OpenText Community General Tour
How Do I Register And Create An Account?
When you become a registered member of the Community, you are able to take full advantage of what the Community has to offer. Here is a list of what becoming a registered member enables you to do:
- Post new messages and reply to other members' posts
- Receive email when someone responds to a specific post or topic
- Subscribe to posts or groups
- Exchange private messages with other members
- Personalize your Community experience
To register, click the "Join or Sign In" link on the top right of any Community page to be taken to the OpenText single sign-on screen.
You'll be presented with an option to create a new login account at the top of the screen. Follow that process and you'll be brought back to the Community site when finished.
IMPORTANT: Be sure to verify your email address before you attempt to log in to the Community site after creating your account. Otherwise, the Community will set an unverified user cookie that will have to be cleared before you're allowed to log in. If you need assistance with verification or creating a new email, please email
PLEASE NOTE: We strongly encourage you to use your business/company email address to register in the Community. By using a company email address rather than a personal email such as gmail or yahoo, you will avoid having your community account moderated and we will be able to verify that you are a customer or partner.
Personal email accounts such as Gmail, Yahoo and Hotmail are automatically moderated. This means that means your posts will not be visible to the public until our team is able to verify your account. To avoid this, we strongly encourage all users to use their company email address to create a community account.
How To Know If Your Account Is Moderated
If your account is moderated you will not be able to post in the Community. Although it may seem as if you are able to post, it will not be visible to anyone until our team has reviewed the post and approved it.
You will receive an email with the following information:
Please click on the link in the email to appeal the moderation.
You will also receive a system notification in the Community indicating there is a problem with your attempted post:
You will find the Community notification on the top right of every community page:
The notification will read as follows:
How To Change Your Email Address (steps to change, screenshots)
If you have already created an account using a personal email address and would like to avoid moderation, the best option is to create a new account. Once you create a new account, we can merge both of your accounts. Just email us at to make that request.
After you've created your account and have verified your email address, you can sign in and start participating.
To sign in:
- Click the user icon at the top of any page.
- Enter your Login Name and Password.
- Click “Sign In”
How Do I change My display name, My avatar Or Other Preferences?
- Log in to the OpenText Community
- Click your avatar in the top-right corner, circled in the image below:
- To change the display name, avatar, and other profile settings, click “Profile” on the drop-down menu that appears.
- Next, click “Edit Profile” on the right side of the screen.
- You can change your username or avatar by clicking on them in the top banner. You can also set your banner cover photo if you wish to have one.
- On this page, you can also change any other items, such as the bio, that you wish to update.
- Click “Save Profile” on the right side when you are done.
How Do I Create Signatures for My Posts?
- After logging into the Community click your profile avatar and select Settings:
- Add your signature in the Signature field about halfway down the page. Your signature can be your name or your name, company and job title or whatever descriptor you choose.
- You can bold your name or change the color of the last two phrases by selecting the text with your mouse and pressing CTRL+B to bold your name or clicking the second A in the format bar of the editor and selecting a color for the phrases:
- If you want to add a horizontal line above your name move your cursor immediately above your name in the editor and select Insert > Horizontal line from the main editor toolbar:
- Click Save once you are done with your signature. The signature field is limited to 768 characters.
NOTE: If you feel comfortable editing HTML source code and you want to make your signature a little more customized, you can select Tools > Source code and add the following code there with any tweaks you want to make:
Code for a more customized signature:
<p><b> </b></p>
<hr style="border-bottom: 1px solid #000; float: left; width: 30%;" />
<p><br /><strong><Your Name></strong><br />OpenText <Your Title><br /> <span style="color: #00ccff;">If this answered your question, please mark it as "Suggest as Answer" or "Verify as Answer".</span><br /> <span style="color: #00ccff;">If you found this response useful, please give it a "Like".</span></p>
Note that the editor may change some of your code from what you might enter but it will display as you code it nonetheless.
What Is My Role and Responsibility In The Community?
You are essential to the Community, even if all you ever do is read messages or articles that someone else has posted. Communities offer all kinds of contributions: posting questions and sharing answers, leaving comments on blog articles or ideas, voting for ideas you like, or just searching for answers to your questions.
We encourage you to visit often and participate. Ask your toughest questions. Chances are someone has a solution or can point you in the right direction. If you find a solution that works, let others know and pass on your own tips and insights. You might just have the answer someone else needs.
Remember to thank Community members who have helped you. Show your appreciation by giving likes to helpful posts, verifying answers to your questions, or posting thank-you replies.
We want the Community to be appropriate, friendly, informative, and fun for everyone.
Be sure to read the Terms of Use and Rules of Participation and the Community's Acceptable Use Policy so that you know what to expect and what is expected of you when you're here.
Community contributions should be productive and enhance the Community experience. Productive criticism is encouraged, but “troll-like” posts of a disparaging or inflammatory nature are unwelcomed and will be rejected.
As a general code of etiquette, all posts should be mindful and respectful of the Community and the purpose of the forums. Keep in mind that the Community is meant to facilitate discussion. All posts are moderated with consideration of their adherence to the following etiquette guidelines:
- Check through documentation. Double-check that your inquiry has not already been addressed in existing documentation. A great place to start is the documentation. Also, consider using the Search facility in the Community.
- Consider your tone. Approach discussions, even ones where disagreements arise, with respect to those engaging with you. Do not use all capitals, as this is considered shouting.
