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WebInspect standalone and ScanCentral DAST controller on docker


Does somebody configured WebInspect standalone wo work with SC DASTcontainer? Where I can get any tutorial? I haven't found strict information on WI or DAST guide. 

I've copied WI docker config to standalone API and its is active.

I'm not sure how to configure sersor service. When I typed 

in "Manager URL", and SSC account as "Sensor Authentication" I received error: "The AMP Manager was not found. ..."

WI and DAST are in current version.

Any suggestions?

Thank you in advance



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    ok, thanks, that is what I'm looking for. 

    So I should:
    - unpack "ScanCentral DAST - Sensor" package to app folder (f.exmpl. %PathToScannerService%),
    - configure appsettings.json file (I used file form DAST.ConfigurationToolCLI) (remember to edit paths)
    - create (local or domain) service account, and grant permitions to %AppsPath%
    - register service 

    sc create ScannerWorkerService binpath= "%PathToScannerService%
    \DAST.ScannerWorkerService.exe" start= auto depend= "WebInspect API"
    displayname= "WebInspect DAST Scanner Worker Service" obj=".\(custom_service_account)" password="(password)"

     - and finaly start service (with service acount rights)

    In my case when I'had try to start service I received message "Error 1053: The Service did not Respond to the Start or Control Request in a Timely Fashion" .
    Starting DAST.ScannerWorkerService.exe in cmd finished with error "The required library hostfxr.dll could not found."

    I will try to set %DOTNET_ROOT% variable. 

    Thank you vjohari very much for your usefull tips. 

    Thank you ThatCanadaGuy for your tip. 
    After "dotNet SDK 5.0.408 (x64)" install scanner service has started.
