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WebInspect standalone and ScanCentral DAST controller on docker


Does somebody configured WebInspect standalone wo work with SC DASTcontainer? Where I can get any tutorial? I haven't found strict information on WI or DAST guide. 

I've copied WI docker config to standalone API and its is active.

I'm not sure how to configure sersor service. When I typed 

in "Manager URL", and SSC account as "Sensor Authentication" I received error: "The AMP Manager was not found. ..."

WI and DAST are in current version.

Any suggestions?

Thank you in advance



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    ok, thanks, that is what I'm looking for. 

    So I should:
    - unpack "ScanCentral DAST - Sensor" package to app folder (f.exmpl. %PathToScannerService%),
    - configure appsettings.json file (I used file form DAST.ConfigurationToolCLI) (remember to edit paths)
    - create (local or domain) service account, and grant permitions to %AppsPath%
    - register service 

    sc create ScannerWorkerService binpath= "%PathToScannerService%
    \DAST.ScannerWorkerService.exe" start= auto depend= "WebInspect API"
    displayname= "WebInspect DAST Scanner Worker Service" obj=".\(custom_service_account)" password="(password)"

     - and finaly start service (with service acount rights)

    In my case when I'had try to start service I received message "Error 1053: The Service did not Respond to the Start or Control Request in a Timely Fashion" .
    Starting DAST.ScannerWorkerService.exe in cmd finished with error "The required library hostfxr.dll could not found."

    I will try to set %DOTNET_ROOT% variable. 

    Thank you vjohari very much for your usefull tips. 

    Thank you ThatCanadaGuy for your tip. 
    After "dotNet SDK 5.0.408 (x64)" install scanner service has started.


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    Page 86

    You can install Fortify WebInspect on Windows Server 2016. However, if you install the DAST sensor service on Windows Server 2016, you must first install the full .NET SDK or ASP.NET Core Runtime 5.0.3. Otherwise, the following error occurs:

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    DAST Sensor Service is installed on Windows Server 2019. "dotNet Framework 4.7 Featues" are installed with Server Manager, but hosfxr.dll file is unavailable. 

    When I tried to install .NET Framework 4.8, I received error "NET Framework 4.8 or a later update is already installed on this computer". 
    The workaround is to install ".NET Framework 4.8 Developer Pack"

    File hosfxr.dll is still unavailable despite installing DevPack. Installing dotNet Framework 5.0 doesnt resolve problem too. 

    problem still persists