- Be as specific as possible. Your subject line should be clear, the content of your inquiry should be in-depth, and the reason for your post should be evident.
- Be courteous of others’ time. Do not mark your question as urgent or ASAP. Don't put personal contact details in your question and expect people to contact you via phone or email. Community questions should be answered in the Community.
- Provide resources and context needed to answer your question. Provide the product and full version, as well as any relevant information about the device/software you are experiencing the issues with.
- Be attentive to general rules regarding content. Links to outside blogs and websites are considered spam. Keep links out of your signature, do not include confidential or proprietary content, proofread your post, and do not plagiarize.
- Respond appropriately when your question has been addressed. Proper etiquette is that the poster should provide feedback to those who provide answers to questions; mark responses accordingly with "Verify answer".
A blog is an online journal written by one or more authors. Blog articles usually appear in reverse-chronological order, so you see the most recent article first, followed by earlier articles. Some blogs have comments from readers, which you can read by clicking the Comments link at the bottom of the article.
All blogs are written by OpenText or approved partners. Users who are not in either category are not able to create original blog posts. If you are interested in posting a blog in our Community, please reach out to
How do I find blogs in the Community?
There are a couple of ways to find blogs.
- Click on Blogs in the navigation header:
- From the product page, in the navigation area, click on the Product Blog name:
How Do I Post A Comment On A Blog
Posting a comment on a blog is a lot like replying to a message on a discussion forum. If the blog is open for comments, you'll see a post, a comment link, or a comment count link at the bottom of the article.
To post your comment:
- Type your comment in the comment area where you see “Leave a comment”. You can use simple HTML and quote the article you're commenting on.
- Hit “Comment”
Yes, click on “more” under your comment and select “edit”.
How Do I Share A Blog With Friends Inside and Outside the Community?
To share blog articles with friends within the community, first navigate the blog you want to share, scroll down and in the right navigation, there will be a menu of options. Click on “more”:
Then Share:
Next, select the recipients in the Community with whom you want to share. You can also add a comment. Finally, hit enter to send your message.
To share a blog outside of the community, use the social sharing buttons located on the blog post. Simply click on whichever social site you want to share to create your post and publish.
What Is A Discussion Page?
A discussion page is a format for conversations (such as opinions) and Q&A (such as how-to) questions. A discussion page has 2 features that make it unique from other forms of content in the Community:
- Suggested answers and verified answers. The author of a reply can click “More” under the response, then “Suggest answer,” which turns the thread header yellow. If another user clicks "Verify Answer," the answer becomes a verified answer and the question header turns green. However, the answered status can also be rejected.
- "I have this question too." This feature on a discussion thread question has a counter which increases whenever someone checks the "I have this question too" check box; checking this check box increases a counter displaying the number of people who have also had the question.
How Do I Start A Discussion?
To post a question or discussion item: Log in to the Community
- Go to the product discussion page where you want to post your question or start a discussion.
- Under "Ask a question or start a discussion here...” enter your subject in the dialog box.
- A drop-down menu will appear, displaying similar and recent topic posts, along with their summaries, if it finds any. An example of the suggested answers is below:
- If you want to view the entire post, simply click it.
- If the suggestions are not what you are looking for, start your post by clicking the CONTINUE button (this button is not operational until you enter a subject).
- In the Body field, type your message. Be sure to include all necessary details, such as product versions, error messages, configuration notes, screenshots, etc.
- Add a label and tags if desired. Format and spell check your message, as needed.
- Click Post.
How Do I Reply To A Post?
Click "Reply” to respond to a post that you are currently viewing, as shown here:
You can quote the original message by highlighting a passage from the post with left click. Once you have highlighted what you want to quote, a “Quote” action button should appear. Simply click this button for the quote to populate your reply box. An example of highlighting the text in the original message to do this is below:
Your reply is added to the existing thread. It will not create a new thread.
How Do I Mention Users Or Content In My Posts?
A mention is a reference to a member, a group, or an application within the Community website. Mentions are added through the content editor and are shown as links to the member or location mentioned. When a mention is added, the member or owner of the location can be notified (based on their notification settings) that they were mentioned to call attention to the content and improve targeting of responses to otherwise wider-targeted content.
To mention a user or reference a group page, type “@” and then their name or the title of the page. Click on the suggestion that pops up in the drop-down menu that matches what you are looking for. An example of a suggested pages filter is below:
How do I receive discussion thread notifications?
How do I receive notification when someone replies to my thread?
When you create a thread, there is an option at the bottom of the post editor that says, “Notify me when someone replies to this post.” This is on by default, but make sure it is checked before you hit “Post.” When you post to a product group, you automatically join that group and are subscribed for updates as well.
How do I receive discussion notifications that are not mine, but I still want to be notified?
As mentioned above, when you create a post, you automatically join the discussion group, but what if you want to receive discussion forum notifications for other discussion threads? You can do this by simply turning Forum Notifications on.
How Do I Stop Notifications On A Discussion Thread?
Members often subscribe to a discussion or are subscribed to a thread because of a reply they added. As the thread continues, you may lose interest and not want to receive notifications of updates on the thread. To unsubscribe from the thread without affecting subscription to the discussion in which the thread exists, you can simply mute the thread by going to the thread’s page and clicking “Mute” in the bottom-right corner, as shown below:
A Verified Answer is a way for you to choose the reply that best answers a question that you have posted. A Verified Answer icon appears on forums and in search results so you can see which messages have solutions.
