Where is the best area for reporting issues or enhancement requests for this area?
Issue: The link below the video to "For more information, please visit: " is 404 (points to an old style KB)
Idea: To be able to have OR filters, such as an issue might be between two products, so we don't have to toggle between, or for those many of us who only work on a small set of products given how many there are.
Andy of KonecnyConsulting.ca in Toronto Please use the "Like" and/or "Verified Answers" as appropriate as that helps us all.
Where is the best area for reporting issues or enhancement requests for this area?
Issue: The link below the video to "For more information, please visit: " is 404 (points to an old style KB)
Idea: To be able to have OR filters, such as an issue might be between two products, so we don't have to toggle between, or for those many of us who only work on a small set of products given how many there are.
Andy of KonecnyConsulting.ca in Toronto Please use the "Like" and/or "Verified Answers" as appropriate as that helps us all.
Thank you for your comments. I have just checked the link below the video and for me it redirects to the new article. Please can you provide some more information as to what you are seeing?
Yes you can use an OR between the products. If you watch the video it shows how to create and setup a query for this purpose.
I'm still getting "Document Not Available" though perhaps today that is another problem all together with TIDs and that was what I was tripping over at the time. Still can't get to any of the TIDs I tried to get to.
The video is very clear about the OR function in the search terms, but for the filters she goes over it quickly as it is very hidden. Now I've gotten it figured out, I can point out where it goes off the rails to help others on this video now and on future videos.
A) it was recorded at too high a resolution, such that much of what she is showing is just not readable under a lot of common situations, such as trying to fit it and the actual Search at the same time on a Notebook. Also for me, YouTube decided to keep this particular video down to 360p on the notebook main screen. I had to manually set it up to the max of only 'full HD' to get the search exercises readable. This forces a viewer to have either 2 monitors, or a very large (possibly 4K) monitor to be able to watch the video AND follow along. So not a standard travel kit.
B) Filters Applied (#) where # stays at 1 no matter how many you've selected. And that field is so small, most products fill the field without any clear indication of having successfully added them, because it is a natural for most to expect to see a change above when selecting the next product.
C) She did NOT explicitly mention the hover over as the way to see the list of what is in the Filters Applied (can there only be 1 in this field), especially given the example started with a long product name and then added a smaller one.
Now I wonder if I broke it. I had iPrint, Open Enterprise Server, and GroupWise selected, went to add Retain, and it went down hill from there.
An error occurred while retrieving additional filters
I cleared the filter to start again and got this, even on opening new sessions.
An error has occurred. Please contact support. Error details: The securityinfo token has expired. Please request an updated one (DAHQUERY-2147437726) Error UUID: a8528d7c-1b52-486d-b532-cc1873c49881
Andy of KonecnyConsulting.ca in Toronto Please use the "Like" and/or "Verified Answers" as appropriate as that helps us all.