While editing a Requirement after checking out, and the period of no action reaches the time set in "Wait before disconnect" the user is disconnected. Upon re-login, a message states: "Unsaved data may be lost." Click OK.
If Cancel is clicked and the user logs out, all unsaved data will be lost.
1. Set the "Wait before disconnect" parameter to 5 min
2. Check out a requirement, modify the creation date, and leave it without pressing OK.
After the period of no action reaches the time set in "Wait before disconnect" user is disconnected.
Upon re-login, a message states: "Unsaved data may be lost." Click OK.
If Cancel is clicked and the user logs out, all unsaved data will be lost.
After pressing OK and attempting to check in, the user was locked out and could not check in.
Enhancement Request:
We were advised to disconnect old users from the Site Admin site but are submitting this ER requesting a systematic solution to prevent locking ourselves out.