The WebSphere Application Server (WAS) plugin has many steps available, but this is a simple example of some of the typical activities in WAS: install and update, start and stop applications, and start and stop servers
This example was done using WAS 9 and DA 6.2. The DA 6.2 agent was used and the plugin
Caution: There are some known defects against this version of the plugin, so if you are doing other steps, be sure to look at the Micro Focus (Serena) KB for open defects for the DA WebSphere plugin.
- If you are new to WAS, try these activities in the WAS UI before attempting them in DA.
- The DA integration uses wsadmin commands and uses step properties to create the command and its parameters. You need to have JAVA_HOME set to your WAS Java SDK, such as JAVA_HOME=C:\Program Files\IBM\WebSphere\AppServer\java\8.0. You may also need WAS_HOME set, for example, WAS_HOME=C:\Program Files\IBM\WebSphere\AppServer\.
- There are some hard-coded paths in the "Install or Update Application" component process. You may need to update these. These paths are as follows:
To use this example:
1. Download the attached replication file and import it into your Deployment Automation (DA) installation.
2. Change the variable values for the websphere-resource properties to point to your WAS host, use your WAS user ID, and so on. Tip: Use Batch Edit (BE).
3. In Management > Resources, edit websphere-resource to assign it at least one online agent.
4. A version of the Qlarius_Online.war file that you will import and deploy to WAS is included in the replication file. Optional: Download and extract the file to the C: drive. This includes the Qlarius_Online.war file. The Sample WAS Component has a Base Path of C:\SampleArtifacts\sampleWAS\1.0. You can change this, but if so, you need to update the component details accordingly. Finally, create a version directory and import a new component version.
5. Update the hard-coded path values in the processes if needed (see Tips) and then run the component processes to test that you have them set up correctly for your environment. Adjust values as needed for your environment.
6. After the component processes run correctly, run the application process.