You can verify an answer only for questions that you have posted (you started the thread). Community moderators can also mark one of the replies to a post as a Verified Answer.
If you want to verify a reply to a thread that you did NOT start, you can suggest it as an answer to the thread author instead.
How Can I Mark A Post As A Verified Answer?
If an answer to your question is correct, click on "More" and then "Verify Answer." The answer will now appear with a checkmark. Please be sure to always mark answers that resolve your issue as verified. Your fellow members will appreciate it!
- Go to the forum post and find the reply you wish to verify
- Click “More” next to the reply button
- Select “Verify Answer” to mark the post you want to verify
You can do the same to suggest an answer to any question, just click “More” and then “Suggest an Answer”.
You can also suggest your reply as an answer before you submit it. Simply check the “Suggest as Answer” box under your new reply before you hit “Post.”
Can I Attach Files And Images To My Messages?
Yes. You can drag your files where it says, “Add images and other files by dragging them into the editor.” You can also add files to replies. Click “insert” and then “Image/video/file.”
My Post Is Missing, What Happened?
Two things could have happened. The message was deleted, or the message was moved to another Community because the moderator determined that it was better suited for another Community. If the question was moved, you will be notified with a link attached directing to the page where the thread was moved to.
How Do I Add Code To My Post?
If you want to insert code into your post, you can simply click on “Insert” in the text box editor and then “<\>Code”. The following editor should appear:
In it, you can paste or type in your code. You can use the box at the top to pick the specific language you are using as well, like this:
When you are done, hit "Ok." Your code will appear in your post.
An idea exchange is a collection of ideas or enhancement requests posted by Community members. Ideas can include anything from new product requests to suggestions about how to improve a product or service. Everyone in the community can see and vote on the ideas.
Useful Definitions And Idea Statuses
Every idea has merit – OpenText product teams will endeavor to review each one in a timely manner and put it through the paces to determine Community and customer value, viability, and fit.
Generally, ideas will move through the stages described below.
New Idea |
All ideas begin in this status. New ideas are available for other Community members to view, comment and vote on. |
Needs Clarification |
The idea has received an initial review, but the moderator needs more details from the submitter. |
Waiting for votes |
The idea has received an initial review to ensure adherence to our idea submission and Community guidelines. More information may be needed at this stage, and we expect the Community to help prioritize the idea with comments and voting. |
Under Consideration |
Ideas in this status have received enough votes and comments from the Community and been reviewed by OpenText for strategic fit. These ideas are continually monitored and considered for prioritization in our development planning. |
Accepted |
The idea has received enough votes and comments from the Community and been reviewed by the OpenText product team. It is officially on the roadmap for development and delivery. (Subject to change, and not a commitment.) |
Duplicate |
Ideas in this status have already been submitted by another Community member. See the idea comments for a link to the duplicate and add your comments and vote there. |
Archived |
Ideas that have not received enough Community comments or votes for several months will move to this status. Archived ideas may be commented upon but may not receive votes. Archived ideas may be re-opened based on Community input. |
Already Offered |
This status indicates that the desired feature or enhancement is already available in some fashion through the product today. Check the comments for details on workarounds or documentation references. |
Declined |
These ideas are not being considered for product development due to strategic fit or technical feasibility within a reasonable timeframe. Keep the new ideas coming. |
Delivered |
The idea has been implemented and delivered in a product release. Check the idea comments for details on the release version. |
Your ideas are important to us, and we take them seriously. Before you get started, make sure you review the following:
- Search the Community: Before submitting a new idea, always look for existing submissions.
- Draft your idea: To help everyone else in the Community really understand what you’re suggesting, explain your idea in detail. Include the rationale and perceived value. The more we know about your idea - who it’s for, what the motivation is, and what the actual item is, the more accurate we’ll be when it comes time to prioritize and size it.
Essential elements for every submission:
- Brief Description: Briefly describe your idea.
- Benefits/Value: Explain why this is important? (When used, by which role, and benefits/value)
- Design details: Explain how you would want this idea designed/implemented.
And finally, don’t forget to fulfill your civic duty and VOTE for those items you like and agree with by giving the idea a like.
How Do I Post An Idea In An Idea Exchange?
Posting an idea is just like posting a message on a board.
To post your idea:
- Go to the idea exchange where you want to post an idea
- Tip: It's a good idea to search the idea exchange first to make sure that someone else hasn't already posted the same idea.
- Tip: It's a good idea to search the idea exchange first to make sure that someone else hasn't already posted the same idea.
- Click “New”
- Type an idea subject and the body of your idea. You can use simple HTML, format the text, or add links or images. You can also preview your idea and check your spelling before you post the idea.
- Labels are required, so you must choose at least one label. The labels you can choose from are listed on the right side of the page. Click a label to choose it. Labels make it easy to find related or similar ideas.
- (Optional) Add one or more tags.
- Click post.
How To See All Ideas I Submitted?
To see all ideas you have submitted go to the product's idea exchange and then filter by "ideas you submitted". Here you can see all of your particular ideas. Here is a screenshot:
How Do I Vote On An Idea I Like?
Open the Idea and click on the ^ arrow to vote for it. Once you have made your vote, the text will be grayed out.
How do I Post A Comment On An Idea?
To post your comment:
- Make sure you are signed into the OpenText Community.
