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GroupWise Mobility update

For those of you waiting on the replacement for GMS, Alex posted an
update to his blog yesterday.

Wonder what everyone thinks about the one and only supported

With great power comes great responsibility.
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    unsigned wrote:

    > 64-bit only? WTF comes to mind. Oh well.

    Why WTF?

    Running into this alot of places. The new Retain is x86_64 only as
    Any server with the oomph to run that should be 64 bit though.
  • 0 in reply to 
    So lets re-cap.

    1) Superlab apparently doesn't reflect real world conditions.

    2) Its a resource hog.

    3) Not supported on the same OS as OES. NICE!

    4) Who uses VMWare anyway?

    unsigned wrote:
    > 64-bit only? WTF comes to mind. Oh well.

  • 0 in reply to 
    On Fri, 15 Jan 2010 14:20:26 0000, unsigned wrote:

    > 64-bit only? WTF comes to mind. Oh well.

    That doesn't bug me too much as most servers have been 64-bit for a
    while. What bugs me even more is that only SLES 11 is supported.
    Novell's support lifecycle page says SLES 10 has support until 2016.
    Guess there should be an asterik next to that.

    With great power comes great responsibility.