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Do email notifications work?

Is it just me, or is anyone else having issues with receiving email notifications? It doesn't seem to work for me, even though I'm subscribed to two discussion forums (Fortify Product Announcements and Fortify User Discussions). My email address is correct, and notifications are enabled.

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    yes, they should be working. Are you receiving the notifications within the Community?

    I've been receiving them but will ask  to look into this.

    Raquel Winkler
    OpenText Community Manager
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    Thanks Raquel. It seems to be working now. I had to recreate my account. Also, my username "find-fix-fortify" does not seem to correspond with the username that was emailed to me (which is a concatenation of the words in my email address with the underscore character and some random numbers). Any chance I can change it to my actual username?

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    Thanks Raquel. It seems to be working now. I had to recreate my account. Also, my username "find-fix-fortify" does not seem to correspond with the username that was emailed to me (which is a concatenation of the words in my email address with the underscore character and some random numbers). Any chance I can change it to my actual username?

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