- Go to the idea you want to comment on and find the comment box just below the Idea description.
- Enter your comment in the provided comment box. You can add images, add links, and other changes using the toolbar above the box.
- When you are ready, hit "enter” to post your comment.
What Are Labels?
Labels are used within our Community to help categorize blog posts, ideas and tips & information articles so you can easily filter on the subject you are interested in. For example, if you go to the Data Protector Tips & Information area, you'll see a list of labels on the right-hand side of the screen. Clicking on any of the labels will filter the articles by the selected label and display just those posts.
Unlike tags, labels are created by the Community admin and typically controlled for consistency and need. Authors must choose/apply labels from a pre-defined list for the node in which the article appears. Tags are more freeform and can be created by anyone.
How Do I Add A Label To My Post?
To add a label:
- Labels should be available on the right-hand side of the screen. Simply click which one you would like to use, and it will be added to your post.
- Remember, when the use of labels is enforced, you must select a label; otherwise, you will not be able to post.
Typically, only administrators or permissioned members can create new labels or edit the label list. When the use of labels is enforced, members must apply a label when submitting posts. Labels can be optionally predefined, giving administrators complete control over exactly which labels are used in their Community.
Labels are applied at the board level, so different settings can be applied at different boards. One board might be mandatory with a predefined pool of labels, while another can be completely optional.
A tag is a single keyword or phrase that describes the topic, theme, or subject of a post. You can add as many tags as you want and so can other Community members. For example, in a post about a mouse, you might add these tags: mouse, USB mouse, optical mouse, wireless, DPI.
Tagging is a way to help other users discover interesting posts. It's also a way to organize content in the Community that you think is related. When you apply tags to a post, you add to the value by providing another way for people to find it.
When creating or editing content, tags can be specified or edited within the tags field of the create/edit form. When you start typing in the tags text box, suggested tags will appear in a menu. You can either choose a tag from the suggestions or make your own. Make sure you hit the “Enter” key after each tag to successfully add it. Additionally, hashtags can be placed within the body of most content.
Likes are a content rating system that lets you vote for the messages you think are the most useful or important.
When you give a like to a message, you are giving a thumbs-up for good content and a pat on the back to its author. Your likes help to boost the value of certain messages and enhance the reputation of their authors.
Giving likes is as easy as a single click, but the impact of likes ripples across the Community.
You can give a like to any post in the Community except your own.
To give a like to a message and its author, click “Like” under the message.
If you change your mind about the quality of the message, you can revoke your like by clicking the same button again.
To give a like or to “vote up” a comment, select the up arrow under the comment.
Can I See Which Messages Have Received The Most Likes?
Yes. To view the most-liked posts in a forum, go to the forum page, where posts are automatically sorted by date. Click “By Date” at the top of the list to change this to “By Votes”.
The same goes for Idea Exchanges, except they should be sorted by highest score (the equivalent of likes in this application) by default.
The Community Private Messenger enables you to send private notes to other Community members. Private Messenger has two big advantages over email:
- You don't have to know the other member's email address to send the note. (Also, you don't have to reveal yours.)
- You can read and send private messages without leaving the Community, making it easy to have a quick conversation with another Community member.
To use Private Messenger, you must be registered and signed in. You'll see a Private Message icon (chat bubble) at the top right of any Community page. If you have any new messages, you'll see the number of unread messages next to the envelope icon.
Click the chat bubble icon and then “View All” to go to your Private Messages Inbox.
How Do I Send A Private Message?
To send a private message:
- Sign in to the Community.
- Click the chat bubble icon.
- Click “New Message” in the drop-down menu that appears.
- Enter the recipient's username in the text box that says, “Find Recipients.” Start typing and a drop-down list will show you matching user IDs.
- Type the message in the message body editor.
- Click Send Message or hit enter if enabled.
How Do I Read A Private Message?
To read a private message:
- Sign in to the Community.
- If you have any new messages, you'll see an orange dot next to the chat bubble icon.
- Click the message icon and then “View All” to go to your Private Messages Inbox.
- Click a message you wish to read from the left-hand menu.
How do I set preferences for receiving private messages?
If you would prefer to not receive private messages or would like to only receive private messages from your Community “friends”, click on your avatar and select “settings”. Under Settings Options you will find “Allow private messages from” where you can select either No One, Friends Only, or Everyone.
If a Community member has selected “Friends Only” and you would like to send them a private message, you will need to request friendship from them first. To do this, go to their profile page and click on the “Connect” button on the right side of the page.
How Do I Reply To A Private Message?
To reply to a private message:
- Sign in to the Community.
- Click the chat bubble icon and then “View All” to go to your Private Messages Inbox.
- Click the message you wish to reply to.
- To reply to a message, click on the text box below the message.
- Type the reply in the Message Body editor.
- Click Send Message or hit enter if enabled.
To delete a private message:
- Sign in to the Community.
- Click the chat bubble icon and then click “View All” to go to your Private Messages Inbox.
- To delete a single message, click the message to view it.
- Click the down arrow next to the time stamp on the right side of the screen.
- Click “Delete”
What Are Achievements And How Do I Earn Them?
Achievements are a fun way to recognize and reward your contributions to the Community. You can earn achievements for submitting new posts, responses, accepted solutions, and for earning Likes. All activities you contribute to the Community are automatically calculated and will be prominently displayed on your profile page for other members of the Community to recognize the contributions you make to the Community.
