Idea ID: 2703370

Customer would like a confirmation when Sync Stream would make structural changes to the stream

Status: Needs Clarification

Needs Clarification

See status update history

The customer would like a confirmation when Sync Stream would make structural changes to the stream. Potentially related to Issue 131134 - GUI: Sync Stream Preview/Dry Run Option.
The "Sync Stream" has files that are:

In this scenario, under 7.3 the (defunct) files were purged and in this case was the wrong action, from the customer's perspective, to do. Their intent was to promote the (defunct) elements. The customer would like to have a confirmation required when the Sync Stream action would make structural changes to the stream (add, move, defunct)

Heather Caldwell
OpenText Community Manager
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  • The AccuRev 7.4 GUI's behavior was changed with regard to (defunct) elements when Sync Stream is run.  The release notes state:

    131849 - GUI: Don’t prompt the user to undefunct elements during Sync Stream wizard usage

    During the Sync Stream operation, the GUI no longer asks the user if a defunct element should be undefuncted. This fix causes the element to be in the proper defunct state after the Sync Stream operation, and it eliminates creation of an extra version of the element.

    Does this change address the concern raised in this idea?