OpenText Knowledge Discovery (IDOL) CE 24.3 is a significant release for the third quarter of CY24. There is an increasing need for companies to reach a greater variety of data, which adds to the complexity of their search types. We allow all customers…
Now in line with our 90 day release cycle at OpenText, IDOL 23.4 has been released. It includes numerous features and improvements. Here are the new features you can explore in IDOL:
Check out the IDOL 23.4 webinar
Text Analytics
Suggest from…
This series of blog posts is a guide to Knowledge Discovery (IDOL), starting with a high level overview , and getting into increasingly focused areas of Knowledge Discovery (IDOL) functionality
It is intended for anyone who wants to learn more…
Now in line with our 90 day release cycle at OpenText, IDOL 23.3 has been released. It includes new features and numerous bug fixes. Here are the new features you can explore in IDOL:
Check out the IDOL 23.3 webinar
Zendesk connector…
If you don't know what you have, how can you manage it? Getting visibility into your unstructured data may be hard, but it's worth doing.
Why Unstructured-Data Visibility Matters | TechBeacon
Most enterprises are flying blind with their…
The explosion of unstructured data requires organizations to carefully think about how to protect their data. Organizations must take a holistic, yet balanced approach emphasizing robust data discovery and strong protection capabilities to mitigate threats…
“We have so many files in our systems, we don’t know what we have, what the files contain, or who has access to the files.” – Most Organizations
Today, providing proper security of a company’s data is critically important. Companies face not only threats…
Mountains of unstructured data accumulating across the enterprise has real value!
5 Best Practices for Optimizing Your Unstructured Data
When it comes to unstructured data, businesses face something of a paradox. On the one hand, they have…
Micro Focus IDOL has been recognized as a ‘Strong Performer’ by Forrester in their latest People-Oriented Forrester Wave Report. Read on to see how IDOL’s AI data analytics can help your organization.
As our sheer amount of unstructured data increases…
Technical Insight Series
Where: GoTo Webinar link provided to registered participants
Cost: Free
Register Now> for the series!
Products: File Reporter, File Dynamics
Take advantage of policy-driven automation in File Dynamics to control…
Technical Insight Series
Where: GoTo Webinar link provided to registered participants
Cost: Free
Register Now> for the series!
Products: File Reporter, File Dynamics
Take advantage of policy-driven automation in File Dynamics to control…
In-Place Management Enables Enterprise-Wide Information Retention & Preservation
The massive increase in unstructured data and the spread across multiple repositories and systems makes records management increasingly complex. Sometimes, organizations…
AI and How Unstructured Data Analytics Saves Time, Money, and Gives an Advantage
Organizations of all types, such as government agencies, police forces, news services, and enterprises, have vast quantities of unstructured data. This data includes text…
Identity and Access Management is a huge market since 2000. This concept picked the market in 2010 and after 2014 the demand to fence enterprise security with a holistic IAM solutions gained momentum. Today, the global market for IAM itself stands at…
The amount of data that organizations receive has multiplied, often by three or four times, in the last few years. The digital transformation is truly resulting in exponential growth of digital data. Now organizations have multi-petabyte (PB) data estates…
Data Privacy Week is an international effort to empower individuals and encourage businesses to respect privacy, safeguard data and enable trust. Now more than ever is the time to focus on the need for year-around data protection and privacy .
In today…
In today’s digitally charged world, the amount of data being generated is increasing at breakneck speed. And the most difficult data for companies to process is unstructured data. Unstructured data is growing in volume by more than 50% a year, and according…
Have you recently migrated your e-mail environment to Azure and now want to use the ControlPoint facility to notify users (via e-mail) that approval is required before ControlPoint can action a policy. Well, you can’t! Unfortunately, this was precisely…
Over the past 18 months, the business world has adapted to the COVID-19 pandemic. Enterprises have shifted from bustling offices to bustling Teams channels. Employees are working from home and new hires have yet to set foot in the office. Businesses are…
Video: Governing Access to Unstructured Data | NetIQ Data Access Governance (DAG)
In this video, we show how you can gain visibility into who has access to documents and files in unstructured data repositories like SharePoint and Teams. Then…
Data has been called the most valuable resource of an organization. It’s probably not surprising then to learn that organizations are storing more and more data on their servers, storage devices, and cloud repositories.
Most of this stored data can…
read more at microfocus
IDOL Law Enforcement Media Analytics
Micro Focus IDOL is used by major law enforcement and intelligence agencies to process unstructured data. With the release of new solutions, we hope to serve them for many years…
Well over a year ago, Micro Focus embarked on a journey to reimagine and reposition our Security portfolios under a single banner with a central focus on helping our customers to prepare for, respond to, and recover from cyber threats. This past March…
Many people today have the luxury and convenience of always having a high-quality camera in their hand, that one that’s on the back of your smart phone. Even when we’re not traveling during these pandemic times, many people are taking a lot of photos…
A couple of things happened since our last release of File Reporter at the end of 2018. As a surprise to pretty much no one, we learned that 1) organizations continue to store more data, and 2) a significant number of them are doing so on the Microsoft…