You will see rank icons along with badges throughout the Community. The purpose of the Community is to help you find answers to your questions and the rank model helps to identify those members who actively contribute within the Community by offering answers and solutions, visiting often, contributing content, receiving likes, and liking other authors contributions, etc. Active participation helps you move up the ranks. Rank icons help other Community members identify who is who to help give you an idea about how active they are in the Community, the more senior member's names, Knowledge Partners, etc. and to highlight them and their contributions.
You can help a fellow Community member move to a higher rank by liking a post that solves your issue or marking it as a "Verified Answer." Your peers in the Community will do the same for you.
The Community has a distinct set of ranks. You will begin as Cadet 3rd Class and depending on how often you visit and what you contribute, you will move through the following rankings:
- Cadet 3rd Class
- Cadet 2nd Class
- Cadet 1st Class
- Ensign
- Lieutenant
- Lieutenant Commander
- Commander
- Captain
- Commodore
- Vice Admiral
- Admiral
- Fleet Admiral
Other ranks you may see associated with a member's avatar include:
- OpenText Ranks (Employee)
- Community Manager (Administrators)
- Knowledge Partner (Volunteer superusers)
How Do I Earn Badges And Receive A Rank?
Any Community member can earn achievement badges as well as new ranks in the Community. To receive a rank and to be promoted within the ranks you can earn points by taking part in various Community activities. For example, you will earn:
- 1 point when a comment is made to a blog post, award points to the comment author
- 1 point when a forum thread is posted, award points to the author
- 10 points when a new wiki page is authored, award points to the author
- 2 points when content is liked, award points to the content author
- 20 Points when a blog post is posted, award points to the author
- 4 points when a reply is posted to a forum thread, award points to the reply author
- 4 points when an idea is submitted, award points to the author
- 8 points when a forum reply is verified as an answer, award points to the reply author
As you accumulate points, you will be awarded a rank within the Community: When you receive a new rank or achievement you will receive a notification from the Community (under the notification bell on the header of any Community page).
Rank |
Points Range |
Cadet 3rd Class |
0-1 |
Cadet 2nd Class |
2-8 |
Cadet 1st Class |
9-19 |
Ensign |
20-29 |
Lieutenant |
30-49 |
Lieutenant Commander |
50-79 |
Commander |
80-149 |
Captain |
150-299 |
Commodore |
300-699 |
Vice Admiral |
700-1499 |
Admiral |
1500 - 3999 |
Fleet Admiral |
4000-1000000 |
In the past, we had some different rankings. Some of you may have seen a rank of “Ninja”, for example. Those “Ninja” ranks are no longer enabled in the Community because the new ranks listed above have replaced them.
Achievement badges can be earned by participating in various Community activities as well – see the list below.
You can view any Community member’s achievements and ranks by visiting the user’s profile. To do this, click on the user’s avatar next to any of their posts. You can see the achievements and ranks on the user’s main profile page or under the “achievements” tab.
Achievement |
Rule |
A Nice Blog! |
receive 5 comments on a blog post |
A Popular Blog! |
receive 20 comments on a blog post |
A Viral Blog! |
receive 40 comments on a blog post |
Accepted Solutions - 1 |
get your first accepted solution |
Accepted Solutions - 5 |
5 replies accepted as the solution to your answer |
Accepted Solutions - 10 |
10 replies accepted as the solution to your answer |
Accepted Solutions - 25 |
25 replies accepted as the solution to your answer |
Accepted Solutions - 30 |
30 replies accepted as the solution to your answer |
Accepted Solutions - 40 |
40 replies accepted as the solution to your answer |
Accepted Solutions - 50 |
50 replies accepted as the solution to your answer |
Accepted Solutions - 75 |
75 replies accepted as the solution to your answer |
Accepted Solutions - 100 |
100 replies accepted as the solution to your answer |
Accepted Solutions - 125 |
125 replies accepted as the solution to your answer |
Accepted Solutions - 150 |
150 replies accepted as the solution to your answer |
Accepted Solutions - 200 |
200 replies accepted as the solution to your answer |
Accepted Solutions - 250 |
250 replies accepted as the solution to your answer |
Accepted Solutions - 300 |
300 replies accepted as the solution to your answer |
Accepted Solutions - 350 |
350 replies accepted as the solution to your answer |
Accepted Solutions - 400 |
400 replies accepted as the solution to your answer |
Accepted Solutions - 450 |
450 replies accepted as the solution to your answer |
Accepted Solutions - 500 |
500 replies accepted as the solution to your answer |
Accepted Solutions - 550 |
550 replies accepted as the solution to your answer |
Accepted Solutions - 575 |
575 replies accepted as the solution to your answer |
Accepted Solutions - 600 |
600 replies accepted as the solution to your answer |
Accepted Solutions - 650 |
650 replies accepted as the solution to your answer |
Accepted Solutions - 675 |
675 replies accepted as the solution to your answer |
Accepted Solutions - 700 |
700 replies accepted as the solution to your answer |
Accepted Solutions - 750 |
750 replies accepted as the solution to your answer |
Accepted Solutions - 800 |
800 replies accepted as the solution to your answer |
Article Post - 1 |
post 1 tip and information article |
Article Post - 5 |
post 5 tip and information article |
Article Post - 10 |
post 10 tip and information article |
