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Erik Remmelzwaal - Super User 2024/25


Erik Remmelzwaal
Software Performance Engineer
Community Profile

Dutch, English, German

Product expertise: 
My major usage of OT products is limited to LoadRunner Professional and Enterprise. I'm using this product for more than 15 years.

Community focus:
LoadRunner Professional and LoadRunner Enterprise

Career journey:
My interest in computers started way back at high school. They just bought a TRS model III. My buddy and I got wild and in 4 weeks time we started writing assembly by hand and executed it via Basic.

A logical choice was to start with an Electronic Engineering Bachelor, followed by a Master in Computer Science.

I joined the company Baan in the Netherlands as a system programmer. After a few years a dedicated Performance and Benchmark team was started. In those days we visited the large labs of may Unix / Windows vendors to benchmark.

Consolidation in the industry and Cloud keeps the performance engineering still a challenging job. Most performance testing happens with LoadRunner Enterprise that our department offers to development teams

Importance of the OpenText Community: 
I've been around for some time on OT community (coming from MF community). The mutual support on the community is great and sharing knowledge is fun. Knowing the OT employees a bit better gives due to all the work gives the opportunity to have interesting discussions and share end-user insights.

In private time a like to spend time at walking, cycling, grand-children.


Super User 2024/25
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