Idea ID: 2768799

ArcSight free, dev license

Status: Waiting for Votes

Waiting for Votes

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ArcSight free, dev license


Make ArcSight and Logger with Free and Developer license and SmartConnector, so people can learn and make the software accessible to wider user base. Also it will help people create SmartConnectors parsers.  Encourage community participation. 



  • yes what a great IDEA!

    Don't make a complicated "we need to verify if you are a company and a real person" process on it - that takes more then 5 minutes to get a download link.

    Make Logger and SC available to ppl with a yahoo account or a googlemail address. no company mail adresses only. 

    Logger+SmartConnector(limited to 100eps/5 devices,somthing like that and Logger 500MB /Day)  free to dowload.

    I gave a cures on a University in 2019, i would have loved to use ArcSights capabilities - but there is no way for the students to free and legaly get it - hence the software I used was ELK-based.




  • yes what a great IDEA!

    Don't make a complicated "we need to verify if you are a company and a real person" process on it - that takes more then 5 minutes to get a download link.

    Make Logger and SC available to ppl with a yahoo account or a googlemail address. no company mail adresses only. 

    Logger+SmartConnector(limited to 100eps/5 devices,somthing like that and Logger 500MB /Day)  free to dowload.

    I gave a cures on a University in 2019, i would have loved to use ArcSights capabilities - but there is no way for the students to free and legaly get it - hence the software I used was ELK-based.




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