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Pull and Start LIM Container

Hi team,

I am getting error while  running  the PowerShell script “c:\lim\startLimService.ps1”

Below is the error message: 

docker: Error response from daemon: Conflict. The container name "/lim" is already in use by container "431f456fd9de18e5a8922bbc505c173eec7744f1ba28a507451146320180f473". You have to remove (or rename) that container to be able to reuse that name.

Request you to help.

  • Suggested Answer


    Run a "docker container ls -a" command to see what containers you have already defined. You should see one with the name of "lim". You will need to either delete the existing container or rename the new container to something else.

    The -a switch will show you all containers you have created whether they are running or not. Here is an example where I have a container name lim; however, it is not running:

  • 0 in reply to   

    so I'm now trying to download the used image of LIM but I can't find it on the docker repository 

    Also, i got some inquiries am trying to make Jenkins to use API call a dynamic scan using webinspect in a hosted machine so is this available 

  • 0 in reply to   

    so I'm now trying to download the used image of LIM but I can't find it on the docker repository 

    Also, i got some inquiries am trying to make Jenkins to use API call a dynamic scan using webinspect in a hosted machine so is this available 
