Hi ,

    Could you elaborate a bit about the script maybe give a snippet with the call to HANA?

    It might be some defaults in the library that are causing this behaviour.

    I'm guessing 32 rows might be the default in order to reduce query times but I think you should be able to modify it.