• Integration of Micro Focus ALM and ServiceNow

    Hi All, I am trying to Integrate Micro Focus ALM Version 15.0 with Service Now through MF Connect. I have installed both the connectors. However, I have confusion while creating data source for both the application regarding the username and password…
  • VS403664: Unable to update the comment xxxxxx, you must be a creator of the comment to update

    Hello Team, We have an integration between ALM SaaS and ADO using the MF Connect on SaaS, synchronizing Defects - Bugs. ALM SaaS - 17.0.1 (build 94) Micro Focus Connect Core 4.4.3 (SaaS) ADO -Version Dev19.M230.1 (AzureDevOps_M230_20231130.5…
  • Defect Link in Requirements not being sent from ALM QC to JIRA

    Hi Everyone, We are trying to sync ALM Qc with Jira where i have tried syncing Story with Requirements. Everything is working fine except one field. i.e. rel.outwards.causes(jira)(target) -- connected-to-defect Defect(ALM)(source). When I link a…
  • Porting Sprint from Jira to Release-Cycle in ALM/QC

    Hi, We're trying to map Sprint from Jira to Release Cycle in ALM/QC. How do we specify the release that the Release-Cycle is associated with? if we try in calculated value to set the value of parent-id to a default value (for example parent-id to 1056…
  • Iterations Parent Child for MF ALM to Azure Devops

    We are using MF Connect 4.4.2 and we are able to sync the Release and Release cycles to Iterations of Azure Devops but to enable the parent child relationship, we deleted the data and trying to clear the watermarks and re-run the process but the MF Connect…
  • Full Synchronization between ALM/QC and Jira

    Hi Team, We are trying to sync bug issue type in Jira with defect type in ALM/QC as POC. We were able to map the fields accordingly, But the MF connect setup is not performing the full sync, I mean existing bugs/defects are not getting synced, only…
  • Link JIRA Label to ALM

    I am trying to link Label field from JIRA to ALM. I can't make it work. I can't able to find a mapping field in ALM for that particular field. Label in JIRA is like a tag. We can type anything in that field and hit enter. It will get created as a tag…
  • MFC Connector ALM QC to ALM QC - Comments field is duplicated!

    Dear all, When I synchronise 2 ALM QC projects, the field "Comments" from "Defects" are duplicated in the target project. At each update, the comments field is displayed several times in the target project (If 3 synchronization done, the whole "comments…