Coverage Maps and Review Properties

Is there a way to craft a coverage map that can reference the Review Owner property of a review?   For instance, let's say that I would like to prevent a review owner from reviewing any of the items in the review itself, even though they might be a supervisor or permission owner.   I don't think this is possible, just asking the hive mind.

Similarly, if I have a multistage review, can my coverage maps A) refer to previous stages, and who the reviewers selected were, and B) prevent a stage from occuring?  For instance, let's say I want the supervisor to review it in stage 1, and then in stage 2 I name a specific user, but I want to prevent them from double approving if they were also a supervisor in stage 1.    That is, could a coverage map (or other feature I'm unaware of) help prevent a user from seeing two approvals of the same item if they happen to be referenced in multiple stages of a review?

I have seen the "skip this stage if previous decision was keep/remove" choice, and that doesn't quite fit the scenario.

Interested to hear if anyone has implemented anything like these two configurations.
