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21 Questions With...Community Knowledge Partner Juan Urraburu

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21 Questions With...
Community Knowledge Partner Juan Manuel Urraburu

  1. Name: Juan Manuel Urraburu

  2. Title: Co-Founder at ProRM

  3. Location: Montevideo, Uruguay

  4. What product forums are you most active in? RM/COBOL and Visual COBOL

  5. What was your very first job ever? I worked for ten years at the government office of education in Uruguay.

  6. Tell us about your career journey: I started as administrative while studying Oceanography at University. I started studying programming some years after and I entered a software company as a Cobol programmer. I worked there for at least ten years and during that period I contacted Liant Software, the company behind RM/COBOL and we started distributing their products in our country. Some years after they offered us to distribute RM/COBOL in Argentina so we founded ProRM in 1996. We opened ProRM in Brazil and Uruguay in 2000 and in Chile in 2002.

  7. What did you want to be when you were younger? I studied medicine and my idea was to enter the University to be a doctor. When I visited the University and saw that it would take more than eight years to get the degree, I changed and entered into marine biology (Oceanography).

  8. Who is your role model? Interesting. I consider myself an entrepreneur. Many people have inspired me throughout my life, both professionally and personally.

  9. What do you like to do in your free time? I used to like running, but lately I've changed it to walking. I like soccer, riding a bicycle, photography, the beach and sharing barbecues with my family and friends.

  10. Best piece of advice you have ever received? What you're looking for is inside of you.

  11. What technology innovation made the most impact on your life? Internet. I had the chance to see the whole process, from its beginnings to today.

  12. What is one important skill every person should have? Empathy.

  13. What is the best perk that you have had at a job? Learning to speak English. That opened up many opportunities for me to work internationally.

  14. What is the most important personal attribute that you bring to your job? Good humor.

  15. Who would you like to exchange roles with? Elon Musk.

  16. What is one of the things on your bucket list? Businesses go back to using COBOL and buying licenses and services like before

  17. If you could only take one physical item with you on a deserted island, what it would be? Water!

  18. What is a recent book that you have enjoyed? Hear Yourself.

  19. What do you consider your greatest work achievement? Building a company in four countries and have made sales and friends in more than twenty.

  20. What should they teach in school, but don’t? Money management and investments and time management.

  21. What are you going to do when you retire? Retire? Smile


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