Article Post - 20 |
post 20 tip and information article |
Article Post - 30 |
post 30 tip and information article |
Article Post - 40 |
post 40 tip and information article |
Article Post - 50 |
post 50 tip and information article |
Article Post - 60 |
post 60 tip and information article |
Article Post - 70 |
post 70 tip and information article |
Article Post - 80 |
post 80 tip and information article |
Article Post - 90 |
post 90 tip and information article |
Article Post - 100 |
post 100 tip and information article |
Article Post - 200 |
post 200 tip and information article |
Article Post - 300 |
post 300 tip and information article |
Article Post - 400 |
post 400 tip and information article |
Article Post - 500 |
post 500 tip and information article |
Article Post - 600 |
post 600 tip and information article |
Article Post - 700 |
post 700 tip and information article |
Article Post - 800 |
post 800 tip and information article |
Article Post - 900 |
post 900 tip and information article |
Article Post - 1000 |
post 1000 tip and information article |
Beta Tester |
involved in beta testing (awarded manually) |
Blog Posted - 1 |
1 blog post authored |
Blog Posted - 5 |
5 blog post authored |
Blog Posted - 10 |
10 blog post authored |
Blog Posted - 15 |
15 blog post authored |
Blog Posted - 20 |
20 blog post authored |
Blog Posted - 30 |
30 blog post authored |
Blog Posted - 40 |
40 blog post authored |
Blog Posted - 50 |
50 blog post authored |
Discussion Starter - 1 |
1 forum discussions started |
Discussion Starter - 3 |
3 forum discussions started |
Discussion Starter - 5 |
5 forum discussions started |
Discussion Starter - 10 |
10 forum discussions started |
Discussion Starter - 20 |
20 forum discussions started |
Discussion Starter - 30 |
30 forum discussions started |
Discussion Starter - 40 |
40 forum discussions started |
Discussion Starter - 50 |
50 forum discussions started |
Discussion Starter - 75 |
75 forum discussions started |
Discussion Starter - 100 |
100 forum discussions started |
Discussion Starter - 125 |
125 forum discussions started |
Discussion Starter - 150 |
150 forum discussions started |
Discussion Starter - 175 |
175 forum discussions started |
Discussion Starter - 200 |
200 forum discussions started |
Discussion Starter - 225 |
225 forum discussions started |
Discussion Starter - 250 |
250 forum discussions started |
Discussion Starter - 275 |
275 forum discussions started |
Discussion Starter - 300 |
300 forum discussions started |
Discussion Starter - 325 |
325 forum discussions started |
Discussion Starter - 350 |
350 forum discussions started |
Discussion Starter - 375 |
375 forum discussions started |
Discussion Starter - 400 |
400 forum discussions started |
Discussion Starter - 425 |
425 forum discussions started |
Discussion Starter - 450 |
450 forum discussions started |
Discussion Starter - 475 |
475 forum discussions started |
Discussion Starter - 500 |
500 forum discussions started |
Discussion Starter - 525 |
525 forum discussions started |
Discussion Starter - 550 |
550 forum discussions started |
Discussion Starter - 575 |
575 forum discussions started |
Discussion Starter - 600 |
600 forum discussions started |
Discussion Starter - 625 |
625 forum discussions started |
Discussion Starter - 650 |
650 forum discussions started |
Discussion Starter - 675 |
675 forum discussions started |
Discussion Starter - 700 |
700 forum discussions started |
Discussion Starter - 750 |
750 forum discussions started |
Discussion Starter - 800 |
800 forum discussions started |
Discussion Starter - 850 |
850 forum discussions started |
Discussion Starter - 900 |
900 forum discussions started |
Discussion Starter - 950 |
950 forum discussions started |
Discussion Starter - 1000 |
1000 forum discussions started |
Discussion Starter - 1100 |
1100 forum discussions started |
Discussion Starter - 1200 |
1200 forum discussions started |
Discussion Starter - 1300 |
1300 forum discussions started |
Discussion Starter - 1500 |
1500 forum discussions started |
Discussion Starter - 2000 |
2000 forum discussions started |
Event Participant |
attend a micro focus event (awarded manually) |
Forum Replies - 1 |
1 reply to someone's post |
Forum Replies - 3 |
3 replies to someone's post |
Forum Replies - 5 |
5 replies to someone's post |
Forum Replies - 10 |
10 replies to someone's post |
Forum Replies - 25 |
25 replies to someone's post |
Forum Replies - 50 |
50 replies to someone's post |
Forum Replies - 75 |
75 replies to someone's post |
Forum Replies - 100 |
100 replies to someone's post |
Forum Replies - 150 |
150 replies to someone's post |
Forum Replies - 175 |
175 replies to someone's post |
Forum Replies - 200 |
200 replies to someone's post |
Forum Replies - 250 |
250 replies to someone's post |
Forum Replies - 300 |
300 replies to someone's post |
Forum Replies - 350 |
350 replies to someone's post |
Forum Replies - 400 |
400 replies to someone's post |
Forum Replies - 450 |
450 replies to someone's post |
Forum Replies - 500 |
500 replies to someone's post |
Forum Replies - 600 |
600 replies to someone's post |
Forum Replies - 800 |
800 replies to someone's post |
Forum Replies - 1000 |
1000 replies to someone's post |
Forum Replies - 1200 |
1200 replies to someone's post |
Forum Replies - 1400 |
1400 replies to someone's post |
Forum Replies - 1600 |
1600 replies to someone's post |
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1800 replies to someone's post |
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2000 replies to someone's post |
Forum Replies - 2200 |
2200 replies to someone's post |
Forum Replies - 2400 |
2400 replies to someone's post |
Forum Replies - 2600 |
2600 replies to someone's post |
Forum Replies - 2800 |
2800 replies to someone's post |
