Idea ID: 2878622

Requesting way to link Azure DevOps (ADO) work items (e.g., user stories, bugs) to items managed in Dimensions repository

Status: Accepted

ADO has become very popular for software configuration management, but it does not have a good way to manage documentation. Dimensions does an excellent job of controlling the documentation, but we would like to use the ADO work items/story board to manage all of the changes, both to software and documentation.

We can paste a link to a Dimensions item inside a field on an ADO user story that opens the item. But we need functionality to insert a link that would land the user on the item within Dimensions and (according to the user's roles) allow checkout, get copy, revise item, etc.  For historical integrity, the link would ideally expand to show all revisions in Dimensions and land on the revision linked from ADO. The display text of the link within ADO should include the revision #.
