• avoiding duplication on first sync

    Hi, We just went from using ALM QC to ValueEdge. We have been given a SAAS Microfocus Connect offering to enable integration. Our first task is to simply synchronize Bugs\Defects between Jira and ValueEdge. Some people have already been manually creating…
  • Integration of Micro Focus ALM and ServiceNow

    Hi All, I am trying to Integrate Micro Focus ALM Version 15.0 with Service Now through MF Connect. I have installed both the connectors. However, I have confusion while creating data source for both the application regarding the username and password…
  • Can MFConnect add Activity tab in Jira Cloud?

    I'm testing MFConnect to sync up AccuRev with Jira Cloud. I was able to sync AccuRev change package info to Jira Cloud with a multi line text field. However, on Jira side, the change package only has plain json format, which is not user friendly at all…
  • Has anybody sucessfully exported Jira Data Connection and reimported it in MF Connect 23.4?

    Hi Guys, I'm running Connect 4.4.3 with some developer patches to synchronize Jira stories, bugs and epics to ALM. Works fine beside there is no defaut user feature. That's why I parallel installed a MF Connect V23.4. I tried to export my Data Sources…
  • ALM Connect Datasource for Azure DevOps authentication error - Code:401 URL:https://XXX.com/_apis/wit/workItems

    Hello, I am faicing a problem to create a Datasource in ALM Connect for Azure DevOps. Once I insert URL, Username and PWD I recieve validation error responseCode:401 URL:URL .com/.../workItems Anny suggestion please?
  • VS403664: Unable to update the comment xxxxxx, you must be a creator of the comment to update

    Hello Team, We have an integration between ALM SaaS and ADO using the MF Connect on SaaS, synchronizing Defects - Bugs. ALM SaaS - 17.0.1 (build 94) Micro Focus Connect Core 4.4.3 (SaaS) ADO -Version Dev19.M230.1 (AzureDevOps_M230_20231130.5…
  • Defect Link in Requirements not being sent from ALM QC to JIRA

    Hi Everyone, We are trying to sync ALM Qc with Jira where i have tried syncing Story with Requirements. Everything is working fine except one field. i.e. rel.outwards.causes(jira)(target) -- connected-to-defect Defect(ALM)(source). When I link a…
  • Regarding Rally Integration with ALM Octane

    Hi team, Can someone please guide me on Rally Integration with ALM Octane. Actually, I have downloaded and installed MF Connect but dues to some reason, the application is not getting loaded. Apart from this I would also want to know the further…
  • How to prevent Defect duplication in MF ALM on type change in Jira?

    We have a connection that synchronizes Bugs and CRs from Jira to Defects in MF ALM. As Bugs and CRs are different types in Jira and MF Connect only allows to define a TypeMapping towards one type, we have one connection with two (identical) type-mappings…
  • Unable to set 'Created By' and 'Created On' fields in Azure DevOps when synchronizing with ALM / MF Connect

    Hello all, We're synchronizing ALM defects to AzDO but the 'Created By' and 'Created On' fields appear to be read-only by default in AzDO. We've set the bypass rules correctly, but need to be able to write to these fields with the data from ALM. Any…
  • Formatting in Description Field is lost while performing Sync from ALM/QC to Jira

    Hi Team, While performing the sync from ALM/QC to Jira(vice versa is working fine) , the Description field format is not reflecting correctly. In the ALM/QC, i've given the description with lines one below the other (bold and non-bold), but after…
  • MF Connect Core - Migrating data from ALM Octane to DevOPs

    Newbie question. Currently l am looking into documentation from migrating data from Octane ALM to DevOps. My question is, does MF connector core take care of linked file attachments? Presuming the db has the the reference to the location where it is…
  • MF Connect - Octane should support LDAP sAMAccountName as a user representaion

    Octane connector should support LDAP sAMAccountName as a user representation , currently support only mail, name, full_name.

    I have to configure the proxy on my Connect server, however, I am not finding the configuration file. Follow the documentation: admhelp.microfocus.com/.../proxy-setup.htm Can anyone help with the case?
  • Porting Sprint from Jira to Release-Cycle in ALM/QC

    Hi, We're trying to map Sprint from Jira to Release Cycle in ALM/QC. How do we specify the release that the Release-Cycle is associated with? if we try in calculated value to set the value of parent-id to a default value (for example parent-id to 1056…
  • how to sync using the Jira Label field with octane

    Hi My customer has some words added to "Label" field on Jira We would like to sync only the issues that has a specific label word added to this field. i have selected label field in the filter but no dropdown box has appeared. someone could…
  • How to sync Jira stories/bugs to Octane if Jira item has previous sprint history

    We are able to sync all types of Jira tickets to Octane including sprint and release detils. However the sprint is not set in Octane properly if a Jira ticket has a sprint history. Sprint history means that a ticket was in sprint A and was moved to…
  • Iterations Parent Child for MF ALM to Azure Devops

    We are using MF Connect 4.4.2 and we are able to sync the Release and Release cycles to Iterations of Azure Devops but to enable the parent child relationship, we deleted the data and trying to clear the watermarks and re-run the process but the MF Connect…
  • How to filter on set relation in sync criteria?

    I want to set sync criteria in a way to only synchronize elements that are linked to one or more other elments. In this specific example, I would limit the synchronization of TestPlans (out of MF ALM) to only those TestPlans with the Testtype "Functional…
  • Link JIRA Label to ALM

    I am trying to link Label field from JIRA to ALM. I can't make it work. I can't able to find a mapping field in ALM for that particular field. Label in JIRA is like a tag. We can type anything in that field and hit enter. It will get created as a tag…
  • Filter elements based on parent values - in SyncCriteria or a different way

    I have a big project in mf alm with many tests, each consisting of several more design steps. Both types can be synchronized to Jira, works fine. But not all tests and design steps are necessary in Jira. So for tests there are lot of fields that…
  • How to resolve "The sync rules common projects list must be empty." in the tab for defining filter rules

    I want to use the Feature "Server filters" to filter out some of elements that could be synchronized. However, in all of my connections, I am stuck with the message: "The sync rules common projects list must be empty." What exactly has to be done…
  • Move Defect - Synchronize bidirectional two Jira-Projects in one ALM-Project without Defect duplication

    Hi There, I have two agile teams (ADA & MR) working with their own Jira product projects (V8.20.x) where they do their agile stuff, like sprint planing and so on. For each of the projects I have a board and a connection in MF Connect (V4.4.2). In…
  • How to synchronize parent-child relations from MF ALM to Jira

    In MF ALM a Testcase consists out of several Design Steps. In Jira we have defined a Type "Testcase" and a new kind of sub-issuetype "Designstep". Now we want to synchroinze the Testcases and Designsteps from MF ALM to Jira. Synchronizing the Testcases…
  • ALM Integration with ServiceNow

    Hi All, I see that it is possible to integrate ALM with ServiceNow using Micro Focus Connect and the Connectors (links below). Has anyone done this integration? I am very interested to understand how the two tools integrate, and whether or not it is…