Forum Replies - 3000 |
3000 replies to someone's post |
Forum Replies - 3200 |
3200 replies to someone's post |
Forum Replies - 3400 |
3400 replies to someone's post |
Forum Replies - 3600 |
3600 replies to someone's post |
Forum Replies - 3800 |
3800 replies to someone's post |
Forum Replies - 4000 |
4000 replies to someone's post |
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4200 replies to someone's post |
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4400 replies to someone's post |
Forum Replies - 4600 |
4600 replies to someone's post |
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4800 replies to someone's post |
Forum Replies - 5000 |
5000 replies to someone's post |
Forum Replies - 5500 |
5500 replies to someone's post |
Forum Replies - 6000 |
6000 replies to someone's post |
Forum Replies - 6500 |
6500 replies to someone's post |
Forum Replies - 7000 |
7000 replies to someone's post |
Forum Replies - 7500 |
7500 replies to someone's post |
Forum Replies - 8000 |
8000 replies to someone's post |
Forum Replies - 8500 |
8500 replies to someone's post |
Forum Replies - 9000 |
9000 replies to someone's post |
Forum Replies - 9500 |
9500 replies to someone's post |
Forum Replies - 10000 |
10000 replies to someone's post |
Friend Magnet 1 |
make 100 friends within the Community |
Friend Magnet 2 |
make 500 friends within the Community |
Friend Magnet 3 |
make 1000 friends within the Community |
Friendly 1 |
make 5 friends within the Community |
Friendly 2 |
make 25 friends within the Community |
Friendly 3 |
make 50 friends within the Community |
Idea Accepted |
have 1 of your submitted ideas accepted |
Idea Submitter |
share an idea with the Community |
Idea Votes 10 |
receive 10 votes for an idea |
Idea Votes 20 |
receive 20 votes for an idea |
Idea Votes 30 |
receive 30 votes for an idea |
Knowledge Partner |
member of the Community knowledge partner group awarded manually) |
Knowledge Partner Emeritus |
former member of the Community knowledge partner group (awarded manually) |
Likes Received - 1 |
received 1 like on something you posted |
Likes Received - 3 |
received 3 likes on something you posted |
Likes Received - 5 |
received 5 likes on something you posted |
Likes Received - 10 |
received 10 likes on something you posted |
Likes Received - 20 |
received 20 likes on something you posted |
Likes Received - 30 |
received 30 likes on something you posted |
Likes Received - 40 |
received 40 likes on something you posted |
Likes Received - 50 |
received 50 likes on something you posted |
Likes Received - 75 |
received 75 likes on something you posted |
Likes Received - 100 |
received 100 likes on something you posted |
Likes Received - 150 |
received 150 likes on something you posted |
Likes Received - 200 |
received 200 likes on something you posted |
Likes Received - 400 |
received 400 likes on something you posted |
Likes Received - 500 |
received 500 likes on something you posted |
Likes Received - 600 |
received 600 likes on something you posted |
Likes Received - 700 |
received 700 likes on something you posted |
Likes Received - 800 |
received 800 likes on something you posted |
Likes Received - 900 |
received 900 likes on something you posted |
Likes Received - 1000 |
received 1000 likes on something you posted |
Popular File |
one of your files is downloaded 20 times |
member of the TTP org (awarded manually) |
How Do I Search For Information?
At the top of every Community page, there is a search icon, as shown here.
When you type a search term, the system automatically searches the section you are currently in. For example, if you're on the Community home page, the system searches the entire Community. If you're looking at a specific product, the system searches that product’s page and subpages. An example of using the search engine on our Filr page is provided below to show this default function:
If you cannot find what you are looking for with these default settings, you can always refine your search with the filters provided, which are detailed below and highlighted in this image:
The search will automatically suggest topics that match the term you're typing. You can also enter the full search term or use an asterisk as a wildcard in your search. Suggestions will populate your page.
You can also filter by content type on the top of the display. If you don't see the term you're looking for in the auto-suggest list, hit “enter” to see the full search results. The full results page will look like this:
Once you are on the search results page, you can refine your search using one or more filters, located on the left.
To search for Verified Answers for a given product, make sure you are on that product’s discussions page. Use the filter on the top right of the list of discussions that says “All recent questions and discussions” and select “Answered questions” as shown below:
You can search for Community members by name. The name you search for must be at least three characters long.
To search for users:
- Type in the username in the search bar like you would any other inquiry.
- Auto-suggest shows the names of users who match the name you're typing. You can also select the “User” filter that pops up with the recommended search results, as seen here:
- If you don't see the user you're looking for in the auto-suggest list, hit the enter key to see the full search results.
Bookmarks enable you to list Community content (posts, applications, groups, or users) so you can easily find it again.
To create a bookmark:
- Go to the item or location you want to bookmark.
- Click the bookmark icon in the top-right of the page.
- Click “Bookmark This” in the dropdown that appears.
To view and manage your bookmarks:
- Click the bookmark icon in the top-right of the page.
