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How to view Webhook Payloads?



As an Administrator, one can view all webhook payloads. If you are a Security Lead, you can view only webhook payloads for application versions that you have explicit permission to view.

To view webhook payloads:

  1. Log in to Fortify Software Security Center as an Administrator or Security Lead, and then, on the OpenText header, click Administration.
  2. In the left pane, select Configuration, and then select Webhooks.

The Webhooks table lists all existing webhooks and displays the status of each, as follows:

  • A green check mark indicates that the last payload request was successful.
  • A red x indicates that the webhook is active but could not deliver the last payload requested.

Note: If the Status field for a listed webhook displays no icon, in the Webhooks table, expand its row and check to make sure that the Active check box, located above the Recent deliveries table, is selected.

3. In the Webhooks table, select a webhook to expand its details and examine its recently-delivered payloads (up to ten), if any. 

The Recent deliveries section lists the payloads (up to ten) most recently delivered.

4. Click the row for the payload you want to examine.

5. To see body or header details for the response, select the RESPONSE tab.


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