DevOps Cloud
IT Operations Cloud
Software Licenses and Downloads (SLD)
It is not always apparent if a download was completed correctly. Therefore it is good practice to check the hash checksum of the downloaded file
1. Make sure the checksum type (in this case SHA256) is supported by the script (see additional information)
2. Right click on the script check_hash.ps1 and select "run with Powershell"
3. A file open dialogue will pop up. Select the downloaded file you want to check the checksum of
4. Calculating the checksum may take some time depending on the size of the file (ca. 3 minute for a 10GB ISO file) where it may seem as if the script is not doing anything
5. The script will display the checksum types it supports (see additional information)
6. The script will ask for a "string to compare". Copy only the checksum itself (see step 2 & 3) and put it there
7. The script will show if any of the checksums which types it support matches the string you entered or if no match was found
Checksum types supported by the script:
[void] [System.Reflection.Assembly]::LoadWithPartialName("System.Drawing") [void] [System.Reflection.Assembly]::LoadWithPartialName("System.Windows.Forms") $FileBrowser = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.OpenFileDialog $null = $FileBrowser.ShowDialog() $md5=Get-FileHash $FileBrowser.FileName -Algorithm MD5 $sha256=Get-FileHash $FileBrowser.FileName -Algorithm SHA256 $sha1=Get-FileHash $FileBrowser.FileName -Algorithm SHA1 write-host $md5.Path write-host "MD5: "$md5.Hash write-host "SHA256: "$sha256.Hash write-host "SHA1: "$sha1.Hash $input=Read-Host -Prompt "sting to compare" $input="$input".ToUpper() $match=0 if ($md5.Hash -eq $input){ Write-Host "MD5 matches" $match=1 } if ($sha256.Hash -eq $input){ Write-Host "SHA256 matches" $match=1 } if ($sha1.Hash -eq $input){ Write-Host "SHA1 matches" $match=1 } if ($match -eq 0){ write-host "no match" } Write-Host -NoNewLine 'Press any key to continue...'; $null = $Host.UI.RawUI.ReadKey('NoEcho,IncludeKeyDown');
Access article on support portal