- Click “View All” in the dropdown menu. Once you are on the “View all” page you can remove any bookmarks you no longer need.
Subscriptions let you get email updates whenever new content appears in an area of the Community that you are interested in. You can subscribe to a forum, a blog article, an idea exchange, or any other location in the Community. You can also subscribe to a specific post.
To subscribe to a piece of content or a specific location:
- Go to the item or place you want to subscribe.
- To subscribe to a location or a post, click on “Turn notifications on” on the bottom right of the page
- Here, you can also turn off notifications
Likewise, you can subscribe to an entire board. To do this:
- Go to the Home page of the board you want to subscribe.
- Click on “Email Digest Options” on the bottom right of the page:
To view and manage your subscriptions:
- Click on your avatar in the top-right corner.
- Click “Settings” in the drop-down menu that appears.
- Navigate to the “Subscriptions” tab to change the settings. Click “Save” on the bottom of the page when you are done with any changes.
- Next, navigate to the “Notifications” tab to change notification settings for your subscriptions.
How do I manage notifications for my subscriptions?
Once you have subscribed to your interests, you can also manage how often you receive the notification style. You can either receive notifications by email or by “live alert”. Live alert notifications appear at the bell icon at the top of the page.
What Is RSS And How Do I Use It?
Really Simple Syndication (RSS) is a file format that is used to communicate updates from web-based content. The Community provides many RSS feeds to support subscribing to updates via an RSS reader or for integration into other software for syndication.
RSS is already enabled on the Community site. To access an RSS feed, add /rss to the end of the URL of the page.
How Do I Set Up My Viewing Preferences?
You can customize the look and behavior of the Community in many ways, including time zone and privacy settings.
To set your viewing preferences:
- Sign in to the Community.
- Click on your avatar in the top-right corner.
- Click on “Settings” in the drop-down menu that appears.
- Click through the various preference tabs and make the changes you want. The tabs look like this:
- Click “Save” on the bottom of each page where you make changes.
What Are Tips & Information Pages?
Our Tips & Information areas are a collection of articles that capture and organize helpful Community information. It is knowledge from not just employees, but also from product users. Please contribute!
Every OpenText product in our Community has a Tips & Information wiki. The Tips & Information articles are specific to that product.
Contributors are Community members whose posts or comments are used in the article, authors who put the article together, or editors who reviewed or refined it. Related links take you to posts that were used in the article or other posts that the authors thought you might find helpful or interesting, including forum messages, blog articles, and ideas.
You can contribute to Tips & Info wikis by:
- Creating, reviewing, or editing articles (if you have the right permission)
- Commenting on published articles. Every time you contribute to an article (by adding more information, providing clarification, or just helping to keep published articles up to date), you receive credit for your contributions.
How do I post a Tips & Info article?
Only users who have the correct permissions can post articles in Tips & Information, but if you do have those permissions, the process is very similar to posting in the forums.
- Find the product of your interest by:
- Using the dropdown, A-Z product listing on the Community homepage
- Navigating from the hamburger menu
- Clicking on “Ask & Explore”, on the header of any Community page, to access the product A-Z listing
- Go to the Tips & Information page for the product you are interested in.
- If you have permission to post an article, you will see the “New” button in the top right. Click that to start creating an article.
- A new editing page will pop up. The top field will say “Parent”. You can leave this field blank as you are already on the page you want your article to be published on.
- Create a title and enter your content into the text box as you would a forum post. If you wish to look at SEO options, click the options button.
- Labels are required when posting an article on Tips & Information pages. Select at least one label on the right-hand side of the screen.
- Click “Post” at the bottom of the page when ready.
I Am Trying To Access The Community With Internet Explorer But It Isn’t Working. What Should I Do?
Our Community website does not support Internet Explorer as a browser, therefore it is strongly recommended to use an alternative browser, such as Google Chrome or Microsoft Edge. If you prefer using a Microsoft browser, we recommend using Microsoft Edge.
I'm Having A Problem With My Account And/Or Can't Login. What Do I Do?
If you are a new user, follow these instructions:
- You need to create a new OpenText Community single sign-on login account if you don't already have one. The following steps are important:
- Be sure that, after you create your account, you verify your email address before trying to access the Community or you will get an error that your email is still unvalidated and you'll have to clear your "opentext” cookies to get in after your email address is validated. If your old email address is no longer valid, contact us at
- If you want your login ID to match your Community display name, make sure the login ID is the same.
- In some cases, your login ID may already be taken, in which case you'll need to use another login ID. It's not a problem. It doesn't have any impact on what your display name is, just your login process.
If you keep getting prompted to verify your email address even after you verified it:
- It's likely because your first login attempt to the Community was with an unverified account which set your session cookie. Usually closing and reopening your browser fixes it. If not, clear your "opentext" cookies.
If you have any other account or login related issues not addressed above:
- Please email us at and we can help you get it sorted.
What Do I Do If I Forgot My Login Or Password?
- Click “Forgot password?” or “Forgot Username?” after clicking the Sign-On link on the Community home page.
- Enter the information requested.
- Check your email for your login name and a password reset link.
Other Users Can’t See The Images I Uploaded. Where Are They?
For your protection, the Community requires a moderator to approve all uploaded images before they can be displayed. Although you can see your uploaded images that are awaiting approval or flagged for review, other Community members can only see your approved images . Certain roles do not require moderator approval, including Knowledge Partners, OpenText employees, and trusted users.