DevOps Cloud
IT Operations Cloud
/** react on the changes in the text fields and call Ajax
function registerChange( form, field )
var fldValue = field.getValue();
if ( fldValue == "" ) return;
ajax_call_jquery( form, '/ncsAJQ/ajax/test.jsp' );
catch( e )
form.showError( e );
/** collect the data that we want to send to the service, then call Ajax
function ajax_call_jquery( form, url )
var inputData = new Object();
inputData[ "data1" ] = form.getValue( "fldText1" );
inputData[ "data2" ] = form.getValue( "fldText2" );
// call to jQuery Ajax
$.ajax( {
type: 'GET',
url: url,
data: inputData,
success: function( data )
ajax_display( form, url, data );
error: function( xhr, status )
ajax_display( form, url, xhr " / " status );
timeout: 9000
} )
catch( e )
form.showError( e );
<%@page import=""%>
<%@ page language="java"
import="*,*, java.util.*, org.json.simple.*"
// for JSON encoding/decoding see:
// read data1 sent from the client
String data1 = request.getParameter( "data1" );
System.out.print( "NCS: data1=" data1 );
// read data2 sent from the client
String data2 = request.getParameter( "data2" );
System.out.print( "NCS: data2=" data2 );
// return some dummy data in various formats
Map obj = new LinkedHashMap();
obj.put( "jsp", "test2.jsp" );
obj.put( "time", ( new Date()).toString() );
obj.put( "data1", data1 );
obj.put( "data2", data2 );
obj.put( "test1", "foo" );
obj.put( "test2", new Integer( 100 ) );
obj.put( "test3", new Double( 1000.21 ) );
obj.put( "test4", new Boolean( true ) );
obj.put( "test5", null );
// add a more complex result type (list)
JSONArray list1 = new JSONArray();
list1.add( "foo" );
list1.add( new Integer( 100 ) );
list1.add( new Double( 1000.21 ) );
obj.put( "test6", list1 );
// convert all data to JSON
StringWriter stringWriter = new StringWriter();
JSONValue.writeJSONString( obj, stringWriter );
String jsonText = stringWriter.toString();
// return the JSON string
System.out.print( "NCS: result=" jsonText );
out.write( jsonText );
catch ( Exception e )
System.out.print( "NCS: e=" e.toString() );
out.write( "{[ " e.toString() " ]}" );
/** this event handler is called on return from the Ajax call
* evaluate/display server response
function ajax_display( form, url, data )
if ( data )
form.setValues( "fldResult", dojo.toJson( data ) );
if ( data.time ) alert( "Server date/time: " data.time );