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  • Integration between OBM and OPSB failed

    Hi Experts, I face this issue during integration between obm and opsb to enable AEC and metric collection when i run obm_configurator.jar as is shown the attached output can anyone help me what is the caus of issue E:\HPBSM\JRE\bin>java -jar…
  • Can't put password for dbadmin when running dbinit script

    I face issue after reinstalling vertica because the customer asked to make some changes in the file system on vertica servers so i made uninstall and they made the changes and i installed again but when i arrive to step of putting password for dbadmin…
  • How to get rid of failed deployment icons in OMT Apphub

    NNMI 23.4 Oracle Linux 9 OMT 23.4 on one machine Verdtca DB on dedicated machine We had one failed deployment attempt, see icon in the middle with namespace nom and a successful deployment with namespace nom1 Now we cannot delete the failed…
  • Upgrading AWS EKS Version on Optic Data Lake

    Hi Team, We are currently running Optic Data lake version 2022.11 on our AWS environment. The EKS version that we are currently on is going to be end of life soon and we would have to upgrade to a later supported version. My question is whether we can…
  • OPTIC - Conditional format text

    Hello. In OPTIC, I am using widgets to show some data and for now, I can add the data, select the type of visualization and change the title. To improve the current functionality, it would be very good to format text data according to specific conditions…
  • What’s New in Operations Bridge CE 24.3

    We are pleased to announce the availability of OpenText Operations Bridge CE 24.3 , our AIOps platform . Our latest release provides the new monitoring content, the enhancements to our SaaS-based IT Operations Aviator and Application Observability, as…
  • OMT Change Certificate from Self-Signed to CA-Signed

    Hi there, To begin with, I have successfully deployed OMT for one control node and three worker nodes, and I have a question regarding the certificates. I am here quoting from the documentation in Communication between OMT and external services :…
  • What’s New in Operations Bridge CE 24.2 (Classic Edition)

    We are pleased to announce the availability of OpenText Operations Bridge CE 24.2 , our AIOps platform . This blog focuses on what’s new in our Classic products; we have also published a blog article talking about what’s new in Containerized Operations…
  • OpenText Application Observability is now available - a technical overview!

    As part of OpenText Advanced AIOps and Observability , we are introducing OpenText TM Application Observability , a new SaaS-based solution that provides actionable insights for cloud-native and traditional applications built with OpenTelemetry (OTel…
  • Recent enhancements in Operations Bridge Management Packs and Connectors

    We recently made changes to several Management Packs and Operations Connectors. You will save time with easier and enhance your monitoring coverage with these enhancements. This article describes the most prominent changes; for a list of all implemented…
  • /opt/vertica/bin/vsql -U dbadmin -w <MASKED> diplays license problem

    NNMi version : 2022.05 OMT 2022.05 Vertica Red Hat Enterprise Linux release 8.6 /opt/vertica/bin/vsql -U dbadmin -w <MASKED> diplays license problem It says that the license size of 1 TB had been exceeded. Usually, the license included in OT…
  • How to renew only the NNMi certificate in the container

    The environment NNMi 2022.05 on Linux OMT 2022.05 on Linux Vertica on Linux customer renewed only the NNMi PKI certificate and tried to replace/redeploy the NNMi certs trough the Aoo-Hub, but get's this error message, how can this be solved-or…
  • Operations Bridge AIOps: Latest Changes in Automatic Event Correlation

    Automatic Event Correlation (AEC), a part of OpenText TM Operations Bridge AIOps platform , is the analytic capability on top of the OPTIC Data Lake that offers automatic correlation of events using a machine-learning algorithm. AEC works by analyzing…
  • NOM Optic Support for Vertica Version 23.x

    The manuals at do not show support for Vertica 23.x yet. Please add support for Vertica 23.x
  • Vertica tables are missing after installation of Ops Bridge 23.4 with Optic

    Hi everyone, I have a fresh installation of ops bridge with optic reporting enabled. I found out that some pods are in init state itom-analytics-aec-pipeline-jm-58cb65457d-cnfj9 0/2 Init:3/4 0 itom-analytics-aec-pipeline-tm-86967b8567-lb99t 0/1…
  • OPTIC One: Check out our new videos!

    Introduction We have recently released a series of new “how-to” videos that cover prominent features and capabilities of OPTIC One. OPTIC One offers a centralized user interface with operations and administration workflows for your installed products…
  • What’s new in Operations Bridge Manager, SiteScope, Operations Agent and Operations Bridge content

    We are pleased to announce the availability of OpenText Operations Bridge 23.4, our AIOps platform . This release introduces the new versions of the Operations Bridge Classic, Container and SaaS deployments, with various new features, integrations and…
  • OPTIC DL Deployment error

    Hello Team, We have small environment for deployment of OPTICDL, We are using OPTICDL just replacement of NPS. We have 1 is Master Control plane , 2 is for Worker nodes, 3 is for Vertica Database. all pre-requisite is pass. Now i have…
  • What’s New in Operations Bridge SaaS

    The latest release of OpenText Operations Bridge, our AIOps platform , introduces the new versions of the Operations Bridge Classic, Container and SaaS deployments and is packed with features that improve observability, simplify use, strengthen security…
  • Hyperscale Observability: What’s New in Operations Bridge 2023.05

    Several weeks ago, we announced the availability of OpenText Operations Bridge 2023.05, our AIOps platform . Our latest release introduces the new versions of the Operations Bridge Classic, Container and SaaS deployments and is packed with features that…
  • What’s New in Operations Bridge Reporting, Application Monitoring and Agentless Monitoring

    We are pleased to announce the availability of OpenText Operations Bridge 2023.05, our AIOps platform . This release introduces the new versions of the Operations Bridge Classic, Container and SaaS deployments and includes important new features and usability…
  • What’s New in Operations Bridge Manager and SiteScope 2023.05

    OpenText Operations Bridge 2023.05 has been released! Our latest release introduces the new versions of the Operations Bridge Classic, Container and SaaS deployments, with a lot of new features and usability improvements. This blog post focuses on the…
  • How to add value with OpenText Operations Agent

    OpenText Operations Agent (OA) is an important component of OpenText Operations Bridge – our Enterprise Observability and Performance Management solution. Operations Agent facilitates monitoring systems with a rich feature set. It continuously collects…
  • OPTIC DL Installment DOC and integration procedure with NOM?

    Hi All, I am preparing to install OPTIC DL having 3 master,3worker,2 NFS,3 Vertica DB and 2 postgresSQL. This will be integrated with NOM suite for reporting and dashboard. Kindly point me towards correct installment docs / procedure. Thanks…
  • Analyst Insights—The Road Ahead for Network Operations

    Chris Grundemann shares insights for 2023 and beyond We recently hosted a virtual forum for Network Operations Management (NOM ) . This 3-day series of webinars, live sessions, and exclusive on-demand content was designed to make 2023 the best year…